
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]The collection of index deletions in the cluster.


代码示例来源:origin: floragunncom/search-guard

if(clusterService.state().metaData().index(this.searchguardIndex).mapping("config") != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb

ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappings = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState().getMetaData()
logger.trace("mappings contains type {}: {}", type, mappings.containsKey(type));
if (mappings.containsKey(type)) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns the average of shards per node for the given index
public float avgShardsPerNode(String index) {
  return ((float) metaData.index(index).getTotalNumberOfShards()) / nodes.size();

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

protected IndexMetaData indexMetaData(ClusterState clusterState, String index) {
  IndexMetaData indexMetaData = clusterState.metaData().index(index);
  if (indexMetaData == null) {
    throw new IndexNotFoundException(index);
  return indexMetaData;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public IndexMetaData index(Index index) {
  IndexMetaData metaData = index(index.getName());
  if (metaData != null && metaData.getIndexUUID().equals(index.getUUID())) {
    return metaData;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private int getTotalNewShards(Index index, ClusterState currentState, int updatedNumberOfReplicas) {
  IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(index);
  int shardsInIndex = indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards();
  int oldNumberOfReplicas = indexMetaData.getNumberOfReplicas();
  int replicaIncrease = updatedNumberOfReplicas - oldNumberOfReplicas;
  return replicaIncrease * shardsInIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Cleans dangling indices if they are already allocated on the provided meta data.
void cleanupAllocatedDangledIndices(MetaData metaData) {
  for (Index index : danglingIndices.keySet()) {
    final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(index);
    if (indexMetaData != null && indexMetaData.getIndex().getName().equals(index.getName())) {
      if (indexMetaData.getIndex().getUUID().equals(index.getUUID()) == false) {
        logger.warn("[{}] can not be imported as a dangling index, as there is already another index " +
          "with the same name but a different uuid. local index will be ignored (but not deleted)", index);
      } else {
        logger.debug("[{}] no longer dangling (created), removing from dangling list", index);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private static int getTotalShardCount(ClusterState state, Index index) {
  IndexMetaData indexMetaData = state.metaData().index(index);
  return indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards() * (1 + indexMetaData.getNumberOfReplicas());

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Validates whether a list of indices can be opened without going over the cluster shard limit.  Only counts indices which are
 * currently closed and will be opened, ignores indices which are already open.
 * @param currentState The current cluster state.
 * @param indices The indices which are to be opened.
 * @param deprecationLogger The logger to use to emit a deprecation warning, if appropriate.
 * @throws ValidationException If this operation would take the cluster over the limit and enforcement is enabled.
static void validateShardLimit(ClusterState currentState, Index[] indices, DeprecationLogger deprecationLogger) {
  int shardsToOpen =
    .filter(index -> currentState.metaData().index(index).getState().equals(IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE))
    .mapToInt(index -> getTotalShardCount(currentState, index))
  Optional<String> error = IndicesService.checkShardLimit(shardsToOpen, currentState, deprecationLogger);
  if (error.isPresent()) {
    ValidationException ex = new ValidationException();
    throw ex;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns the {@link IndexMetaData} for this index.
 * @throws IndexNotFoundException if no metadata for this index is found
public IndexMetaData getIndexSafe(Index index) {
  IndexMetaData metaData = index(index.getName());
  if (metaData != null) {
    if(metaData.getIndexUUID().equals(index.getUUID())) {
      return metaData;
    throw new IndexNotFoundException(index,
      new IllegalStateException("index uuid doesn't match expected: [" + index.getUUID()
        + "] but got: [" + metaData.getIndexUUID() +"]"));
  throw new IndexNotFoundException(index);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Check if any of the indices to be closed are currently being restored from a snapshot and fail closing if such an index
 * is found as closing an index that is being restored makes the index unusable (it cannot be recovered).
public static void checkIndexClosing(ClusterState currentState, Set<IndexMetaData> indices) {
  RestoreInProgress restore = currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE);
  if (restore != null) {
    Set<Index> indicesToFail = null;
    for (RestoreInProgress.Entry entry : restore) {
      for (ObjectObjectCursor<ShardId, RestoreInProgress.ShardRestoreStatus> shard : entry.shards()) {
        if (!shard.value.state().completed()) {
          IndexMetaData indexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(shard.key.getIndex());
          if (indexMetaData != null && indices.contains(indexMetaData)) {
            if (indicesToFail == null) {
              indicesToFail = new HashSet<>();
    if (indicesToFail != null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot close indices that are being restored: " + indicesToFail);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private List<Index> indicesDeletedFromClusterState() {
  // If the new cluster state has a new cluster UUID, the likely scenario is that a node was elected
  // master that has had its data directory wiped out, in which case we don't want to delete the indices and lose data;
  // rather we want to import them as dangling indices instead.  So we check here if the cluster UUID differs from the previous
  // cluster UUID, in which case, we don't want to delete indices that the master erroneously believes shouldn't exist.
  // See test DiscoveryWithServiceDisruptionsIT.testIndicesDeleted()
  // See discussion on and
  if (metaDataChanged() == false || isNewCluster()) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  List<Index> deleted = null;
  for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : previousState.metaData().indices().values()) {
    IndexMetaData index = cursor.value;
    IndexMetaData current = state.metaData().index(index.getIndex());
    if (current == null) {
      if (deleted == null) {
        deleted = new ArrayList<>();
  return deleted == null ? Collections.<Index>emptyList() : deleted;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public boolean equalsAliases(MetaData other) {
  for (ObjectCursor<IndexMetaData> cursor : other.indices().values()) {
    IndexMetaData otherIndex = cursor.value;
    IndexMetaData thisIndex = index(otherIndex.getIndex());
    if (thisIndex == null) {
      return false;
    if (otherIndex.getAliases().equals(thisIndex.getAliases()) == false) {
      return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public AliasFilter buildAliasFilter(ClusterState state, String index, String... expressions) {
  /* Being static, parseAliasFilter doesn't have access to whatever guts it needs to parse a query. Instead of passing in a bunch
   * of dependencies we pass in a function that can perform the parsing. */
  CheckedFunction<byte[], QueryBuilder, IOException> filterParser = bytes -> {
    try (XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(bytes)
        .createParser(xContentRegistry, LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, bytes)) {
      return parseInnerQueryBuilder(parser);
  String[] aliases = indexNameExpressionResolver.filteringAliases(state, index, expressions);
  IndexMetaData indexMetaData = state.metaData().index(index);
  return new AliasFilter(ShardSearchRequest.parseAliasFilter(filterParser, indexMetaData, aliases), aliases);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Deletes an index that is not assigned to this node. This method cleans up all disk folders relating to the index
 * but does not deal with in-memory structures. For those call {@link #removeIndex(Index, IndexRemovalReason, String)}
public void deleteUnassignedIndex(String reason, IndexMetaData metaData, ClusterState clusterState) {
  if (nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
    String indexName = metaData.getIndex().getName();
    try {
      if (clusterState.metaData().hasIndex(indexName)) {
        final IndexMetaData index = clusterState.metaData().index(indexName);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can't delete unassigned index store for [" + indexName + "] - it's still part of " +
                        "the cluster state [" + index.getIndexUUID() + "] [" + metaData.getIndexUUID() + "]");
      deleteIndexStore(reason, metaData, clusterState);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to delete unassigned index (reason [{}])",
        metaData.getIndex(), reason), e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Finds the next (closest) delay expiration of an delayed shard in nanoseconds based on current time.
 * Returns 0 if delay is negative.
 * Returns -1 if no delayed shard is found.
public static long findNextDelayedAllocation(long currentNanoTime, ClusterState state) {
  MetaData metaData = state.metaData();
  RoutingTable routingTable = state.routingTable();
  long nextDelayNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE;
  for (ShardRouting shard : routingTable.shardsWithState(ShardRoutingState.UNASSIGNED)) {
    UnassignedInfo unassignedInfo = shard.unassignedInfo();
    if (unassignedInfo.isDelayed()) {
      Settings indexSettings = metaData.index(shard.index()).getSettings();
      // calculate next time to schedule
      final long newComputedLeftDelayNanos = unassignedInfo.getRemainingDelay(currentNanoTime, indexSettings);
      if (newComputedLeftDelayNanos < nextDelayNanos) {
        nextDelayNanos = newComputedLeftDelayNanos;
  return nextDelayNanos == Long.MAX_VALUE ? -1L : nextDelayNanos;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Validate the name for an index against some static rules and a cluster state.
public static void validateIndexName(String index, ClusterState state) {
  validateIndexOrAliasName(index, InvalidIndexNameException::new);
  if (!index.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals(index)) {
    throw new InvalidIndexNameException(index, "must be lowercase");
  if (state.routingTable().hasIndex(index)) {
    throw new ResourceAlreadyExistsException(state.routingTable().index(index).getIndex());
  if (state.metaData().hasIndex(index)) {
    throw new ResourceAlreadyExistsException(state.metaData().index(index).getIndex());
  if (state.metaData().hasAlias(index)) {
    throw new InvalidIndexNameException(index, "already exists as alias");

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private void applyStartedShards(RoutingAllocation routingAllocation, List<ShardRouting> startedShardEntries) {
  assert startedShardEntries.isEmpty() == false : "non-empty list of started shard entries expected";
  RoutingNodes routingNodes = routingAllocation.routingNodes();
  for (ShardRouting startedShard : startedShardEntries) {
    assert startedShard.initializing() : "only initializing shards can be started";
    assert routingAllocation.metaData().index(startedShard.shardId().getIndex()) != null :
      "shard started for unknown index (shard entry: " + startedShard + ")";
    assert startedShard == routingNodes.getByAllocationId(startedShard.shardId(), startedShard.allocationId().getId()) :
      "shard routing to start does not exist in routing table, expected: " + startedShard + " but was: " +
        routingNodes.getByAllocationId(startedShard.shardId(), startedShard.allocationId().getId());
    routingNodes.startShard(logger, startedShard, routingAllocation.changes());

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

final IndexShardRoutingTable getShardRoutingTable(ShardId shardId, ClusterState state) {
  final IndexRoutingTable indexRoutingTable = state.routingTable().index(shardId.getIndexName());
  if (indexRoutingTable == null) {
    IndexMetaData index = state.getMetaData().index(shardId.getIndex());
    if (index != null && index.getState() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) {
      throw new IndexClosedException(shardId.getIndex());
    throw new IndexNotFoundException(shardId.getIndexName());
  final IndexShardRoutingTable shardRoutingTable = indexRoutingTable.shard(;
  if (shardRoutingTable == null) {
    throw new ShardNotFoundException(shardId);
  return shardRoutingTable;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

protected void resolveRequest(ClusterState state, InternalRequest request) {
  IndexMetaData indexMeta = state.getMetaData().index(request.concreteIndex());
  // update the routing (request#index here is possibly an alias)
  request.request().routing(state.metaData().resolveIndexRouting(request.request().parent(), request.request().routing(),
  // Fail fast on the node that received the request.
  if (request.request().routing() == null && state.getMetaData().routingRequired(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type())) {
    throw new RoutingMissingException(request.concreteIndex(), request.request().type(), request.request().id());



