
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: at.bestsolution.efxclipse.eclipse/

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hudsonci.lib.guava/guava

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;


private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static Type supertypeBound(Type type) {
 if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
  return supertypeBound((WildcardType) type);
 return type;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);


private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: at.bestsolution.efxclipse.eclipse/

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hudsonci.lib.guava/guava

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static Type supertypeBound(WildcardType type) {
 Type[] upperBounds = type.getUpperBounds();
 if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
  return supertypeBound(upperBounds[0]);
 } else if (upperBounds.length == 0) {
  return Object.class;
 } else {
  throw new AssertionError(
    "There should be at most one upper bound for wildcard type: " + type);

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hudsonci.lib.guava/guava

private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);


private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics

private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);

代码示例来源:origin: at.bestsolution.efxclipse.eclipse/

private static boolean isAssignableToWildcardType(
  Type from, WildcardType to) {
 // if "to" is <? extends Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SubFoo, <? extends Foo>, <? extends SubFoo>, <T extends Foo> or
 // <T extends SubFoo>.
 // if "to" is <? super Foo>, "from" can be:
 // Foo, SuperFoo, <? super Foo> or <? super SuperFoo>.
 return isAssignable(from, supertypeBound(to)) && isAssignableBySubtypeBound(from, to);




