
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Retrieves a configuration value. If no value is configured, a default value will be returned instead. Note that null is a valid value.


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldApplyDefaults()
  Config config = Config();
  assertThat( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ), is( "Hello, World!" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldSetSecretParameter()
  // Given
  Config config = Config.builder()
      .withSetting( MySettingsWithDefaults.password, "this should not be visible" )
      .withSetting( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello, "ABC" )
      .withConfigClasses( Arrays.asList( mySettingsWithDefaults, myMigratingSettings ) )
  // Then
  assertTrue( config.getConfigValues().get( ).secret() );
  assertFalse( config.getConfigValues().get( ).secret() );
  String configText = config.toString();
  assertTrue( configText.contains( Secret.OBSFUCATED ) );
  assertFalse( configText.contains( "this should not be visible" ) );
  assertFalse( configText.contains( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.password ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public void shouldBeAbleToGetLocation() throws Throwable
    assertThat( theDatabase.getLocation().getAbsolutePath(),
        is( dbConfig.get( GraphDatabaseSettings.database_path ).getAbsolutePath() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void augmentDefaults()
  Config config = Config();
  assertEquals( "Hello, World!", config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ) );
  config.augmentDefaults( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello, "new default" );
  assertEquals( "new default", config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldBeEnabledByDefault()
  assertTrue( configuration.config( settingsClasses ).get( udc_enabled ) );
  assertTrue( Config.defaults().get( udc_enabled ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void overrideDefaultValuesForCurrentFormat()
  Config config = Config.defaults();
  int testHeaderSize = 17;
  ResizableRecordFormats recordFormats = new ResizableRecordFormats( testHeaderSize );
  new RecordFormatPropertyConfigurator( recordFormats, config ).configure();
  assertEquals( DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE - testHeaderSize, config.get( string_block_size ).intValue() );
  assertEquals( DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE - testHeaderSize, config.get( array_block_size ).intValue() );
  assertEquals( DEFAULT_LABEL_BLOCK_SIZE - testHeaderSize, config.get( label_block_size ).intValue() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldBeAbleToAugmentConfig()
  // Given
  Config config = Config();
  // When
  config.augment( MySettingsWithDefaults.boolSetting, Settings.FALSE );
  config.augment( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello, "Bye" );
  // Then
  assertThat( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.boolSetting ), equalTo( false ) );
  assertThat( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ), equalTo( "Bye" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldApplyMigrations()
  // When
  Config config = Config( stringMap( "old", "hello!" ) );
  // Then
  assertThat( config.get( MyMigratingSettings.newer ), is( "hello!" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void appliesDefaultTuningConfigurationForConsistencyChecker() throws Exception
  // given
  DatabaseLayout databaseLayout = testDirectory.databaseLayout();
  String[] args = {databaseLayout.databaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath()};
  ConsistencyCheckService service = mock( ConsistencyCheckService.class );
  // when
  runConsistencyCheckToolWith( service, args );
  // then
  ArgumentCaptor<Config> config = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( Config.class );
  verify( service ).runFullConsistencyCheck( eq( databaseLayout ), config.capture(),
      any( ProgressMonitorFactory.class ), any( LogProvider.class ), any( FileSystemAbstraction.class ),
      anyBoolean(), any( ConsistencyFlags.class ) );
  assertFalse( config.getValue().get( ConsistencyCheckSettings.consistency_check_property_owners ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void passesOnConfigurationIfProvided() throws Exception
  // given
  DatabaseLayout databaseLayout = testDirectory.databaseLayout();
  File configFile = testDirectory.file( Config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME );
  Properties properties = new Properties();
  properties.setProperty(, "true" ); new FileWriter( configFile ), null );
  String[] args = {databaseLayout.databaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), "-config", configFile.getPath()};
  ConsistencyCheckService service = mock( ConsistencyCheckService.class );
  // when
  runConsistencyCheckToolWith( service, args );
  // then
  ArgumentCaptor<Config> config = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( Config.class );
  verify( service ).runFullConsistencyCheck( eq( databaseLayout ), config.capture(),
      any( ProgressMonitorFactory.class ), any( LogProvider.class ), any( FileSystemAbstraction.class ),
      anyBoolean(), any(ConsistencyFlags.class) );
  assertTrue( config.getValue().get( ConsistencyCheckSettings.consistency_check_property_owners ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void shouldRegisterAtRootByDefault() throws Exception
  WebServer webServer = mock( WebServer.class );
  Config config = mock( Config.class );
  CommunityNeoServer neoServer = mock( CommunityNeoServer.class );
  when( neoServer.baseUri() ).thenReturn( new URI( "http://localhost:7575" ) );
  when( neoServer.getWebServer() ).thenReturn( webServer );
  when( config.get( GraphDatabaseSettings.auth_enabled ) ).thenReturn( true );
  DBMSModule module = new DBMSModule( webServer, config, () -> new DiscoverableURIs.Builder().build() );
  verify( webServer ).addJAXRSClasses( anyList(), anyString(), isNull() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void keepUserDefinedFormatConfig()
  Config config = Config.defaults( string_block_size, "36" );
  RecordFormats recordFormats = Standard.LATEST_RECORD_FORMATS;
  new RecordFormatPropertyConfigurator( recordFormats, config ).configure();
  assertEquals( "Should keep used specified value", 36, config.get( string_block_size ).intValue() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public void shouldReportThirdPartyPackagesAtSpecifiedMount() throws Exception
    // Given
    WebServer webServer = mock( WebServer.class );

    CommunityNeoServer neoServer = mock( CommunityNeoServer.class );
    when( neoServer.baseUri() ).thenReturn( new URI( "http://localhost:7575" ) );
    when( neoServer.getWebServer() ).thenReturn( webServer );
    Database database = mock( Database.class );
    when( neoServer.getDatabase() ).thenReturn( database );

    Config config = mock( Config.class );
    List<ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage> jaxRsPackages = new ArrayList<>();
    String path = "/third/party/package";
    jaxRsPackages.add( new ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage( "org.example.neo4j", path ) );
    when( config.get( ServerSettings.third_party_packages ) ).thenReturn( jaxRsPackages );

    // When
    ThirdPartyJAXRSModule module =
        new ThirdPartyJAXRSModule( webServer, config, NullLogProvider.getInstance(), neoServer );

    // Then
    verify( webServer ).addJAXRSPackages( any( List.class ), anyString(), anyCollection() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldAcquireSchemaWriteLockBeforeCreatingUniquenessConstraint() throws Exception
  // given
  String defaultProvider = Config.defaults().get( default_schema_provider );
  when( constraintIndexCreator.createUniquenessConstraintIndex( transaction, descriptor, defaultProvider ) ).thenReturn( 42L );
  when( storageReader.constraintsGetForSchema(  descriptor.schema() ) ).thenReturn( Collections.emptyIterator() );
  // when
  operations.uniquePropertyConstraintCreate( descriptor );
  // then
  order.verify( locks ).acquireExclusive( LockTracer.NONE, ResourceTypes.LABEL, descriptor.getLabelId() );
  order.verify( txState ).constraintDoAdd( ConstraintDescriptorFactory.uniqueForSchema( descriptor ), 42L );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldFindPolicyDefaults()
  File privateKeyFromConfig = config.get( policyConfig.private_key );
  File publicCertificateFromConfig = config.get( policyConfig.public_certificate );
  File trustedDirFromConfig = config.get( policyConfig.trusted_dir );
  File revokedDirFromConfig = config.get( policyConfig.revoked_dir );
  String privateKeyPassword = config.get( policyConfig.private_key_password );
  boolean allowKeyGeneration = config.get( policyConfig.allow_key_generation );
  boolean trustAll = config.get( policyConfig.trust_all );
  List<String> tlsVersions = config.get( policyConfig.tls_versions );
  List<String> ciphers = config.get( policyConfig.ciphers );
  ClientAuth clientAuth = config.get( policyConfig.client_auth );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldFindThirdPartyJaxRsPackages() throws IOException
  // given
  File file = ServerTestUtils.createTempConfigFile( folder.getRoot() );
  try ( BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( file, true ) ) )
    out.write( );
    out.write( "=" );
    out.write( "\"mount/point/foo\"," );
    out.write( "\"/bar\"," );
    out.write( "\"/\"" );
    out.write( System.lineSeparator() );
  // when
  Config config = Config.fromFile( file ).withHome( folder.getRoot() ).build();
  // then
  List<ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage> thirdpartyJaxRsPackages = config.get( ServerSettings.third_party_packages );
  assertNotNull( thirdpartyJaxRsPackages );
  assertEquals( 3, thirdpartyJaxRsPackages.size() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void isConfiguredShouldNotReturnTrueEvenThoughDefaultValueExists()
  Config config = Config();
  assertFalse( config.isConfigured( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ) );
  assertEquals( "Hello, World!", config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldUseWorkingDirForHomeDirIfUnspecified()
  // given
  File configFile = ConfigFileBuilder.builder( folder.getRoot() ).build();
  // when
  Config testConf = Config.fromFile( configFile ).build();
  // then
  assertEquals( new File( System.getProperty("user.dir") ),
      testConf.get( GraphDatabaseSettings.neo4j_home ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void augmentAnotherConfig()
  Config config = Config();
  config.augment( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello, "Hi" );
  Config anotherConfig = Config();
  anotherConfig.augment( stringMap(,
      Settings.FALSE,, "Bye" ) );
  config.augment( anotherConfig );
  assertThat( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.boolSetting ), equalTo( false ) );
  assertThat( config.get( MySettingsWithDefaults.hello ), equalTo( "Bye" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldBeDisabledByConfigurationProperty()
  assertFalse( configuration.with( udc_enabled, falseVariation )
               .withSystemProperty(, DEFAULT )
               .withSystemProperty( UDC_DISABLE, DEFAULT )
               .config( settingsClasses ).get( udc_enabled ) );
  assertFalse( Config.defaults( singletonMap(, "false" ) ).get( udc_enabled ) );
