SQL Server Optional parameter stored procedure with web service (.asmx) and Ajax call from front end

vatpfxk5  于 5个月前  发布在  其他

I have a stored procedure with an optional parameter like this:

    (@StDt Datetime,
     @EndDt Datetime,
     @Process VARCHAR(10) = NULL,
     @Item VARCHAR(50) = NULL)

Then I have a method in my web service ( .asmx ) file like this:

public string GetProdData(string stdt, string enddt, [Optional] string process, [Optional] string item)
    return (ConvertDataToJsonString(result));

I call this method from my webpage like below:

var params = new Object(); 
params.stdt = myStDt; 
params.enddt = myEndDt; 
params.process = ??; 
params.item = ??;

$.ajax (   {
       url: /myWebService.asmx/GetProdData
       ,error:function(response){}   } );

How to pass the optional parameter through Ajax, or is there any way to get result with full parameters or by not providing optional parameters?

Do I need to refine the web service method or any other way out...



I manage to achieve this by changing my WebService(.asmx) method as follows.

public string GetProdData(Dictionary<string, string> myObj)
       if(myObj["process"]!=null){ /*add myObj's member as parameter in SqlAdapters Command...*/}

And in FrontEnd (Page Level)Javascript/JQuery as follows:

myObj.stdt = frDt;
            myObj.enddt = toDt;

            if (pro != '') {
                myObj.process = pro /*pro is local JS variable where Parameter will be stored and passed to WebService Method.*/
            } else { myObj.process = null;}
