
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Releases an index commit that acquired by {@link #acquireIndexCommit(boolean)}.
 * @return true if the snapshotting commit can be clean up.
synchronized boolean releaseCommit(final IndexCommit snapshotCommit) {
  final IndexCommit releasingCommit = ((SnapshotIndexCommit) snapshotCommit).delegate;
  assert snapshottedCommits.containsKey(releasingCommit) : "Release non-snapshotted commit;" +
    "snapshotted commits [" + snapshottedCommits + "], releasing commit [" + releasingCommit + "]";
  final int refCount = snapshottedCommits.addTo(releasingCommit, -1); // release refCount
  assert refCount >= 0 : "Number of snapshots can not be negative [" + refCount + "]";
  if (refCount == 0) {
  // The commit can be clean up only if no pending snapshot and it is neither the safe commit nor last commit.
  return refCount == 0 && releasingCommit.equals(safeCommit) == false && releasingCommit.equals(lastCommit) == false;

代码示例来源:origin: clir/clearnlp

public int remove(T key)
  return g_map.remove(key);

代码示例来源:origin: carrotsearch/hppc

this.remove((KType) c.value);

代码示例来源:origin: dremio/dremio-oss

private void releaseViewExpansionToken(ViewExpansionToken token) {
 final String viewOwner = token.viewOwner;
 if (Objects.equals(queryUser, viewOwner)) {
  // If the token owner and queryUser are same, no need to track the token release.
   "Given user doesn't exist in User Token store. Make sure token for this user is obtained first.");
 final int userTokenCount = userTokens.get(viewOwner);
 if (userTokenCount == 1) {
  // Remove the user from collection, when there are no more tokens issued to the user.
 } else {
  userTokens.put(viewOwner, userTokenCount - 1);
 logger.debug("Released view expansion token issued for user '{}'", viewOwner);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.drill.exec/drill-java-exec

private void releaseViewExpansionToken(ViewExpansionToken token) {
 final String viewOwner = token.viewOwner;
 if (viewOwner.equals(queryUser)) {
  // If the token owner and queryUser are same, no need to track the token release.
   "Given user doesn't exist in User Token store. Make sure token for this user is obtained first.");
 final int userTokenCount = userTokens.get(viewOwner);
 if (userTokenCount == 1) {
  // Remove the user from collection, when there are no more tokens issued to the user.
 } else {
  userTokens.put(viewOwner, userTokenCount - 1);
 logger.debug("Released view expansion token issued for user '{}'", viewOwner);

代码示例来源:origin: mikvor/hashmapTest

  public int test() {
    final ObjectIntHashMap<Integer> m_map = new ObjectIntHashMap<>( m_keys.length / 2 + 1, m_fillFactor );
    int add = 0, remove = 0;
    while ( add < m_keys.length )
      m_map.put( m_keys[ add ], add );
      m_map.put( m_keys[ add ], add );
      m_map.remove( m_keys[ remove++ ] );
    return m_map.size();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Releases an index commit that acquired by {@link #acquireIndexCommit(boolean)}.
 * @return true if the snapshotting commit can be clean up.
synchronized boolean releaseCommit(final IndexCommit snapshotCommit) {
  final IndexCommit releasingCommit = ((SnapshotIndexCommit) snapshotCommit).delegate;
  assert snapshottedCommits.containsKey(releasingCommit) : "Release non-snapshotted commit;" +
    "snapshotted commits [" + snapshottedCommits + "], releasing commit [" + releasingCommit + "]";
  final int refCount = snapshottedCommits.addTo(releasingCommit, -1); // release refCount
  assert refCount >= 0 : "Number of snapshots can not be negative [" + refCount + "]";
  if (refCount == 0) {
  // The commit can be clean up only if no pending snapshot and it is neither the safe commit nor last commit.
  return refCount == 0 && releasingCommit.equals(safeCommit) == false && releasingCommit.equals(lastCommit) == false;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Releases an index commit that acquired by {@link #acquireIndexCommit(boolean)}.
 * @return true if the snapshotting commit can be clean up.
synchronized boolean releaseCommit(final IndexCommit snapshotCommit) {
  final IndexCommit releasingCommit = ((SnapshotIndexCommit) snapshotCommit).delegate;
  assert snapshottedCommits.containsKey(releasingCommit) : "Release non-snapshotted commit;" +
    "snapshotted commits [" + snapshottedCommits + "], releasing commit [" + releasingCommit + "]";
  final int refCount = snapshottedCommits.addTo(releasingCommit, -1); // release refCount
  assert refCount >= 0 : "Number of snapshots can not be negative [" + refCount + "]";
  if (refCount == 0) {
  // The commit can be clean up only if no pending snapshot and it is neither the safe commit nor last commit.
  return refCount == 0 && releasingCommit.equals(safeCommit) == false && releasingCommit.equals(lastCommit) == false;

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

this.remove((KType) c.value);
