
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Assigns to input a "bucket" in the range [0, buckets), in a uniform manner that minimizes the need for remapping as buckets grows. That is, consistentHash(h, equals:

  • n - 1, with approximate probability 1/n
  • consistentHash(h, n - 1), otherwise (probability 1 - 1/n)

This method is suitable for the common use case of dividing work among buckets that meet the following conditions:

  • You want to assign the same fraction of inputs to each bucket.
  • When you reduce the number of buckets, you can accept that the most recently added buckets will be removed first. More concretely, if you are dividing traffic among tasks, you can decrease the number of tasks from 15 and 10, killing off the final 5 tasks, and consistentHash will handle it. If, however, you are dividing traffic among servers alpha, bravo, and charlie and you occasionally need to take each of the servers offline, consistentHash will be a poor fit: It provides no way for you to specify which of the three buckets is disappearing. Thus, if your buckets change from [alpha, bravo, charlie] to [bravo, charlie], it will assign all the old alpha traffic to bravo and all the old bravotraffic to charlie, rather than letting bravo keep its traffic.

See the Wikipedia article on consistent hashing for more information.
有关更多信息,请参见Wikipedia article on consistent hashing


代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

return consistentHash(hashCode.padToLong(), buckets);

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public void checkSameResult(HashCode hashCode, long equivLong) {
 assertEquals(Hashing.consistentHash(equivLong, 5555), Hashing.consistentHash(hashCode, 5555));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

public QueuePartition getPartition(final FlowFileRecord flowFile, final QueuePartition[] partitions,  final QueuePartition localPartition) {
  final int hash = hash(flowFile);
  // The consistentHash method appears to always return a bucket of '1' if there are 2 possible buckets,
  // so in this case we will just use modulo division to avoid this. I suspect this is a bug with the Guava
  // implementation, but it's not clear at this point.
  final int index;
  if (partitions.length < 3) {
    index = hash % partitions.length;
  } else {
    index = Hashing.consistentHash(hash, partitions.length);
  return partitions[index];

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

private void checkConsistentHashCorrectness(long hashCode) {
 int last = 0;
 for (int shards = 1; shards <= 100000; shards++) {
  int b = Hashing.consistentHash(hashCode, shards);
  if (b != last) {
   assertEquals(shards - 1, b);
   last = b;

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public void testConsistentHash_outOfRange() {
 try {
  Hashing.consistentHash(5L, 0);
 } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

private void countRemaps(long h, AtomicLongMap<Integer> map) {
 int last = 0;
 for (int shards = 2; shards <= MAX_SHARDS; shards++) {
  int chosen = Hashing.consistentHash(h, shards);
  if (chosen != last) {
   last = chosen;

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

return consistentHash(hashCode.padToLong(), buckets);

代码示例来源:origin: atomix/atomix

 public PartitionId partition(String key, List<PartitionId> partitions) {
  int hash = Math.abs(Hashing.murmur3_32().hashUnencodedChars(key).asInt());
  return partitions.get(Hashing.consistentHash(hash, partitions.size()));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

 * Check a few "golden" values to see that implementations across languages are equivalent.
public void testConsistentHash_linearCongruentialGeneratorCompatibility() {
 int[] golden100 = {
  0, 55, 62, 8, 45, 59, 86, 97, 82, 59,
  73, 37, 17, 56, 86, 21, 90, 37, 38, 83
 for (int i = 0; i < golden100.length; i++) {
  assertEquals(golden100[i], Hashing.consistentHash(i, 100));
 assertEquals(6, Hashing.consistentHash(10863919174838991L, 11));
 assertEquals(3, Hashing.consistentHash(2016238256797177309L, 11));
 assertEquals(5, Hashing.consistentHash(1673758223894951030L, 11));
 assertEquals(80343, Hashing.consistentHash(2, 100001));
 assertEquals(22152, Hashing.consistentHash(2201, 100001));
 assertEquals(15018, Hashing.consistentHash(2202, 100001));

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

return consistentHash(hashCode.padToLong(), buckets);

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

  public Endpoint select(ClientRequestContext ctx) {
    final List<Endpoint> endpoints = endpointGroup.endpoints();
    if (endpoints.isEmpty()) {
      throw new EndpointGroupException(endpointGroup + " is empty");
    final long key = requestContextHasher.applyAsLong(ctx);
    final int nearest = Hashing.consistentHash(key, endpoints.size());
    return endpoints.get(nearest);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static int determineLocation(
  List<String> locations, String path, long start, String desc) {
 byte[] bytes = getHashInputForSplit(path, start);
 long hash1 = hash1(bytes);
 int index = Hashing.consistentHash(hash1, locations.size());
 String location = locations.get(index);
 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  LOG.debug(desc + " mapped to index=" + index + ", location=" + location);
 int iter = 1;
 long hash2 = 0;
 // Since our probing method is totally bogus, give up after some time.
 while (location == null && iter < locations.size() * 2) {
  if (iter == 1) {
   hash2 = hash2(bytes);
  // Note that this is not real double hashing since we have consistent hash on top.
  index = Hashing.consistentHash(hash1 + iter * hash2, locations.size());
  location = locations.get(index);
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
   LOG.debug(desc + " remapped to index=" + index + ", location=" + location);
 return index;

代码示例来源:origin: QNJR-GROUP/EasyTransaction

  public Server choose(Object key) {
    //TODO 此处使用了GUAVA中简单的一致性哈希算法选择服务,但这里存在性能缺陷:当reachableServers中间某一个服务节点失效了
    //那么后续节点的一致性哈希结果将会不匹配,后续需要使用更完善的哈希环 加上 虚拟节点 的形式解决本问题
    List<Server> reachableServers = getLoadBalancer().getReachableServers();
    if(reachableServers != null && reachableServers.size() != 0){
      int serverSeq = Hashing.consistentHash(Thread.currentThread().getId(), reachableServers.size());
      return reachableServers.get(serverSeq);
    } else {
      return super.choose(key);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid

   * Locate the bucket number given the value, the funnel and the total buckets.
   * Assigns to {@code hashCode} a "bucket" in the range {@code [0, buckets)}, in a uniform manner that minimizes the
   * need for remapping as {@code buckets} grows. That is, {@code consistentHash(h, n)} equals:
   * <ul> <li>{@code n - 1}, with approximate probability {@code 1/n} <li>{@code consistentHash(h, n - 1)}, otherwise
   * (probability {@code 1 - 1/n}) </ul>
   * <p>See the <a href="">wikipedia article on consistent hashing</a>
   * for more information.
   * <p>See <a href="">this paper</a> for more details on the algorithm</p>
   * Note that after testing, increasing buckets does NOT yield the expected results.  You will need an algorithm
   * that manually walks a tree.  See
  public int getBucket( T value ) {

    final HashCode hashCode = HASHER.hashObject( value, funnel );

    int owningIndex = Hashing.consistentHash( hashCode, totalBuckets );

    return owningIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.luzzu/luzzu-ld-qualitymetrics-commons

public int[] getSetBitLocations(String strItem) {
    // Hash the item through the k hashing functions
    int[] arrItemHashings = new int[this.k];
    for(int i = 0; i < this.k; i++) {
      arrItemHashings[i] = Hashing.consistentHash(this.arrHashFunctions[i].hashUnencodedChars(strItem), this.bitSetSize);
    return arrItemHashings;

代码示例来源:origin: soabase/soabase

public static void main(String[] args)
  String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  for ( int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i )
    System.out.println(Hashing.consistentHash(Hashing.sha256().hashString(id, Charsets.UTF_8), i));

代码示例来源:origin: pravega/pravega

public int hashToBucket(UUID uuid, int numBuckets) {
  return Hashing.consistentHash(
      Hashing.combineOrdered(Arrays.asList(hash.hashLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()), hash.hashLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()))),


private void checkConsistentHashCorrectness(long hashCode) {
 int last = 0;
 for (int shards = 1; shards <= 100000; shards++) {
  int b = Hashing.consistentHash(hashCode, shards);
  if (b != last) {
   assertEquals(shards - 1, b);
   last = b;


private void countRemaps(long h, AtomicLongMap<Integer> map) {
 int last = 0;
 for (int shards = 2; shards <= MAX_SHARDS; shards++) {
  int chosen = Hashing.consistentHash(h, shards);
  if (chosen != last) {
   last = chosen;


public void testConsistentHash_outOfRange() {
 try {
  Hashing.consistentHash(5L, 0);
 } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
