
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the only relationship of a given type and direction that is attached to this node, or null. This is a convenience method that is used in the commonly occurring situation where a node has exactly zero or one relationships of a given type and direction to another node. Typically this invariant is maintained by the rest of the code: if at any time more than one such relationships exist, it is a fatal error that should generate an unchecked exception. This method reflects that semantics and returns either:

  1. null if there are zero relationships of the given type and direction,
  2. the relationship if there's exactly one, or
  3. throws an unchecked exception in all other cases.

This method should be used only in situations with an invariant as described above. In those situations, a "state-checking" method (e.g. hasSingleRelationship(...)) is not required, because this method behaves correctly "out of the box."


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void getSingleRelationshipOnNodeWithOneLoopOnly()
  Node node = getGraphDb().createNode();
  Relationship singleRelationship = node.createRelationshipTo( node, TEST );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.OUTGOING ) );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.INCOMING ) );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.BOTH ) );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.OUTGOING ) );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.INCOMING ) );
  assertEquals( singleRelationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.BOTH ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Graph( { "a TO b", "b TO c", "c TO a" } )
public void canCreateGraphFromMultipleStrings()
  Map<String,Node> graph = data.get();
  Set<Node> unique = new HashSet<>();
  Node n = graph.get( "a" );
  while ( unique.add( n ) )
    try ( Transaction ignored = graphdb.beginTx() )
      n = n.getSingleRelationship( RelationshipType.withName( "TO" ), Direction.OUTGOING ).getEndNode();
  assertEquals( graph.size(), unique.size() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testGetDirectedRelationship()
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST,
    Direction.OUTGOING );
  assertEquals( int1, rel.getProperty( key1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void deleteTestingGraph()
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node2Id );
  node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST, Direction.BOTH ).delete();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Graph( "I know you" )
public void get_Relationship_by_ID() throws JsonParseException
  Node node = data.get().get( "I" );
  Relationship relationship;
  try ( Transaction transaction = node.getGraphDatabase().beginTx() )
    relationship = node.getSingleRelationship(
        RelationshipType.withName( "know" ),
        Direction.OUTGOING );
  String response = gen().expectedStatus(
      com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status.OK.getStatusCode() ).get(
      getRelationshipUri( relationship ) ).entity();
  assertTrue( JsonHelper.jsonToMap( response ).containsKey( "start" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void getNewlyCreatedLoopRelationshipFromCache()
  Node node = getGraphDb().createNode();
  node.createRelationshipTo( getGraphDb().createNode(), TEST );
  Relationship relationship = node.createRelationshipTo( node, TEST );
  assertEquals( relationship, node.getSingleRelationship( TEST, Direction.INCOMING ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void getOrCreateRelationshipWithUniqueFactory()
  final String key = "name";
  final String value = "Mattias";
  final Node root = graphDb.createNode();
  final Index<Relationship> index = relationshipIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG );
  final RelationshipType type = withName( "SINGLE" );
  UniqueFactory<Relationship> factory = new UniqueFactory.UniqueRelationshipFactory( index )
    protected Relationship create( Map<String, Object> properties )
      assertEquals( value, properties.get( key ) );
      assertEquals( 1, properties.size() );
      return root.createRelationshipTo( graphDatabase().createNode(), type );
  Relationship unique = factory.getOrCreate( key, value );
  assertEquals( unique, root.getSingleRelationship( type, Direction.BOTH ) );
  assertNotNull( unique );
  assertEquals( unique, index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );
  assertEquals( unique, factory.getOrCreate( key, value ) );
  assertEquals( unique, root.getSingleRelationship( type, Direction.BOTH ) );
  assertEquals( unique, index.get( key, value ).getSingle() );
  finishTx( false );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testNodeChangeProperty()
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node2Id );
  Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST,
    Direction.BOTH );
  // test change property
  node1.setProperty( key1, int2 );
  node2.setProperty( key1, int1 );
  rel.setProperty( key1, int2 );
  int[] newIntArray = new int[] { 3, 2, 1 };
  node1.setProperty( arrayKey, newIntArray );
  node2.setProperty( arrayKey, newIntArray );
  rel.setProperty( arrayKey, newIntArray );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testDirectedRelationship1()
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST, Direction.BOTH );
  Node[] nodes = rel.getNodes();
  assertEquals( 2, nodes.length );
  Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node2Id );
  assertTrue( nodes[0].equals( node1 ) && nodes[1].equals( node2 ) );
  assertEquals( node1, rel.getStartNode() );
  assertEquals( node2, rel.getEndNode() );
  Relationship[] relArray = getRelationshipArray( node1.getRelationships( MyRelTypes.TEST, Direction.OUTGOING ) );
  assertEquals( 1, relArray.length );
  assertEquals( rel, relArray[0] );
  relArray = getRelationshipArray( node2.getRelationships(
    MyRelTypes.TEST, Direction.INCOMING ) );
  assertEquals( 1, relArray.length );
  assertEquals( rel, relArray[0] );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testNodeRemoveProperty()
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node2Id );
  Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST,
    Direction.BOTH );
  // test remove property
  assertEquals( 1, node1.removeProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( 2, node2.removeProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( 1, rel.removeProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( string1, node1.removeProperty( key2 ) );
  assertEquals( string2, node2.removeProperty( key2 ) );
  assertEquals( string1, rel.removeProperty( key2 ) );
  assertNotNull( node1.removeProperty( arrayKey ) );
  assertNotNull( node2.removeProperty( arrayKey ) );
  assertNotNull( rel.removeProperty( arrayKey ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertEquals( highMark, relAboveTheLine.getId() );
assertEquals( relBelowTheLine,
    db.getNodeById( idBelow ).getSingleRelationship( this, Direction.OUTGOING ) );
assertEquals( relAboveTheLine,
    db.getNodeById( idBelow ).getSingleRelationship( this, Direction.INCOMING ) );
assertEquals( idBelow, relBelowTheLine.getId() );
assertEquals( highMark, relAboveTheLine.getId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void ensureCorrectPathEntitiesInShortPath()
   * (a)-->(b)
  createGraph( "a TO b" );
  Node a = getNodeWithName( "a" );
  Node b = getNodeWithName( "b" );
  Relationship r = a.getSingleRelationship( to, OUTGOING );
  Path path = Iterables.single( getGraphDb().bidirectionalTraversalDescription()
    .mirroredSides( getGraphDb().traversalDescription().relationships( to, OUTGOING ).uniqueness( NODE_PATH ) )
    .collisionEvaluator( Evaluators.atDepth( 1 ) )
    .sideSelector( SideSelectorPolicies.LEVEL, 1 )
    .traverse( a, b ) );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.nodes(), a, b );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseNodes(), b, a );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.relationships(), r );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseRelationships(), r );
  assertContainsInOrder( path, a, r, b );
  assertEquals( a, path.startNode() );
  assertEquals( b, path.endNode() );
  assertEquals( r, path.lastRelationship() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertProperties( properties, node );
assertProperties( properties, rel );
Node highNode = node.getSingleRelationship( OTHER_TYPE, Direction.OUTGOING ).getEndNode();
assertProperties( properties, highNode );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testAddProperty()
  String key3 = "key3";
  Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node1Id );
  Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById( node2Id );
  Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST,
    Direction.BOTH );
  // add new property
  node2.setProperty( key3, int1 );
  rel.setProperty( key3, int2 );
  assertTrue( node1.hasProperty( key1 ) );
  assertTrue( node2.hasProperty( key1 ) );
  assertTrue( node1.hasProperty( key2 ) );
  assertTrue( node2.hasProperty( key2 ) );
  assertTrue( node1.hasProperty( arrayKey ) );
  assertTrue( node2.hasProperty( arrayKey ) );
  assertTrue( rel.hasProperty( arrayKey ) );
  assertTrue( !node1.hasProperty( key3 ) );
  assertTrue( node2.hasProperty( key3 ) );
  assertEquals( int1, node1.getProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( int2, node2.getProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( string1, node1.getProperty( key2 ) );
  assertEquals( string2, node2.getProperty( key2 ) );
  assertEquals( int1, rel.getProperty( key1 ) );
  assertEquals( string1, rel.getProperty( key2 ) );
  assertEquals( int2, rel.getProperty( key3 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

Relationship realRelationship = db.getRelationshipById( relationship );
assertEquals( realSelfRelationship,
    realStartNode.getSingleRelationship( RelTypes.REL_TYPE1, Direction.INCOMING ) );
assertEquals( asSet( realSelfRelationship, realRelationship ),
    Iterables.asSet( realStartNode.getRelationships( Direction.OUTGOING ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertEquals( node1.getProperty( "test" ), 1 );
assertEquals( rel.getProperty( "test" ), 11 );
assertEquals( rel, node1.getSingleRelationship( MyRelTypes.TEST,
    Direction.OUTGOING ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

Relationship loadedRel = node1.getSingleRelationship( withName( "TEST" ), Direction.OUTGOING );
assertEquals( rel, loadedRel );
assertThat(loadedRel, inTx(db, hasProperty( "key1" ).withValue( "value1" )));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public void testExtractNode() throws Exception {
  Long id = db.execute("CREATE (f:Foo)-[rel:FOOBAR {a:1}]->(b:Bar) RETURN id(rel) as id").<Long>columnAs("id").next();
  testCall(db, "CALL apoc.refactor.extractNode({ids},['FooBar'],'FOO','BAR')", map("ids", singletonList(id)),
      (r) -> {
        assertEquals(id, r.get("input"));
        Node node = (Node) r.get("output");
        assertEquals(true, node.hasLabel(Label.label("FooBar")));
        assertEquals(1L, node.getProperty("a"));
        assertNotNull(node.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName("FOO"), Direction.OUTGOING));
        assertNotNull(node.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName("BAR"), Direction.INCOMING));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public void testMergeNodesWithSelfRelationships() throws Exception {
  Map<String, Object> result = Iterators.single(db.execute("CREATE \n" +
      "(alice:Person {name:'Alice'}),\n" +
      "(bob:Person {name:'Bob'}),\n" +
      "(bob)-[:likes]->(bob) RETURN id(alice) AS aliceId, id(bob) AS bobId"));
  // Merge (bob) into (alice).
  // The updated node should have one self relationship.
  // NB: the "LIMIT 1" here is important otherwise Cypher tries to check if another MATCH is found, causing a failing read attempt to deleted node
      "MATCH (alice:Person {name:'Alice'}), (bob:Person {name:'Bob'}) WITH * LIMIT 1 CALL apoc.refactor.mergeNodes([alice, bob]) yield node return node",
      (r)-> {
        Node node = (Node) r.get("node");
        assertEquals(result.get("aliceId"), node.getId());
        assertEquals("Bob", node.getProperty("name"));
        assertEquals(1, node.getDegree(Direction.INCOMING));
        assertEquals(1, node.getDegree(Direction.OUTGOING));
        assertTrue(node.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName("likes"), Direction.OUTGOING).getEndNode().equals(node));

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-graph-collections

 * Deletes this sorted tree.
public void delete()
  Relationship rel = treeRoot.getUnderlyingNode().getSingleRelationship(
    RelTypes.TREE_ROOT, Direction.INCOMING );
