
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

public JSONObject createContent() {
  if (requestsByLanguage.size() == 0) {
    return null;
  Map<String, AtomicLong> currentRequests = new TreeMap<>(requestsByLanguage);
  JSONObject payload = new JSONObject();
  for (Map.Entry<String, AtomicLong> entry : currentRequests.entrySet()) {
    payload.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().longValue());
  return payload;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

   * Create a JSON representation of a resource bundle
   * @param bundle The resource bundle.
   * @return The bundle JSON.
  private static JSONObject toJSONObject(@Nonnull ResourceBundle bundle) {
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
    for (String key : bundle.keySet()) {
      json.put(key, bundle.getString(key));
    return json;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * For internal use.
@JavaScriptMethod public final JSONObject news() {
  lastNewsTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  JSONObject r = new JSONObject();
  try {
    r.put("data", data());
  } catch (RuntimeException x) {
    LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to update " + uri, x);
    status = ERROR;
  Object statusJSON = status == 1 ? "done" : status == CANCELED ? "canceled" : status == ERROR ? "error" : status;
  r.put("status", statusJSON);
  if (statusJSON instanceof String) { // somehow completed
    LOG.log(Level.FINE, "finished in news so releasing {0}", boundId);
  lastNewsTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  LOG.log(Level.FINER, "news from {0}", uri);
  return r;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Returns whether the system needs a restart, and if it is supported
 * e.g. { restartRequired: true, restartSupported: false }
@Restricted(DoNotUse.class) // WebOnly
public HttpResponse doRestartStatus() throws IOException {
  JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
  Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.get();
  response.put("restartRequired", jenkins.getUpdateCenter().isRestartRequiredForCompletion());
  response.put("restartSupported", jenkins.getLifecycle().canRestart());
  return HttpResponses.okJSON(response);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin

protected void writeStatusBody(StaplerResponse response, Run<?, ?> build, BuildStatus status) {
  try {
    JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
    object.put("sha", sha1);
    if (build != null) {
      object.put("id", build.getNumber());
    object.put("status", status.getValue());
    writeBody(response, object);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw HttpResponses.error(500, "Failed to generate response");

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance();
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
o.put("install", j.getLegacyInstanceId());
o.put("servletContainer", j.servletContext.getServerInfo());
o.put("version", Jenkins.VERSION);
  JSONObject  n = new JSONObject();
  if(c.getNode()==j) {
for( PluginWrapper pw : j.getPluginManager().getPlugins() ) {
  if(!pw.isActive())  continue;   // treat disabled plugins as if they are uninstalled
  JSONObject p = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jobs = new JSONObject();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

Map<String,JSONObject> allPlugins = new HashMap<>();
for (PluginWrapper plugin : plugins) {
  JSONObject pluginInfo = new JSONObject();
  pluginInfo.put("installed", true);
  pluginInfo.put("name", plugin.getShortName());
  pluginInfo.put("title", plugin.getDisplayName());
  pluginInfo.put("active", plugin.isActive());
  pluginInfo.put("enabled", plugin.isEnabled());
    JSONObject pluginInfo = allPlugins.get(;
    if(pluginInfo == null) {
  pluginInfo = new JSONObject();
  pluginInfo.put("installed", false);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
try {
  data = telemetry.createContent();
JSONObject wrappedData = new JSONObject();
wrappedData.put("type", telemetry.getId());
wrappedData.put("payload", data);
String correlationId = ExtensionList.lookupSingleton(Correlator.class).getCorrelationId();
wrappedData.put("correlator", DigestUtils.sha256Hex(correlationId + telemetry.getId()));

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Installs a list of plugins from a JSON POST.
 * @param req The request object.
 * @return A JSON response that includes a "correlationId" in the "data" element.
 * That "correlationId" can then be used in calls to
 * {@link UpdateCenter#doInstallStatus(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest)}.
 * @throws IOException Error reading JSON payload fro request.
@Restricted(DoNotUse.class) // WebOnly
public HttpResponse doInstallPlugins(StaplerRequest req) throws IOException {
  String payload = IOUtils.toString(req.getInputStream(), req.getCharacterEncoding());
  JSONObject request = JSONObject.fromObject(payload);
  JSONArray pluginListJSON = request.getJSONArray("plugins");
  List<String> plugins = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < pluginListJSON.size(); i++) {
  UUID correlationId = UUID.randomUUID();
  try {
    boolean dynamicLoad = request.getBoolean("dynamicLoad");
    install(plugins, dynamicLoad, correlationId);
    JSONObject responseData = new JSONObject();
    responseData.put("correlationId", correlationId.toString());
    return hudson.util.HttpResponses.okJSON(responseData);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    return hudson.util.HttpResponses.errorJSON(e.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

   * @param list the list of layer identifiers to serialize
   * @return {@code null} if {@code list} is null, empty or contains only null objects; the JSON
   *     array representation of {@code list} otherwise, with any null element stripped off.
  public static String toString(List<AuthorityURLInfo> obj) {
    if (obj == null || obj.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    JSONArray array = new JSONArray();

    for (AuthorityURLInfo auth : obj) {
      if (auth == null) {
      JSONObject jsonAuth = new JSONObject();
      jsonAuth.put(NAME, auth.getName());
      jsonAuth.put(HREF, auth.getHref());

    if (array.size() == 0) {
      // list was made of only null objects?
      return null;

    String serialized = array.toString();
    return serialized;

代码示例来源:origin: geoserver/geoserver

   * @param list the list of auth urls to serialize
   * @return {@code null} if {@code list} is null, empty, or contains only null objects; the JSON
   *     array representation of {@code list} otherwise, with any null element stripped off.
  public static String toString(List<LayerIdentifierInfo> list) {
    if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    JSONArray array = new JSONArray();

    for (LayerIdentifierInfo id : list) {
      if (id == null) {
      JSONObject jsonId = new JSONObject();
      jsonId.put(AUTHORITY, id.getAuthority());
      jsonId.put(IDENTIFIER, id.getIdentifier());

    if (array.size() == 0) {
      // list was made of only null objects?
      return null;
    String serialized = array.toString();
    return serialized;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getJsonObject(String key, String value) {
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put(key, value);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getJson(int code) 
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  return json;
public static JSONObject getJson(int code, String msg) {

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getJson(String code , String message) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", code);
  json.put("msg", message);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getErrJson(int code, String message) {
  final JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", code);
  json.put("msg", message);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getOkJson(String msg) {
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", JSON_CODE_OK);
  json.put("msg", msg);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getErrorJsonResult(String message) {
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("statusCode", 300);
  json.put("message", message);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getTechnicianJson(String message) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", "20003");
  json.put("msg", message);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getJson(int code, String msg) {
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", code+"");
  json.put("msg", msg);
  return json;

代码示例来源:origin: kongzhidea/pay

public static JSONObject getJson(int code, int left) 
  JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  json.put("code", code);
  json.put("left", left);
  return json;



