
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the value associated with key in this cache, first loading that value if necessary. No observable state associated with this cache is modified until loading completes.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

public V get(K key, Callable<? extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException
 return cache.get(key, valueLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public InternalVertex get(final long id, final Retriever<Long, InternalVertex> retriever) {
  final Long vertexId = id;
  InternalVertex vertex = cache.getIfPresent(vertexId);
  if (vertex == null) {
    InternalVertex newVertex = volatileVertices.get(vertexId);
    if (newVertex == null) {
      newVertex = retriever.get(vertexId);
    assert newVertex!=null;
    try {
      vertex = cache.get(vertexId, new NewVertexCallable(newVertex));
    } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Should not happen: "+e.getMessage()); }
    assert vertex!=null;
  return vertex;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

  * Retrieves an item from the cache, and if its not there, it will use the valueLoader to load it and cache it.
 public V get(K key, Callable<V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException {
  return cacheL1.get(key, () -> cacheL2.get(key, valueLoader));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

/** @since 11.0 */
public V get(K key, Callable<? extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException {
 return delegate().get(key, valueLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

/** @since 11.0 */
public V get(K key, Callable<? extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException {
 return delegate().get(key, valueLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

/** @since 11.0 */
public V get(K key, Callable<? extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException {
 return delegate().get(key, valueLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: yu199195/hmily

private Schema<?> get(final Class<?> cls, final Cache<Class<?>, Schema<?>> cache) {
  try {
    return cache.get(cls, () -> RuntimeSchema.createFrom(cls));
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: codingapi/tx-lcn

private Schema<?> get(final Class<?> cls, Cache<Class<?>, Schema<?>> cache) {
  try {
    return cache.get(cls, () -> RuntimeSchema.createFrom(cls));
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

public List<ConfigKeyPath> getOwnImports(ConfigKeyPath configKey, Optional<Config> runtimeConfig) {
 try {
  return this.ownImportMap.get(configKey, () -> this.fallback.getOwnImports(configKey, runtimeConfig));
 } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
  throw new RuntimeException(ee);

代码示例来源:origin: Graylog2/graylog2-server

public LookupResult get(LookupCacheKey key, Callable<LookupResult> loader) {
  try (final Timer.Context ignored = lookupTimer()) {
    return cache.get(key, loader);
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    LOG.warn("Loading value from data adapter failed for key {}, returning empty result", key, e);
    return LookupResult.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public SliceQuery getQuery(final InternalRelationType type, Direction dir) {
  CacheEntry ce;
  try {
    ce = cache.get(type.longId(),new Callable<CacheEntry>() {
      public CacheEntry call() throws Exception {
        return new CacheEntry(edgeSerializer,type);
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    throw new AssertionError("Should not happen: " + e.getMessage());
  assert ce!=null;
  return ce.get(dir);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

 * Constructs a {@link Path} that points to the location of the given version of the {@link ConfigStore} on HDFS. If
 * this {@link Path} does not exist, a {@link VersionDoesNotExistException} is thrown.
private Path getVersionRoot(String version) throws VersionDoesNotExistException {
 try {
  return this.versions.get(version, new VersionRootLoader(version));
 } catch (ExecutionException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(
    String.format("Error while checking if version \"%s\" for store \"%s\" exists", version, getStoreURI()), e);

代码示例来源:origin: JanusGraph/janusgraph

public SliceQuery getQuery(final InternalRelationType type, Direction dir) {
  CacheEntry ce;
  try {
    ce = cache.get(type.longId(), () -> new CacheEntry(edgeSerializer,type));
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    throw new AssertionError("Should not happen: " + e.getMessage());
  assert ce!=null;
  return ce.get(dir);

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public void testLoader() throws ExecutionException {
 final Cache<Integer, Integer> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build();
 Callable<Integer> loader =
   new Callable<Integer>() {
    private int i = 0;
    public Integer call() throws Exception {
     return ++i;
 cache.put(0, 10);
 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10), cache.get(0, loader));
 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), cache.get(20, loader));
 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), cache.get(34, loader));
 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), cache.get(0, loader));
 cache.put(0, 10);
 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4), cache.get(0, loader));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

private List<T> doTraverseGraphRecursively(T node, NodePath<T> nodePath) {
 try {
  return this.traversalCache.get(node, () -> computeRecursiveTraversal(node, nodePath));
 } catch (ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException ee) {
  throw unpackExecutionException(ee);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public void serialize(T value, JsonGenerator generator, SerializerProvider provider)
    throws IOException
  if (value == null) {
  try {
    Class<?> type = value.getClass();
    JsonSerializer<T> serializer = serializerCache.get(type, () -> createSerializer(provider, type));
    serializer.serializeWithType(value, generator, provider, typeSerializer);
  catch (ExecutionException e) {
    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
    if (cause != null) {
      throwIfInstanceOf(cause, IOException.class);
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private static SearchArgument getSearchArgumentFromString(Configuration conf, String sargString) {
 try {
  return isSargsCacheEnabled(conf)? getSargsCache(conf).get(sargString, () -> create(sargString))
                  : create(sargString);
 catch (ExecutionException exception) {
  throw new RuntimeException(exception);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private static SearchArgument getSearchArgumentFromExpression(Configuration conf, String sargString) {
 try {
  return isSargsCacheEnabled(conf)?
                  () -> create(conf, SerializationUtilities.deserializeExpression(sargString)))
      : create(conf, SerializationUtilities.deserializeExpression(sargString));
 catch (ExecutionException exception) {
  throw new RuntimeException(exception);

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

private void checkRateLimitAvailable(Request request, Response response) throws ExecutionException {
    TokenBucket tokenBucket = rateLimiters.get(currentUsername(), () -> TokenBuckets.builder()
      .withRefillStrategy(new FixedIntervalRefillStrategy(ticker, requestsPerMinute, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))

    response.header("X-RateLimit-Limit", String.valueOf(requestsPerMinute));
    response.header("X-RateLimit-Remaining", String.valueOf(tokenBucket.getNumTokens()));

    if (!tokenBucket.tryConsume()) {
      throw HaltApiResponses.haltBecauseRateLimitExceeded();

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public void read(Message message) {
  ReadBuffer content = message.getContent().asReadBuffer();
  String senderId =  message.getSenderId();
  TransactionLogHeader.Entry txentry = TransactionLogHeader.parse(content,serializer,times);
  TransactionLogHeader txheader = txentry.getHeader();
  StandardTransactionId transactionId = new StandardTransactionId(senderId,txheader.getId(),
  TxEntry entry;
  try {
    entry = txCache.get(transactionId,entryFactory);
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception",e);
