rust 为昂贵的for循环制作筛子

x0fgdtte  于 6个月前  发布在  其他

我试图写的代码是在很多值上完成的,我的代码做了大量的额外工作,我甚至不太确定如何在数学上描述我想跳过的值,因为随着i变得越来越大,我想跳过越来越大比例的i s。

    while n > 0
        if 32 < n%250 < 129 do work, else discard
        n = floor( n/250 )
    while n > 0
        if n%3 == 0 do work, else discard
        n = floor( n/288 )

    for i in range
        print f(i) and g(i) if neither function hits discard & both same total # of loops

我想要一个尽可能少浪费计算的range。到目前为止我能想到的优化是使用(0..n).step_by(3)至少使g(n)的第一个循环总是好的,跑步+首先检查f(n),这样如果它命中discard,你就不需要运行g(n)。我正在寻找的是一种定义范围的方法,类似于.step_by(3)如何对于while s中的所有循环,只尝试适用于g(n)的第一个循环的值。最佳情况下,我想在while循环中根本不需要任何if语句,而是有一个只尝试成功值的范围。



use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
fn main() {
    'outer: for n in (0..18446744073709551615u64).step_by(3) { //2^64-1; make smaller if you want the code to finish
        let mut base250: ArrayVec<u8, 8> = ArrayVec::new(); //using ArrayVec makes reallocation slowdowns go away
        let mut tmp:u8;
        let mut m = n;
        while m > 0 { //f(n) of the psudocode; inlined here
            tmp = (m%250).try_into().unwrap(); //type goes from u64(n) into u8(tmp)
            if tmp-33 < 96 { //takes advantage of uint rollover to just do 1 comparison
            } else { continue 'outer; } //condition broke; discard this run and try the next value
            m /= 250;
        m = n;
        let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 8> = ArrayVec::new();
        while m > 0 { //g(n) of the psudocode; inlined here
            if m%3==0 {
                base288.push((m/3%96+32).try_into().unwrap()); //type goes from u64(n) into u8(t)
            } else { continue 'outer; } //condition broke; discard this run and try the next value
            m /= 288;
        if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a==b).count() > 3 { //checks how many values are matching
            let long:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if c == 127u8 {'¶'} // convert the vector to a string
                                                  else if c == 32u8 {'█'} // with readable newlines and spaces
                                                  else {c.try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let short:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if c == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                  else if c == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                  else {c.try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            println!("{long}   {short}   {n}");


fn main() {
    let mut base250known: HashMap<u64, ArrayVec<u8>> = HashMap::from([(0u64,ArrayVec::new())]);
    let mut base288known: HashMap<u64, ArrayVec<u8>> = HashMap::from([(0u64,ArrayVec::new())]);
    for n in 1..18446744073709551615u64 {
        let mut check: bool = true;
        if n%250-33 < 96 {
            match base250known.get(&(n/250)) { 
                Some(old) => {
                    let mut new = old.clone();
                None => { check = false; }
        } else { check = false; }
        if n%3==0 {
            match base288known.get(&(n/288)) {
                Some(old) => {
                    let mut new = old.clone();
                None => { check = false; }
        } else { check = false; } 
        if check { if base250known[&n].iter().zip(base288known[&n].iter().rev()).filter(|&(a,b)| a==b).count() >= 0 {
            let long:String = base250known[&n].iter().map(|&c|{if c == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                                else if c == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                                else {c.try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let short:String = base288known[&n].iter().rev().map(|&c|{if c == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                                    else if c == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                                    else {c.try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            println!("{long}   {short}   {n}");   }   }   }   }




use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use itertools::iproduct;

fn main() {
    for a in (33u64..129u64).filter(|a| acceptable(&[a])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = a;
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 1> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 1> = ArrayVec::from([a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() >= 0 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = a;
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("1 digit");
    for (b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = (b)*250u64 + (a);
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 2> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 2> = ArrayVec::from([b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 0 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = (b)*250u64 + (a);
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("2 digits");
    for (c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 3> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 3> = ArrayVec::from([c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 1 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("3 digits");
    for (d,c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(d,c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c,d])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 4> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 4> = ArrayVec::from([d.try_into().unwrap(),c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 2 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("4 digits");
    for (e,d,c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(e,d,c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c,d,e])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 5> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 5> = ArrayVec::from([e.try_into().unwrap(),d.try_into().unwrap(),c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 3 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("5 digits");
    for (f,e,d,c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(f,e,d,c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c,d,e,f])) {
            let mut raw: u64 = (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 6> = ArrayVec::new();
            while raw > 0 {
                raw /= 288;
            let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 6> = ArrayVec::from([f.try_into().unwrap(),e.try_into().unwrap(),d.try_into().unwrap(),c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

            if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 4 {
                let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                    else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                    else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
                let n: u64 = (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
                println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("6 digits");
    for (g,f,e,d,c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(g,f,e,d,c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c,d,e,f,g])) {
        let mut raw: u64 = (g)*250u64.pow(6) + (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
        let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 7> = ArrayVec::new();
        while raw > 0 {
            raw /= 288;
        let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 7> = ArrayVec::from([g.try_into().unwrap(),f.try_into().unwrap(),e.try_into().unwrap(),d.try_into().unwrap(),c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

        if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 5 {
            let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let n: u64 = (g)*250u64.pow(6) + (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("7 digits");
    for (h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a) in (iproduct![33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64,33u64..129u64]).filter(|(h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a)| acceptable(&[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h])) {
        let mut raw: u64 = (h)*250u64.pow(7) + (g)*250u64.pow(6) + (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
        let mut base288: ArrayVec<u8, 8> = ArrayVec::new();
        while raw > 0 {
            raw /= 288;
        let base250: ArrayVec<u8, 8> = ArrayVec::from([h.try_into().unwrap(),g.try_into().unwrap(),f.try_into().unwrap(),e.try_into().unwrap(),d.try_into().unwrap(),c.try_into().unwrap(),b.try_into().unwrap(),a.try_into().unwrap()]);

        if base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > 6 {
            let s:String = base250.iter().map(|&c|{if (c-1) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                else if (c-1) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                else {(c-1).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let t:String = base288.iter().map(|&c|{if (c) == 127u8 {'¶'}
                                                else if (c) == 32u8 {'█'}
                                                else {(c).try_into().unwrap()} }).collect();
            let n: u64 = (h)*250u64.pow(7) + (g)*250u64.pow(6) + (f)*250u64.pow(5) + (e)*250u64.pow(4) + (d)*250u64.pow(3) + (c)*250u64.pow(2) + (b)*250u64 + (a);
            println!("{s}   {t}   {n}");
    println!("8 digits");
    fn acceptable (nums: &[&u64]) -> bool {
        let mut raw: u64 = 0;
        for i in 0..nums.len() { raw += nums[i] * 250u64.pow(i.try_into().unwrap()); }
        while raw > 0 { if raw%3==0 { raw /= 288; } else { return false; } }
        return true;


for j in (1..) {
    for a in (iproduct!(33u64..129u64 j times)).filter(|j variables| acceptable(&[j variables backwards]) {


base250.iter().zip(base288.iter()).filter(|&(a,b)| a-1==*b).count() > j

