
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Get an optional double associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number. If the value is a string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as a number.


代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.jettison/jettison

 * Get an optional double associated with a key,
 * or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
 * If the value is a string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as
 * a number.
 * @param key   A string which is the key.
 * @return      An object which is the value.
public double optDouble(String key) {
  return optDouble(key, Double.NaN);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.jettison/

 * Get an optional double associated with a key,
 * or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
 * If the value is a string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as
 * a number.
 * @param key   A string which is the key.
 * @return      An object which is the value.
public double optDouble(String key) {
  return optDouble(key, Double.NaN);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

double boost = jConstraint.optDouble("boost");
if(boost == Double.NaN || boost <= 0){
  StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("The Boost of a Constraint " +
