
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]The default flow direction. Normally (which is true) this is horizontal and that means that the "next" component will be put in the cell to the right (or to the left if left-to-right is false).


代码示例来源:origin: com.miglayout/miglayout-core

/** Go to next cell.
 * @param p The point to increase
 * @param cnt How many cells to advance.
 * @return The new value in the "increasing" dimension.
private int increase(int[] p, int cnt)
  return lc.isFlowX() ? (p[0] += cnt) : (p[1] += cnt);

代码示例来源:origin: com.miglayout/miglayout-core

/** Wraps to the next row or column depending on if horizontal flow or vertical flow is used.
 * @param cellXY The point to wrap and thus set either x or y to 0 and increase the other one.
 * @param gapSize The gaps size specified in a "wrap XXX" or "newline XXX" or <code>null</code> if none.
private void wrap(int[] cellXY, BoundSize gapSize)
  boolean flowx = lc.isFlowX();
  cellXY[0] = flowx ? 0 : cellXY[0] + 1;
  cellXY[1] = flowx ? cellXY[1] + 1 : 0;
  if (gapSize != null) {
    if (wrapGapMap == null)
      wrapGapMap = new HashMap<Integer, BoundSize>(8);
    wrapGapMap.put(cellXY[flowx ? 1 : 0], gapSize);
  // add the row/column so that the gap in the last row/col will not be removed.
  if (flowx) {
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: com.miglayout/miglayout-ideutil

if (lc.isFlowX() == false)
  sb.append(asAPI ? ".flowY()" : ",flowy");

代码示例来源:origin: com.miglayout/miglayout-core

this.callbackList = callbackList;
int wrap = lc.getWrapAfter() != 0 ? lc.getWrapAfter() : (lc.isFlowX() ? colConstr : rowConstr).getConstaints().length;
boolean useVisualPadding = lc.isVisualPadding();
final DimConstraint[] specs = (lc.isFlowX() ? rowConstr : colConstr).getConstaints();
  final boolean isRowInGridMode = !lc.isNoGrid() && !((DimConstraint) LayoutUtil.getIndexSafe(specs, lc.isFlowX() ? cellXY[1] : cellXY[0])).isNoGrid();
        cellXY[1] = cy;
      } else {    // Only one coordinate is specified. Use the current row (flowx) or column (flowy) to fill in.
        if (lc.isFlowX()) {
          cellXY[0] = cx;
        } else {
    int spanx = Math.min(!isRowInGridMode && lc.isFlowX() ? LayoutUtil.INF : rootCc.getSpanX(), MAX_GRID - cellXY[0]);
    int spany = Math.min(!isRowInGridMode && !lc.isFlowX() ? LayoutUtil.INF : rootCc.getSpanY(), MAX_GRID - cellXY[1]);
    cell = new Cell(spanx, spany, cellFlowX != null ? cellFlowX : lc.isFlowX());
  int splitLeft = isRowInGridMode ? rootCc.getSplit() - 1 : LayoutUtil.INF;
  boolean splitExit = false;
  final boolean spanRestOfRow = (lc.isFlowX() ? rootCc.getSpanX() : rootCc.getSpanY()) == LayoutUtil.INF;
    int span = lc.isFlowX() ? cell.spanx : cell.spany;
    if (Math.abs((lc.isFlowX() ? cellXY[0] : cellXY[1])) + span >= wrap) {
      hitEndOfRow = true;
    } else {

代码示例来源:origin: com.miglayout/miglayout-core

BoundSize wrapGapSize = (wrapGapMap == null || isHor == lc.isFlowX() ? null : wrapGapMap.get(wgIx++));
