
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Finds the first occurrence of an element that matches the given predicate or no value if no elements match.


代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns <code>true</code> if the predicate holds for at least one of the elements of this list,
 * <code>false</code> otherwise (<code>false</code> for the empty list).
 * @param f The predicate function to test on the elements of this list.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the predicate holds for at least one of the elements of this
 *         list.
public final boolean exists(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
 return find(f).isSome();

代码示例来源:origin: org.functionaljava/functionaljava

 * Returns an associated value with the given key in the list of pairs.
 * @param e The test for equality on keys.
 * @param x The list of pairs to search.
 * @param a The key value to find the associated value of.
 * @return An associated value with the given key in the list of pairs.
public static <A, B> Option<B> lookup(final Equal<A> e, final List<P2<A, B>> x, final A a) {
 return x.find(p -> e.eq(p._1(), a)).map(P2.__2());

代码示例来源:origin: com.stratio.mojo.unix/unix-rpm

public Option<String> f( List<String> tags )
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "config" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:noreplace" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config(noreplace) " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:missingok" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config(missingok) " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "doc" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%doc " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:ghost" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%ghost " );
    return none();

代码示例来源:origin: no.arktekk.unix/unix-rpm

public Option<String> f( List<String> tags )
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "config" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:noreplace" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config(noreplace) " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:missingok" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%config(missingok) " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "doc" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%doc " );
    if ( tags.find( curry( equals, "rpm:ghost" ) ).isSome() )
      return some( "%ghost " );
    return none();
