
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb

 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query select(List<Field<?>> fields) {
  return new Query(fields);

代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb

 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for distinct values of the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query selectDistinct(List<Field<?>> fields) {
  Query query = new Query(fields);
  query.distinct = true;
  return query;

代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb

 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query select(Field<?>... fields) {
  return new Query(fields);

代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb

 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for distinct values of the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query selectDistinct(Field<?>... fields) {
  Query query = new Query(fields);
  query.distinct = true;
  return query;

代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb

 * @return a new query initialized with the current state of this query. The copy is not entirely shallow--methods
 * called on one query will not affect the state of the forked query--but changes to variable arguments in
 * {@link Criterion Criterions} they share will affect both copies.
public Query fork() {
  Query newQuery = new Query(fields);
  newQuery.table = table;
  newQuery.criterions = forkList(criterions);
  newQuery.joins = forkList(joins);
  newQuery.groupByFields = forkList(groupByFields);
  newQuery.compoundSelects = forkList(compoundSelects);
  newQuery.orders = forkList(orders);
  newQuery.havings = forkList(havings);
  newQuery.limit = limit;
  newQuery.offset = offset;
  newQuery.distinct = distinct;
  newQuery.needsValidation = needsValidation;
  return newQuery;


 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for distinct values of the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query selectDistinct(Field<?>... fields) {
  Query query = new Query(fields);
  query.distinct = true;
  return query;


 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query select(Field<?>... fields) {
  return new Query(fields);


 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for distinct values of the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query selectDistinct(List<Field<?>> fields) {
  Query query = new Query(fields);
  query.distinct = true;
  return query;


 * Construct a new Select statement that queries for the specified {@link Field Fields}
 * @param fields the Fields to select
 * @return a new Query object
public static Query select(List<Field<?>> fields) {
  return new Query(fields);


 * @return a new query initialized with the current state of this query. The copy is not entirely shallow--methods
 * called on one query will not affect the state of the forked query--but changes to variable arguments in
 * {@link Criterion Criterions} they share will affect both copies.
public Query fork() {
  Query newQuery = new Query(fields);
  newQuery.table = table;
  newQuery.criterions = forkList(criterions);
  newQuery.joins = forkList(joins);
  newQuery.groupByFields = forkList(groupByFields);
  newQuery.compoundSelects = forkList(compoundSelects);
  newQuery.orders = forkList(orders);
  newQuery.havings = forkList(havings);
  newQuery.limit = limit;
  newQuery.offset = offset;
  newQuery.distinct = distinct;
  newQuery.needsValidation = needsValidation;
  return newQuery;
