
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the TransportAction for an Action, throwing exceptions if the action isn't available.


代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link TaskListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you need access to the task when listening for the response.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, TaskListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link ActionListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you don't need access to the task when listening for the response. This is the method used to implement the {@link Client}
 * interface.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link ActionListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you don't need access to the task when listening for the response. This is the method used to implement the {@link Client}
 * interface.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link ActionListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you don't need access to the task when listening for the response. This is the method used to implement the {@link Client}
 * interface.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link TaskListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you need access to the task when listening for the response.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, TaskListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Execute an {@link Action} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link TaskListener}. Prefer this
 * method if you need access to the task when listening for the response.
public <    Request extends ActionRequest,
      Response extends ActionResponse
    > Task executeLocally(GenericAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, TaskListener<Response> listener) {
  return transportAction(action).execute(request, listener);
