
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the identified resource without its representation's content.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response head(Reference resourceRef) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.HEAD, resourceRef));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Puts a representation in the identified resource.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to modify.
 * @param entity
 *            The entity to put.
 * @return The response.
public final Response put(String resourceUri, Representation entity) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.PUT, resourceUri, entity));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the identified resource.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response get(Reference resourceRef) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.GET, resourceRef));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Deletes the identified resource.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to delete.
 * @return The response.
public final Response delete(Reference resourceRef) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.DELETE, resourceRef));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Deletes the identified resource.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to delete.
 * @return The response.
public final Response delete(String resourceUri) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.DELETE, resourceUri));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the identified resource.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response get(String resourceUri) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.GET, resourceUri));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the options for the identified resource.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response options(String resourceUri) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.OPTIONS, resourceUri));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the identified resource without its representation's content.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response head(String resourceUri) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.HEAD, resourceUri));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Gets the options for the identified resource.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to get.
 * @return The response.
public final Response options(Reference resourceRef) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.OPTIONS, resourceRef));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Posts a representation to the identified resource.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to post to.
 * @param entity
 *            The entity to post.
 * @return The response.
public final Response post(Reference resourceRef, Representation entity) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.POST, resourceRef, entity));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Posts a representation to the identified resource.
 * @param resourceUri
 *            The URI of the resource to post to.
 * @param entity
 *            The entity to post.
 * @return The response.
public final Response post(String resourceUri, Representation entity) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.POST, resourceUri, entity));

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet

 * Puts a representation in the identified resource.
 * @param resourceRef
 *            The reference of the resource to modify.
 * @param entity
 *            The entity to put.
 * @return The response.
public final Response put(Reference resourceRef, Representation entity) {
  return handle(new Request(Method.PUT, resourceRef, entity));

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testGetByIdHTML() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  Response res = new Response(req);
  RequestResource.HTMLFormat format = 
    new RequestResource.HTMLFormat(req, res, resource, monitor);
  ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  assertTrue(new String(out.toByteArray()).startsWith("<html>"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testGetAll() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testGetById() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  req.getAttributes().put("request", 2);
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  RequestData data = (RequestData) resource.handleObjectGet();
  assertEquals("/two", data.getPath());

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testFilterIn() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  setKVP(req, "filter", "path:IN:/seven,/six,/five");
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();
  List<RequestData> datas = (List<RequestData>) monitor.getDAO().getRequests(q);
  assertCovered(datas, 5, 6, 7);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testGetDateRange() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  setKVP(req, "from", "2010-07-23T15:56:44", "to", "2010-07-23T16:16:44");
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();
  List<RequestData> datas = (List<RequestData>) monitor.getDAO().getRequests(q);
  assertCoveredInOrder(datas, 6, 5, 4);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testFilter() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  setKVP(req, "filter", "path:EQ:/seven");
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();
  List<RequestData> datas = (List<RequestData>) monitor.getDAO().getRequests(q);
  assertCoveredInOrder(datas, 7);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testFilterStatus() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  setKVP(req, "filter", "status:EQ:WAITING");
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();
  List<RequestData> datas = (List<RequestData>) monitor.getDAO().getRequests(q);
  assertCovered(datas, 2,6);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/monitor-core

public void testLive() throws Exception {
  Request req = new Request();
  setKVP(req, "live", "yes");
  Response res = new Response(req);
  resource.init(null, req, res);
  Query q = (Query) resource.handleObjectGet();;
  List<RequestData> datas = monitor.getDAO().getRequests(q); 
  assertCovered(datas, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10);
