
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the node stats indices stats. The includePrevious flag controls if old shards stats will be aggregated as well (only for relevant stats, such as refresh and indexing, not for docs/store).


代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns the node stats indices stats. The {@code includePrevious} flag controls
 * if old shards stats will be aggregated as well (only for relevant stats, such as
 * refresh and indexing, not for docs/store).
public NodeIndicesStats stats(boolean includePrevious) {
  return stats(includePrevious, new CommonStatsFlags().all());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

return stats(includePrevious, new CommonStatsFlags().all());

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest, boolean adaptiveSelection) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(transportService.getLocalNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.stats() : null,
      adaptiveSelection ? responseCollectorService.getAdaptiveStats(searchTransportService.getPendingSearchRequests()) : null

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns the node stats indices stats. The <tt>includePrevious</tt> flag controls
 * if old shards stats will be aggregated as well (only for relevant stats, such as
 * refresh and indexing, not for docs/store).
public NodeIndicesStats stats(boolean includePrevious) {
  return stats(includePrevious, new CommonStatsFlags().all());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Returns the node stats indices stats. The {@code includePrevious} flag controls
 * if old shards stats will be aggregated as well (only for relevant stats, such as
 * refresh and indexing, not for docs/store).
public NodeIndicesStats stats(boolean includePrevious) {
  return stats(includePrevious, new CommonStatsFlags().all());

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * Returns the node stats indices stats. The <tt>includePrevious</tt> flag controls
 * if old shards stats will be aggregated as well (only for relevant stats, such as
 * refresh and indexing, not for docs/store).
public NodeIndicesStats stats(boolean includePrevious) {
  return stats(includePrevious, new CommonStatsFlags().all());

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public NodeStats stats() throws IOException {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      httpServer == null ? null : httpServer.stats(),

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
              boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
              boolean script) {
    // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
    // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
    return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
        indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
        os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
        process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
        jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
        threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
        fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
        transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
        http ? (httpServer == null ? null : httpServer.stats()) : null,
        circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
        script ? scriptService.stats() : null

代码示例来源:origin: spinscale/elasticsearch-graphite-plugin

public void run() {
  while (!closed) {
    DiscoveryNode node = clusterService.localNode();
    boolean isClusterStarted = clusterService.lifecycleState().equals(Lifecycle.State.STARTED);
    if (isClusterStarted && node != null && node.isMasterNode()) {
      NodeIndicesStats nodeIndicesStats = indicesService.stats(false);
      CommonStatsFlags commonStatsFlags = new CommonStatsFlags().clear();
      NodeStats nodeStats = nodeService.stats(commonStatsFlags, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
      List<IndexShard> indexShards = getIndexShards(indicesService);
      GraphiteReporter graphiteReporter = new GraphiteReporter(graphiteHost, graphitePort, graphitePrefix,
          nodeIndicesStats, indexShards, nodeStats, graphiteInclusionRegex, graphiteExclusionRegex);;
    } else {
      if (node != null) {
        logger.debug("[{}]/[{}] is not master node, not triggering update", node.getId(), node.getName());
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.getPipelineExecutionService().stats() : null

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest, boolean adaptiveSelection) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(transportService.getLocalNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.stats() : null,
      adaptiveSelection ? responseCollectorService.getAdaptiveStats(searchTransportService.getPendingSearchRequests()) : null



