
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the query engine.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public QueryEngine getQueryEngine() {
  return root.getQueryEngine();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jackrabbit/oak-jcr

public QueryEngine getQueryEngine() {
  return root.getQueryEngine();


public QueryEngine getQueryEngine() {
  return root.getQueryEngine();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public QueryEngine getQueryEngine() {
  return base.getQueryEngine();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

QueryEngine queryEngine = root.getQueryEngine();
return queryEngine.executeQuery(
    stmt.toString(), Query.XPATH,

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

private Iterator<Authorizable> findAuthorizables(@NotNull String statement,
                         long limit,
                         long offset,
                         @Nullable AuthorizableType type) throws RepositoryException {
  try {
    Result query = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        statement, javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH, limit, offset,
        NO_BINDINGS, namePathMapper.getSessionLocalMappings());
    Iterable<? extends ResultRow> resultRows = query.getRows();
    Iterator<Authorizable> authorizables = Iterators.transform(resultRows.iterator(), new ResultRowToAuthorizable(userManager, root, type));
    return Iterators.filter(authorizables, new UniqueResultPredicate());
  } catch (ParseException e) {
    log.warn("Invalid user query: " + statement, e);
    throw new RepositoryException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jackrabbit/oak-core

Tree getAuthorizableByPrincipal(@NotNull Principal principal) {
  if (principal instanceof TreeBasedPrincipal) {
    return root.getTree(((TreeBasedPrincipal) principal).getOakPath());
  // NOTE: in contrast to JR2 the extra shortcut for ID==principalName
  // can be omitted as principals names are stored in user defined
  // index as well.
  try {
    StringBuilder stmt = new StringBuilder();
    stmt.append("SELECT * FROM [").append(UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE).append(']');
    stmt.append(" WHERE [").append(UserConstants.REP_PRINCIPAL_NAME).append("] = $principalName");
    Result result = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(stmt.toString(),
        Query.JCR_SQL2, 1, 0,
        Collections.singletonMap("principalName", PropertyValues.newString(principal.getName())),
    Iterator<? extends ResultRow> rows = result.getRows().iterator();
    if (rows.hasNext()) {
      String path =;
      return root.getTree(path);
  } catch (ParseException ex) {
    log.error("Failed to retrieve authorizable by principal", ex);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

Tree getAuthorizableByPrincipal(@NotNull Principal principal) {
  if (principal instanceof TreeBasedPrincipal) {
    return root.getTree(((TreeBasedPrincipal) principal).getOakPath());
  // NOTE: in contrast to JR2 the extra shortcut for ID==principalName
  // can be omitted as principals names are stored in user defined
  // index as well.
  try {
    StringBuilder stmt = new StringBuilder();
    stmt.append("SELECT * FROM [").append(UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE).append(']');
    stmt.append(" WHERE [").append(UserConstants.REP_PRINCIPAL_NAME).append("] = $principalName");
    Result result = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(stmt.toString(),
        Query.JCR_SQL2, 1, 0,
        Collections.singletonMap("principalName", PropertyValues.newString(principal.getName())),
    Iterator<? extends ResultRow> rows = result.getRows().iterator();
    if (rows.hasNext()) {
      String path =;
      return root.getTree(path);
  } catch (ParseException ex) {
    log.error("Failed to retrieve authorizable by principal", ex);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jackrabbit/oak-core

private Iterator<Authorizable> findAuthorizables(@NotNull String statement,
                         long limit,
                         long offset,
                         @Nullable AuthorizableType type) throws RepositoryException {
  try {
    Result query = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        statement, javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH, limit, offset,
        NO_BINDINGS, namePathMapper.getSessionLocalMappings());
    Iterable<? extends ResultRow> resultRows = query.getRows();
    Iterator<Authorizable> authorizables = Iterators.transform(resultRows.iterator(), new ResultRowToAuthorizable(userManager, root, type));
    return Iterators.filter(authorizables, new UniqueResultPredicate());
  } catch (ParseException e) {
    log.warn("Invalid user query: " + statement, e);
    throw new RepositoryException(e);


private Iterator<Authorizable> findAuthorizables(@Nonnull String statement,
                         long limit,
                         long offset,
                         @Nullable AuthorizableType type) throws RepositoryException {
  try {
    Result query = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        statement, javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH, limit, offset,
        NO_BINDINGS, namePathMapper.getSessionLocalMappings());
    Iterable<? extends ResultRow> resultRows = query.getRows();
    Iterator<Authorizable> authorizables = Iterators.transform(resultRows.iterator(), new ResultRowToAuthorizable(userManager, root, type));
    return Iterators.filter(authorizables, new UniqueResultPredicate());
  } catch (ParseException e) {
    log.warn("Invalid user query: " + statement, e);
    throw new RepositoryException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

 * Runs an Oak query searching for {@link #REP_EXTERNAL_PRINCIPAL_NAMES} properties
 * that match the given name or name hint.
 * NOTE: ignore any principals listed in the {@link DefaultSyncConfig.User#autoMembership}
 * because they are expected to exist in the system and thus will be found
 * by another principal provider instance.
 * @param nameHint The principal name or name hint to be searched for.
 * @param exactMatch boolean flag indicating if the query should search for
 *                   exact matching.
 * @return The query result.
private Result findPrincipals(@NotNull String nameHint, boolean exactMatch) {
  try {
    Map<String, ? extends PropertyValue> bindings = buildBinding(nameHint, exactMatch);
    String op = (exactMatch) ? " = " : " LIKE ";
    String statement = "SELECT '" + REP_EXTERNAL_PRINCIPAL_NAMES + "' FROM [rep:User] WHERE PROPERTY(["
        + REP_EXTERNAL_PRINCIPAL_NAMES + "], '" + PropertyType.TYPENAME_STRING + "')"
        + op + "$" + BINDING_PRINCIPAL_NAMES + QueryEngine.INTERNAL_SQL2_QUERY;
    return root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(statement, Query.JCR_SQL2, bindings, namePathMapper.getSessionLocalMappings());
  } catch (ParseException e) {
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

private String resolveUUID(PropertyValue uuid) {
  try {
    Map<String, PropertyValue> bindings = Collections.singletonMap("id", uuid);
    Result result = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] WHERE [jcr:uuid] = $id " + 
        "OPTION(INDEX NAME [uuid], INDEX TAG [uuid])" +
        bindings, NO_MAPPINGS);
    String path = null;
    for (ResultRow rr : result.getRows()) {
      if (path != null) {
        log.error("multiple results for identifier lookup: " + path + " vs. " + rr.getPath());
        return null;
      } else {
        path = rr.getPath();
    return path;
  } catch (ParseException ex) {
    log.error("query failed", ex);
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jackrabbit/oak-core

private String resolveUUID(PropertyValue uuid) {
  try {
    Map<String, PropertyValue> bindings = Collections.singletonMap("id", uuid);
    Result result = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] WHERE [jcr:uuid] = $id " + 
        "OPTION(INDEX NAME [uuid], INDEX TAG [uuid])" +
        bindings, NO_MAPPINGS);
    String path = null;
    for (ResultRow rr : result.getRows()) {
      if (path != null) {
        log.error("multiple results for identifier lookup: " + path + " vs. " + rr.getPath());
        return null;
      } else {
        path = rr.getPath();
    return path;
  } catch (ParseException ex) {
    log.error("query failed", ex);
    return null;


private String resolveUUID(PropertyValue uuid) {
  try {
    Map<String, PropertyValue> bindings = Collections.singletonMap("id", uuid);
    Result result = root.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
        "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] WHERE [jcr:uuid] = $id " + 
        "OPTION(INDEX NAME [uuid], INDEX TAG [uuid])" +
        bindings, NO_MAPPINGS);
    String path = null;
    for (ResultRow rr : result.getRows()) {
      if (path != null) {
        log.error("multiple results for identifier lookup: " + path + " vs. " + rr.getPath());
        return null;
      } else {
        path = rr.getPath();
    return path;
  } catch (ParseException ex) {
    log.error("query failed", ex);
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

private static List<String> queryUuid(ContentSession session, String uuid) throws ParseException {
  Map<String, PropertyValue> bindings = Collections.singletonMap("id", PropertyValues.newString(uuid));
  Result result = session.getLatestRoot().getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
      "SELECT * FROM [nt:base] WHERE [jcr:uuid] = $id" + QueryEngine.INTERNAL_SQL2_QUERY,
      bindings, NO_MAPPINGS);
  return, false)
      .map(r -> r.getPath())

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

Set<String> getSuggestions(String nodeType, String suggestFor) throws Exception {
  Set<String> ret = Sets.newHashSet();
  String suggQuery = createSuggestQuery(nodeType, suggestFor);
  QueryEngine qe = root.getQueryEngine();
  Result result = qe.executeQuery(suggQuery, Query.JCR_SQL2, null, null);
  for (ResultRow row : result.getRows()) {
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public void before() throws Exception {
  session = createRepository().login(null, null);
  root = session.getLatestRoot();
  qe = root.getQueryEngine();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public void before() throws Exception {
  session = createRepository().login(null, null);
  root = session.getLatestRoot();
  qe = root.getQueryEngine();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public void queryOnStableRevision() throws Exception {
  ContentSession s = repository.login(null, null);
  Root r = s.getLatestRoot();
  Tree t = r.getTree("/").addChild("test");
  t.addChild("node1").setProperty("jcr:primaryType", "nt:base");
  t.addChild("node2").setProperty("jcr:primaryType", "nt:base");
  t.addChild("node3").setProperty("jcr:primaryType", "nt:base");
  ContentSession s2 = repository.login(null, null);
  Root r2 = s2.getLatestRoot();
  Result result = r2.getQueryEngine().executeQuery(
      "test//element(*, nt:base)", Query.XPATH,
      QueryEngine.NO_BINDINGS, QueryEngine.NO_MAPPINGS);
  Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>();
  for (ResultRow rr : result.getRows()) {
  assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("/test/node1", "/test/node2", "/test/node3")), paths);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

public void before() throws Exception {
  session = createRepository().login(null, null);
  root = session.getLatestRoot();
  qe = root.getQueryEngine();
  root.getTree("/oak:index/counter").setProperty("resolution", 100);
  root.getTree("/oak:index/counter").setProperty("seed", 1);
  Tree content = root.getTree("/").addChild("content");
  // add 200'000 nodes under /content
  for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
    Tree t = content.addChild("test" + i);
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
      t.addChild("n" + j);
