
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Chops this list into several sequential sublists.


代码示例来源:origin: de.julielab/jcore-mallet-2.0.9

 * Shuffles the elements of this list among several smaller lists.
 * @param proportions A list of numbers (not necessarily summing to 1) which,
 * when normalized, correspond to the proportion of elements in each returned
 * sublist.  This method (and all the split methods) do not transfer the Instance
 * weights to the resulting InstanceLists.
 * @param r The source of randomness to use in shuffling.
 * @return one <code>InstanceList</code> for each element of <code>proportions</code>
public InstanceList[] split (java.util.Random r, double[] proportions) {
  InstanceList shuffled = this.shallowClone();
  shuffled.shuffle (r);
  return shuffled.splitInOrder(proportions);

代码示例来源:origin: cc.mallet/mallet

 * Shuffles the elements of this list among several smaller lists.
 * @param proportions A list of numbers (not necessarily summing to 1) which,
 * when normalized, correspond to the proportion of elements in each returned
 * sublist.  This method (and all the split methods) do not transfer the Instance
 * weights to the resulting InstanceLists.
 * @param r The source of randomness to use in shuffling.
 * @return one <code>InstanceList</code> for each element of <code>proportions</code>
public InstanceList[] split (java.util.Random r, double[] proportions) {
  InstanceList shuffled = this.shallowClone();
  shuffled.shuffle (r);
  return shuffled.splitInOrder(proportions);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.steveash.mallet/mallet

 * Shuffles the elements of this list among several smaller lists.
 * @param proportions A list of numbers (not necessarily summing to 1) which,
 * when normalized, correspond to the proportion of elements in each returned
 * sublist.  This method (and all the split methods) do not transfer the Instance
 * weights to the resulting InstanceLists.
 * @param r The source of randomness to use in shuffling.
 * @return one <code>InstanceList</code> for each element of <code>proportions</code>
public InstanceList[] split (java.util.Random r, double[] proportions) {
  InstanceList shuffled = this.shallowClone();
  shuffled.shuffle (r);
  return shuffled.splitInOrder(proportions);



