
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns true iff the given settings indicate that the index associated with these settings allocates it's shards on a shared filesystem. Otherwise false. The default setting for this is the returned value from #isIndexUsingShadowReplicas(org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings).


代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * Return {@code true} if the index is configured to allow shards to be
 * recovered on any node
private boolean recoverOnAnyNode(Settings idxSettings) {
  return IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(idxSettings) &&
      idxSettings.getAsBoolean(IndexMetaData.SETTING_SHARED_FS_ALLOW_RECOVERY_ON_ANY_NODE, false);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns <code>true</code> iff the given settings indicate that the index
 * associated with these settings allocates it's shards on a shared
 * filesystem.
public boolean isOnSharedFilesystem() {
  return IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(getSettings());

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Return {@code true} if the index is configured to allow shards to be
 * recovered on any node
private boolean recoverOnAnyNode(IndexMetaData metaData) {
  // don't use the setting directly, not to trigger verbose deprecation logging
  return (IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(metaData.getSettings()) || IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(this.settings))
    && (metaData.getSettings().getAsBoolean(IndexMetaData.SETTING_SHARED_FS_ALLOW_RECOVERY_ON_ANY_NODE, false) ||
      this.settings.getAsBoolean(IndexMetaData.SETTING_SHARED_FS_ALLOW_RECOVERY_ON_ANY_NODE, false));

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * This method returns true if the current node is allowed to delete the
 * given index. If the index uses a shared filesystem this method always
 * returns false.
 * @param index {@code Index} to check whether deletion is allowed
 * @param indexSettings {@code Settings} for the given index
 * @return true if the index can be deleted on this node
public boolean canDeleteIndexContents(Index index, Settings indexSettings, boolean closed) {
  final IndexServiceInjectorPair indexServiceInjectorPair = this.indices.get(;
  // Closed indices may be deleted, even if they are on a shared
  // filesystem. Since it is closed we aren't deleting it for relocation
  if (IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(indexSettings) == false || closed) {
    if (indexServiceInjectorPair == null && nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
      return true;
  } else {
    logger.trace("{} skipping index directory deletion due to shadow replicas", index);
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

private boolean canDeleteShardContent(ShardId shardId, Settings indexSettings) {
  final IndexServiceInjectorPair indexServiceInjectorPair = this.indices.get(shardId.getIndex());
  if (IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(indexSettings) == false) {
     if (nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
      boolean isAllocated = indexServiceInjectorPair != null && indexServiceInjectorPair
      if (isAllocated) {
        return false; // we are allocated - can't delete the shard
      if (NodeEnvironment.hasCustomDataPath(indexSettings)) {
        // lets see if it's on a custom path (return false if the shared doesn't exist)
        // we don't need to delete anything that is not there
        return Files.exists(nodeEnv.resolveCustomLocation(indexSettings, shardId));
      } else {
        // lets see if it's path is available (return false if the shared doesn't exist)
        // we don't need to delete anything that is not there
        return FileSystemUtils.exists(nodeEnv.availableShardPaths(shardId));
  } else {
    logger.trace("{} skipping shard directory deletion due to shadow replicas", shardId);
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

final boolean canDeleteShardContent = IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(indexSettings) == false ||
    (primary && IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(indexSettings));
ModulesBuilder modules = new ModulesBuilder();

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

if (IndexMetaData.isOnSharedFilesystem(shard.indexSettings())) {
  handler = new SharedFSRecoverySourceHandler(shard, request, recoverySettings, transportService, logger);
} else {




