
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a new value representing (a view of) a slice of the bytes of this value.

Please note that the resulting slice is only a view and as such maintains a link to the underlying full value. So holding a reference to the returned slice may hold more memory than the slide represents. Use #copy on the returned slice if that is not what you want.


代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-ssz

private Bytes consumeBytes(int size) {
 Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, size);
 index += size;
 return bytes;

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

public Bytes slice(int index) {
 return delegate.slice(index);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

public Bytes slice(int index, int length) {
 return delegate.slice(index, length);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

 * Return a slice over the common prefix between this set of bytes and another.
 * @param other The bytes to compare to.
 * @return A slice covering the common prefix.
default Bytes commonPrefix(Bytes other) {
 return slice(0, commonPrefixLength(other));

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

 * Create a new value representing (a view of) a slice of the bytes of this value.
 * <p>
 * Please note that the resulting slice is only a view and as such maintains a link to the underlying full value. So
 * holding a reference to the returned slice may hold more memory than the slide represents. Use {@link #copy} on the
 * returned slice if that is not what you want.
 * @param i The start index for the slice.
 * @return A new value providing a view over the bytes from index {@code i} (included) to the end.
 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i &lt; 0}.
default Bytes slice(int i) {
 int size = size();
 if (i >= size) {
  return EMPTY;
 return slice(i, size - i);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-ssz

public int readInt(int bitLength) {
 checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
 int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
 ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
 Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, byteLength);
 int zeroBytes = bytes.numberOfLeadingZeroBytes();
 if ((byteLength - zeroBytes) > 4) {
  throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("decoded integer is too large for an int");
 index += byteLength;
 return bytes.slice(zeroBytes).toInt();

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-ssz

public long readLong(int bitLength) {
 checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
 int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
 ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
 Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, byteLength);
 int zeroBytes = content.numberOfLeadingZeroBytes();
 if ((byteLength - zeroBytes) > 8) {
  throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("decoded integer is too large for an int");
 index += byteLength;
 return bytes.slice(zeroBytes).toLong();

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

 * Wrap a slice/sub-part of the provided value as a {@link Bytes32}.
 * <p>
 * Note that value is not copied, only wrapped, and thus any future update to {@code value} within the wrapped parts
 * will be reflected in the returned value.
 * @param value The bytes to wrap.
 * @param offset The index (inclusive) in {@code value} of the first byte exposed by the returned value. In other
 *        words, you will have {@code wrap(value, i).get(0) == value.get(i)}.
 * @return A {@link Bytes32} that exposes the bytes of {@code value} from {@code offset} (inclusive) to
 *         {@code offset + 32} (exclusive).
 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code offset &lt; 0 || (value.size() &gt; 0 && offset >=
 *     value.size())}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code length &lt; 0 || offset + 32 &gt; value.size()}.
static Bytes32 wrap(Bytes value, int offset) {
 if (value instanceof Bytes32) {
  return (Bytes32) value;
 Bytes slice = value.slice(offset, Bytes32.SIZE);
 if (slice instanceof Bytes32) {
  return (Bytes32) slice;
 return DelegatingBytes32.delegateTo(slice);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

 * Return a slice of representing the same value but without any leading zero bytes.
 * @return {@code value} if its left-most byte is non zero, or a slice that exclude any leading zero bytes.
default Bytes trimLeadingZeros() {
 int size = size();
 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  if (get(i) != 0) {
   return slice(i);
 return Bytes.EMPTY;

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-bytes

return values[j].slice(i, length);
Bytes firstValue = this.values[j].slice(i);
int firstOffset = j;
  System.arraycopy(this.values, firstOffset + 1, combined, 1, combined.length - 2);
 combined[combined.length - 1] = this.values[j].slice(0, remaining);
} else if (combined.length > 1) {
 System.arraycopy(this.values, firstOffset + 1, combined, 1, combined.length - 1);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlpx

static Bytes decryptMessage(Bytes msgBytes, SecretKey ourKey) {
 Bytes commonMac = msgBytes.slice(0, 2);
 int size = (commonMac.get(1) & 0xFF) + ((commonMac.get(0) & 0xFF) << 8);
 PublicKey ephemeralPublicKey = PublicKey.fromBytes(msgBytes.slice(3, 64));
 Bytes iv = msgBytes.slice(67, 16);
 Bytes encrypted = msgBytes.slice(83, size - 81);
 EthereumIESEncryptionEngine decryptor = forDecryption(ourKey, ephemeralPublicKey, iv, commonMac);
 byte[] result;
 try {
  result = decryptor.processBlock(encrypted.toArrayUnsafe(), 0, encrypted.size());
 } catch (InvalidCipherTextException e) {
  throw new InvalidMACException(e);
 return Bytes.wrap(result);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlpx

public synchronized void stream(Bytes newBytes, Consumer<RLPxMessage> messageConsumer) {
 buffer = Bytes.concatenate(buffer, newBytes);
 RLPxMessage message = null;
 do {
  message = readFrame(buffer);
  if (message != null) {
   buffer = buffer.slice(message.bytesLength());
 } while (buffer.size() != 0 && message != null);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlp

 * Write a big integer to the output.
 * @param value The integer to write.
default void writeBigInteger(BigInteger value) {
 if (value.signum() == 0) {
 byte[] byteArray = value.toByteArray();
 if (byteArray[0] == 0) {
 } else {

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-devp2p

static PacketHeader decode(Bytes data) {
 Bytes hash = data.slice(0, 32);
 Bytes encodedSignature = data.slice(32, 65);
 Signature signature;
 try {
  signature = Signature.fromBytes(encodedSignature);
 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
  throw new PeerDiscoveryPacketDecodingException(
    "Could not retrieve the public key from the signature and signed data");
 Bytes signedPayload = data.slice(97, data.size() - 97);
 byte typeByte = data.get(97);
 Bytes payloadBytes = data.slice(98);
 PublicKey publicKey = PublicKey.recoverFromSignature(signedPayload, signature);
 if (publicKey == null) {
  throw new PeerDiscoveryPacketDecodingException(
    "Could not retrieve the public key from the signature and signed data");
 Bytes computedHash = Hash.sha3_256(Bytes.wrap(Bytes.wrap(signature.bytes(), Bytes.of(typeByte)), payloadBytes));
 if (!computedHash.equals(hash)) {
  throw new PeerDiscoveryPacketDecodingException("Hash does not match content");
 return new PacketHeader(hash, publicKey, signature, typeByte);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlp

Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, length);
 index += length;
 return bytes;
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, length);
index += length;
return bytes;

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlp

return content.slice(index++, 1);
   "Insufficient bytes in RLP encoding: expected " + length + " but have only " + remaining);
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index + 1, length);
if (!lenient && length == 1 && (bytes.get(0) & 0xFF) <= 0x7f) {
 throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("Value should have been encoded as a single byte " + bytes.toHexString());
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, length);
index += length;
return bytes;

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlpx

decryptionCipher.init(false, new ParametersWithIV(aesKey, IV));
Bytes macBytes = messageFrame.slice(16, 16);
Bytes headerBytes = messageFrame.slice(0, 16);
Bytes frameData = messageFrame.slice(32, frameSize);
Bytes frameMac = messageFrame.slice(32 + frameSize + pad, 16);
Bytes frameMacSeed = updateIngress(messageFrame.slice(32, frameSize + pad));
macEncryptionEngine.processBlock(frameMacSeed.toArrayUnsafe(), 0, newFrameMac.toArrayUnsafe(), 0);
Bytes expectedFrameMac = updateIngress(newFrameMac.xor(frameMacSeed.slice(0, 16))).slice(0, 16);
if (!expectedFrameMac.equals(frameMac)) {
 throw new InvalidMACException(
  .processBytes(frameData.toArrayUnsafe(), 0, frameData.size(), decryptedFrameData.toArrayUnsafe(), 0);
int messageType = RLP.decodeInt(decryptedFrameData.slice(0, 1));
Bytes messageData = decryptedFrameData.slice(1);
if (applySnappyCompression) {
 try {

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlpx

private Bytes calculateMac(Bytes input, boolean ingress) {
 Bytes mac = Bytes.wrap(new byte[16]);
   snapshot(ingress ? ingressMac : egressMac).slice(0, 16).toArrayUnsafe(),
 mac = mac.xor(input);
 if (ingress) {
  mac = updateIngress(mac).slice(0, 16);
 } else {
  mac = updateEgress(mac).slice(0, 16);
 return mac.slice(0, 16);

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-devp2p

void receivePacket(Bytes data) {
  PacketHeader header = PacketHeader.decode(data);
  Bytes payloadBytes = data.slice(98);

  switch (header.packetType()) {
   case 0x01:
    handlePing(new Packet<>(PingPayload.decode(payloadBytes), header));
   case 0x02:
    handlePong(new Packet<>(PongPayload.decode(payloadBytes), header));
   case 0x03:
    handleFindNeighbors(new Packet<>(FindNeighborsPayload.decode(payloadBytes), header));
   case 0x04:
    handleNeighbors(new Packet<>(NeighborsPayload.decode(payloadBytes), header));
    throw new PeerDiscoveryPacketDecodingException(String.format("Invalid packet type %02X", header.packetType()));

代码示例来源:origin: net.consensys.cava/cava-rlp

private int getLength(int lengthOfLength, boolean lenient, String type) {
  Bytes lengthBytes = content.slice(index + 1, lengthOfLength);
  if (!lenient) {
   if (lengthBytes.hasLeadingZeroByte()) {
    throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("RLP " + type + " length contains leading zero bytes");
  } else {
   lengthBytes = lengthBytes.trimLeadingZeros();
  if (lengthBytes.size() == 0) {
   throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("RLP " + type + " length is zero");
  // Check if the length is greater than a 4 byte integer
  if (lengthBytes.size() > 4) {
   throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("RLP " + type + " length is oversized");
  int length = lengthBytes.toInt();
  if (length < 0) {
   // Java ints are two's compliment, so this was oversized
   throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("RLP " + type + " length is oversized");
  assert length > 0;
  if (!lenient && length <= 55) {
   throw new InvalidRLPEncodingException("RLP " + type + " length of " + length + " was not minimally encoded");
  return length;



