
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns all the nodes in this path in reversed order, i.e. starting from the end node going backwards instead of from the start node going forwards. The first node is the same as #endNode() and the last node is the same as #startNode(). In between those nodes there can be an arbitrary number of nodes. The shortest path possible is just one node, where also the the start node is the same as the end node.


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public Iterable<Node> reverseNodes()
  return path.reverseNodes();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  boolean containsDuplicates( Path source )
    Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>();
    for ( Node node : source.reverseNodes() )
      if ( !nodes.add( node ) )
        return true;
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public static Path path( Node node, Link... links )
  List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>( links.length + 1 );
  List<Relationship> relationships = new ArrayList<>( links.length );
  List<PropertyContainer> mixed = new ArrayList<>( links.length * 2 + 1 );
  nodes.add( node );
  mixed.add( node );
  Path path = mock( Path.class );
  when( path.startNode() ).thenReturn( node );
  Relationship last = null;
  for ( Link link : links )
    last = link.relationship;
    relationships.add( last );
    mixed.add( last );
    node = link.checkNode( node );
    nodes.add( node );
    mixed.add( node );
  when( path.endNode() ).thenReturn( node );
  when( path.iterator() ).thenAnswer( withIteratorOf( mixed ) );
  when( path.nodes() ).thenReturn( nodes );
  when( path.relationships() ).thenReturn( relationships );
  when( path.lastRelationship() ).thenReturn( last );
  when( path.length() ).thenReturn( links.length );
  when( path.reverseNodes() ).thenReturn( reverse( nodes ) );
  when( path.reverseRelationships() ).thenReturn( reverse( relationships ) );
  return path;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldIterateThroughNodesInReverse()
  // given
  Path path = new PathProxy( proxySPI, new long[] {1, 2, 3}, new long[] {100, 200}, new int[] {0, ~0} );
  Iterator<Node> iterator = path.reverseNodes().iterator();
  Node node;
  // then
  assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
  assertThat( node =, instanceOf( Node.class ) );
  assertEquals( 3, node.getId() );
  assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
  assertThat( node =, instanceOf( Node.class ) );
  assertEquals( 2, node.getId() );
  assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
  assertThat( node =, instanceOf( Node.class ) );
  assertEquals( 1, node.getId() );
  assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

void singularNodeWorksForwardsAndBackwards()
  Node node = createNode( 1337L );
  Path path = PathImpl.singular( node );
  assertEquals( node, path.startNode() );
  assertEquals( node, path.endNode() );
  Iterator<Node> forwardIterator = path.nodes().iterator();
  assertTrue( forwardIterator.hasNext() );
  assertEquals( node, );
  assertFalse( forwardIterator.hasNext() );
  Iterator<Node> reverseIterator = path.reverseNodes().iterator();
  assertTrue( reverseIterator.hasNext() );
  assertEquals( node, );
  assertFalse( reverseIterator.hasNext() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldHandleSingleRelationshipPath()
  // Given
  Node start, end;
  Relationship relationship;
  try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() )
    start = db.createNode();
    end = db.createNode();
    relationship = start.createRelationshipTo( end, RelationshipType.withName( "R" ) );
  // When
  Path mapped = mapper.mapPath( path( asNodeValues( start, end ), asRelationshipsValues( relationship ) ) );
  // Then
  try ( Transaction ignore = db.beginTx() )
    assertThat( mapped.length(), equalTo( 1 ) );
    assertThat( mapped.startNode(), equalTo( start ) );
    assertThat( mapped.endNode(), equalTo( end ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.relationships() ), equalTo( singletonList( relationship ) ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseRelationships() ), equalTo( singletonList( relationship ) ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.nodes() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( start, end ) ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseNodes() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( end, start ) ) );
    assertThat( mapped.lastRelationship(), equalTo( relationship ) );
    assertThat( Iterators.asList( mapped.iterator() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( start, relationship, end ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldHandleSingleNodePath()
  // Given
  Node node;
  try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() )
    node = db.createNode();
  // When
  Path mapped = mapper.mapPath( path( asNodeValues( node ), asRelationshipsValues() ) );
  // Then
  try ( Transaction ignore = db.beginTx() )
    assertThat( mapped.length(), equalTo( 0 ) );
    assertThat( mapped.startNode(), equalTo( node ) );
    assertThat( mapped.endNode(), equalTo( node ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.relationships() ), hasSize( 0 ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseRelationships() ), hasSize( 0 ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.nodes() ), equalTo( singletonList( node ) ) );
    assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseNodes() ), equalTo( singletonList( node ) ) );
    assertThat( mapped.lastRelationship(), nullValue() );
    assertThat( Iterators.asList( mapped.iterator() ), equalTo( singletonList( node ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseRelationships() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( r4, r3, r2, r1 ) ) );
assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.nodes() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( a, b, c, d, e ) ) );
assertThat( Iterables.asList( mapped.reverseNodes() ), equalTo( Arrays.asList( e, d, c, b, a ) ) );
assertThat( mapped.lastRelationship(), equalTo( r4 ) );
assertThat( Iterators.asList( mapped.iterator() ),

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

void testPathReverseNodes()
  when( spi.newNodeProxy( Mockito.anyLong() ) ).thenAnswer( new NodeProxyAnswer() );
  Path path = new PathImpl.Builder( createNodeProxy( 1 ) )
              .push( createRelationshipProxy( 1, 2 ) )
              .push( createRelationshipProxy( 2, 3 ) )
              .build( new PathImpl.Builder( createNodeProxy( 3 ) ) );
  Iterable<Node> nodes = path.reverseNodes();
  List<Node> nodeList = Iterables.asList( nodes );
  assertEquals( 3, nodeList.size() );
  assertEquals( 3, nodeList.get( 0 ).getId() );
  assertEquals( 2, nodeList.get( 1 ).getId() );
  assertEquals( 1, nodeList.get( 2 ).getId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void reverseNodes()
  Traverser traverse = getGraphDb().traversalDescription().evaluator( atDepth( 0 ) ).traverse( a );
  Path path = getFirstPath( traverse );
  assertContains( path.reverseNodes(), a );
  Traverser traverse2 = getGraphDb().traversalDescription().evaluator( atDepth( 4 ) ).traverse( a );
  Path path2 = getFirstPath( traverse2 );
  assertContainsInOrder( path2.reverseNodes(), e, d, c, b, a );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private void assertPathIsCorrect( Path path )
  Node a = node( "A" );
  Relationship to1 = getFistRelationship( a );
  Node b = to1.getEndNode();
  Relationship to2 = getFistRelationship( b );
  Node c = to2.getEndNode();
  Relationship to3 = getFistRelationship( c );
  Node d = to3.getEndNode();
  Relationship to4 = getFistRelationship( d );
  Node e = to4.getEndNode();
  assertEquals( (Integer) 4, (Integer) path.length() );
  assertEquals( a, path.startNode() );
  assertEquals( e, path.endNode() );
  assertEquals( to4, path.lastRelationship() );
  assertContainsInOrder( path, a, to1, b, to2, c, to3, d, to4, e );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.nodes(), a, b, c, d, e );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.relationships(), to1, to2, to3, to4 );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseNodes(), e, d, c, b, a );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseRelationships(), to4, to3, to2, to1 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void ensureCorrectPathEntitiesInShortPath()
   * (a)-->(b)
  createGraph( "a TO b" );
  Node a = getNodeWithName( "a" );
  Node b = getNodeWithName( "b" );
  Relationship r = a.getSingleRelationship( to, OUTGOING );
  Path path = Iterables.single( getGraphDb().bidirectionalTraversalDescription()
    .mirroredSides( getGraphDb().traversalDescription().relationships( to, OUTGOING ).uniqueness( NODE_PATH ) )
    .collisionEvaluator( Evaluators.atDepth( 1 ) )
    .sideSelector( SideSelectorPolicies.LEVEL, 1 )
    .traverse( a, b ) );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.nodes(), a, b );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseNodes(), b, a );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.relationships(), r );
  assertContainsInOrder( path.reverseRelationships(), r );
  assertContainsInOrder( path, a, r, b );
  assertEquals( a, path.startNode() );
  assertEquals( b, path.endNode() );
  assertEquals( r, path.lastRelationship() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void testBidirectionalPath()
  TraversalDescription side = getGraphDb().traversalDescription().uniqueness( Uniqueness.NODE_PATH );
  BidirectionalTraversalDescription bidirectional =
      getGraphDb().bidirectionalTraversalDescription().mirroredSides( side );
  Path bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  assertPathIsCorrect( bidirectionalPath );
  Path path = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  Node node = path.startNode();
  assertEquals( a, node );
  // White box testing below: relationships(), nodes(), reverseRelationships(), reverseNodes()
  // does cache the start node if not already cached, so just make sure they to it properly.
  bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  assertEquals( a, bidirectionalPath.startNode() );
  bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath(bidirectional.traverse(a,e ) );
  assertEquals( a, bidirectionalPath.startNode() );
  bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  assertEquals( a, bidirectionalPath.startNode() );
  bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  assertEquals( a, bidirectionalPath.startNode() );
  bidirectionalPath = getFirstPath( bidirectional.traverse( a, e ) );
  assertEquals( a, bidirectionalPath.startNode() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-graph-algo

public Iterable<Node> reverseNodes()
  return path.reverseNodes();

代码示例来源:origin: graphaware/neo4j-algorithms

public Iterable<Node> reverseNodes() {
  return wrapped.reverseNodes();

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-graphdb-api

  boolean containsDuplicates( Path source )
    Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>();
    for ( Node node : source.reverseNodes() )
      if ( !nodes.add( node ) )
        return true;
    return false;
