
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]This will set the newline separator (lineSeparator). The default is \r\n. To make it output the system default line ending string, call setLineSeparator(System.getProperty("line.separator")).

To output "UNIX-style" documents, call setLineSeparator("\n"). To output "Mac-style" documents, call setLineSeparator("\r"). DOS-style documents use CR-LF ("\r\n"), which is the default.

Note that this only applies to newlines generated by the outputter. All XML parsers are required to 'normalize' all the combinations of line seperators to just '\n'. As a result, if any JDOM component has an end-of-line-like value (e.g. '\r') in it then that value must be the result of an escaped value in the XML source document 
 or a value explicitly set with one of the Text value setters. Values in JDOM content that were explicitly set to be '\r' will always be escaped on XML Output.

The actual newline separator itself though can be set with this method. Any internal newlines in Text output will be represented by this end-of-line sequence. For example, the following code:

Text txt = new Text("\r\n"); 
XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); 
String result = xout.outputString(txt);

will produce the literal String sequence " \r\n" because the original \r is escaped to be 
 and the original \n is replaced with the JDOM default Line Separator "\r\n".

If the format's "indent" property is null (as is the default for the Raw and Compact formats), then this value only effects the newlines written after the declaration and doctype, as well as any newlines embedded within existing text content.
Setting the indent to be null will disable end-of-line processing for any formatting, but will not affect substitution of embedded \n. Setting this value to null or the empty string will disable all end-of-line modifications.

Text txt = new Text("\r\n"); 
XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); 
String result = xout.outputString(txt);



代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

private static XMLOutputter xmlOutputer() {
  Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat().setEncoding("utf-8").setLineSeparator("\n");
  return new XMLOutputter(format);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom

 * This will set the newline separator sequence.
 * <p>
 * This method differes from {@link #setLineSeparator(String)} slightly in
 * that, to disable end-of-line processing you should call:
 * <pre>
 * Format.setLinewSeparator(LineSeparator.NONE);
 * </pre>
 * @see #setLineSeparator(String) for comprehensive notes.
 * @param separator {@link LineSeparator} line separator to us
 * @return a pointer to this Format for chaining
 * @since JDOM2
public Format setLineSeparator(LineSeparator separator) {
  return setLineSeparator(separator == null ? 

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public NcMLWriter() {
 this.namespace = ncmlDefaultNamespace;
 this.xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator(LineSeparator.UNIX);
 this.writeVariablesPredicate = writeMetadataVariablesPredicate;

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
try {
  out.output((Element) value, p);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-shade-plugin

 * Method write
 * @param project
 * @param writer
 * @param document
public void write( Model project, Document document, OutputStreamWriter writer )
  Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
  format.setEncoding( writer.getEncoding() ).setLineSeparator( System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) );
  write( project, document, writer, format );
} // -- void write(Model, Document, OutputStreamWriter)

代码示例来源:origin: ssaring/sportstracker

   * Writes the specified JDOM element to the XML file specified by filename.
   * The file will use UTF-8 encoding and has 4-space indentation.
   * @param eRoot root element of the XML document
   * @param filename filename of the XML file to create
   * @throws IOException
  public static void writeXMLFile(Element eRoot, String filename) throws IOException {

    Document document = new Document(eRoot);
    XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
    Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    format.setIndent("    ");

    // FileWriter can't be used here, because default encoding on Win32 isn't UTF-8
    try (OutputStreamWriter osWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), "UTF-8")) {
      outputter.output(document, osWriter);

代码示例来源:origin: eu.fbk.pikes/pikes-naflib

   * Returns a string containing the XML content of a KAFDocument object.
  static String kafToStr(KAFDocument kaf) {
    XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator(LineSeparator.UNIX));
//        out.getFormat().setTextMode(Format.TextMode.PRESERVE);
    Document jdom = KAFToDOM(kaf);
    return out.outputString(jdom);

代码示例来源:origin: org.opentcs/opentcs-kernel-extension-rmi-services

XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(docFormat);
outputter.output(new Document(rootElement), writer);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.ixa-ehu/kaflib-naf

/** Returns a string containing the XML content of a KAFDocument object. */
static String kafToStr(KAFDocument kaf) {
XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator(LineSeparator.UNIX).setTextMode(Format.TextMode.TRIM_FULL_WHITE));
Document jdom = KAFToDOM(kaf);
return out.outputString(jdom);

代码示例来源:origin: io.wcm.tooling.commons/io.wcm.tooling.commons.crx-packmgr-helper

private void writeXmlWithExcludes(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Set<String> namespacePrefixes)
  throws IOException, JDOMException {
 SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
 Document doc =;
 Set<String> namespacePrefixesActuallyUsed = new HashSet<>();
 applyXmlExcludes(doc.getRootElement(), "", namespacePrefixesActuallyUsed);
 XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()
   .setIndent("    ")
 outputter.setXMLOutputProcessor(new OneAttributePerLineXmlProcessor(namespacePrefixes, namespacePrefixesActuallyUsed));
 outputter.output(doc, outputStream);

代码示例来源:origin: movsim/movsim

 * Writes the internal xml after validation to file.
 * @param localDoc
 *            the local doc
 * @param outFilename
 *            the output file name
public static void writeInternalXmlToFile(Document localDoc, String outFilename) {
  final PrintWriter writer = FileUtils.getWriter(outFilename);
  final XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
  Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
  format.setIndent("    ");
  try {"  write internal xml after validation to file \"" + outFilename + "\"");
    outputter.output(localDoc, writer);
  } catch (final Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jspwiki/jspwiki-main

   *  {@inheritDoc}
  public String getString()
    throws IOException
    m_document.setContext( m_context );

    CustomXMLOutputProcessor processor = new CustomXMLOutputProcessor();
    XMLOutputter output = new XMLOutputter(processor);

    StringWriter out = new StringWriter();

    Format fmt = Format.getRawFormat();
    fmt.setExpandEmptyElements( false );
    fmt.setLineSeparator( LINEBREAK );

    output.setFormat( fmt );
    output.outputElementContent( m_document.getRootElement(), out );

    String result = out.toString();
    return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jspwiki/jspwiki-main

   *  {@inheritDoc}
  public String getString()
    throws IOException
    Element rootElement = m_document.getRootElement();
    processChildren( rootElement );

    m_document.setContext( m_context );

    XMLOutputter output = new XMLOutputter();

    StringWriter out = new StringWriter();

    Format fmt = Format.getRawFormat();
    fmt.setExpandEmptyElements( false );
    fmt.setLineSeparator( LINEBREAK );

    output.setFormat( fmt );
    output.outputElementContent( m_document.getRootElement(), out );

    return out.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: com.atlassian.maven.plugins/maven-jgitflow-plugin

format.setLineSeparator( ls );
XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter( format );
out.output( document.getRootElement(), writer );

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.izpack/izpack-util

XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(prettyFormatter);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-shade-plugin

 * Method write
 * @param project
 * @param stream
 * @param document
 * @deprecated
public void write( Model project, Document document, OutputStream stream )
  updateModel( project, "project", new Counter( 0 ), document.getRootElement() );
  XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
  Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
  format.setIndent( "    " ).setLineSeparator( System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) );
  outputter.setFormat( format );
  outputter.output( document, stream );
} // -- void write(Model, Document, OutputStream)

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.izpack/izpack-util

XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(prettyFormatter);

代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm

final Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
format.setTextMode( Format.TextMode.PRESERVE );
format.setLineSeparator( "" );
outputter.setFormat( format );
outputter.output( doc, writer );

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

static public void prettyPrint() throws IOException {
 org.jdom2.Document doc;
 try {
  SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
  doc ="C:/docs/bufr/wmo/Code-FlagTables-11-2007.xml");
  Format pretty = Format.getPrettyFormat();
  String sep = pretty.getLineSeparator();
  String ind = pretty.getIndent();
  String mine = "\r\n";
  // wierd - cant pretty print ??!!
  XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(pretty);
  Writer pw = new FileWriter("C:/docs/bufr/wmo/wordNice.txt");
  fmt.output(doc, pw);
 } catch (JDOMException e) {
  throw new IOException(e.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: Vhati/Slipstream-Mod-Manager

format.setOmitDeclaration( false );
format.setIndent( "\t" );
format.setLineSeparator( LineSeparator.CRNL );
