
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Set the service on which the token is supposed to be used


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 public Token<?> call(KMSClientProvider provider) throws IOException {
  Token<?> token = provider.getDelegationToken(renewer);
  // override sub-providers service with our own so it can be used
  // across all providers.
  LOG.debug("New token service set. Token: ({})", token);
  return token;
}, nextIdx(), false);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Set the given token's service to the format expected by the RPC client 
 * @param token a delegation token
 * @param addr the socket for the rpc connection
public static void setTokenService(Token<?> token, InetSocketAddress addr) {
 Text service = buildTokenService(addr);
 if (token != null) {
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
   LOG.debug("Acquired token "+token);  // Token#toString() prints service
 } else {
  LOG.warn("Failed to get token for service "+service);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static Token<? extends AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier> extractThriftToken(
 String tokenStrForm, String tokenSignature) throws MetaException,
 TException, IOException {
 Token<? extends AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier> t = new Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>();
 t.setService(new Text(tokenSignature));
 //"returning "+t);
 return t;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Create a new token using the given string and service
 * @param tokenStr
 * @param tokenService
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> createToken(String tokenStr, String tokenService)
  throws IOException {
 Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> delegationToken = new Token<>();
 delegationToken.setService(new Text(tokenService));
 return delegationToken;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Create a new token using the given string and service
 * @param tokenStr
 * @param tokenService
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> createToken(String tokenStr, String tokenService)
  throws IOException {
 Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> delegationToken = new Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>();
 delegationToken.setService(new Text(tokenService));
 return delegationToken;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

  * Create a new token using the given string and service
  * @param tokenStr
  * @param tokenService
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 private static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> createToken(String tokenStr, String tokenService)
   throws IOException {
  Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> delegationToken = new Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>();
  delegationToken.setService(new Text(tokenService));
  return delegationToken;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

public Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> generateToken(String username) {
 AuthenticationTokenIdentifier ident =
   new AuthenticationTokenIdentifier(username);
 Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<>(ident, this);
 if (clusterId.hasId()) {
  token.setService(new Text(clusterId.getId()));
 return token;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private static Token<JobTokenIdentifier> createJobToken(ApplicationId applicationId) {
  String tokenIdentifier = applicationId.toString();
  JobTokenIdentifier identifier = new JobTokenIdentifier(new Text(
  Token<JobTokenIdentifier> sessionToken = new Token<JobTokenIdentifier>(identifier,
    new JobTokenSecretManager());
  return sessionToken;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private static Token<JobTokenIdentifier> createAmsToken(ApplicationId id) {
 if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) return null;
 JobTokenIdentifier identifier = new JobTokenIdentifier(new Text(id.toString()));
 JobTokenSecretManager jobTokenManager = new JobTokenSecretManager();
 Token<JobTokenIdentifier> sessionToken = new Token<>(identifier, jobTokenManager);
 return sessionToken;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

token.setService(dtService);"New token created: ({})", token);
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Create the delegation token.
public Path open(String user, Configuration conf)
 throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 if (isEnabled) {
  this.user = user;
  File t = File.createTempFile("templeton", null);
  tokenPath = new Path(t.toURI());
  Token[] fsToken = getFSDelegationToken(user, conf);
  String hcatTokenStr;
  try {
   hcatTokenStr = buildHcatDelegationToken(user);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new IOException(e);
  if(hcatTokenStr == null) {
   LOG.error("open(" + user + ") token=null");
  Token<?> msToken = new Token();
  msToken.setService(new Text(HCAT_SERVICE));
  writeProxyDelegationTokens(fsToken, msToken, conf, user, tokenPath);
 return tokenPath;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

public Token<? extends AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier> createToken(
  UserGroupInformation ugi, String renewer, String service) {
 LOG.debug("Creating token with ugi:{}, renewer:{}, service:{}.",
   ugi, renewer, service !=null ? service : "");
 renewer = (renewer == null) ? ugi.getShortUserName() : renewer;
 String user = ugi.getUserName();
 Text owner = new Text(user);
 Text realUser = null;
 if (ugi.getRealUser() != null) {
  realUser = new Text(ugi.getRealUser().getUserName());
 AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier tokenIdentifier =
   (AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier) secretManager.createIdentifier();
 tokenIdentifier.setRenewer(new Text(renewer));
 Token token = new Token(tokenIdentifier, secretManager);
 if (service != null) {
  token.setService(new Text(service));
 return token;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

public void setUp() throws IOException {
 this.configuration = new Configuration();
 this.fileSystem = FileSystem.getLocal(this.configuration);
 this.tokenFilePath = new Path(HelixUtilsTest.class.getSimpleName(), "token");
 this.token = new Token<>();
 this.token.setKind(new Text("test"));
 this.token.setService(new Text("test"));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

 * function to fetch hcat token as per the specified hive configuration and then store the token
 * in to the credential store specified .
 * @param userToProxy String value indicating the name of the user the token will be fetched for.
 * @param hiveConf the configuration based off which the hive client will be initialized.
private static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> fetchHcatToken(final String userToProxy, final HiveConf hiveConf,
  final String tokenSignatureOverwrite, final IMetaStoreClient hiveClient)
  throws IOException, TException, InterruptedException { + ": " + hiveConf.get(
   HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_USE_THRIFT_SASL.varname)); + ": " + hiveConf.get(
 final Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> hcatToken = new Token<>();
   hiveClient.getDelegationToken(userToProxy, UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getShortUserName()));
 // overwrite the value of the service property of the token if the signature
 // override is specified.
 // If the service field is set, do not overwrite that
 if (hcatToken.getService().getLength() <= 0 && tokenSignatureOverwrite != null
   && tokenSignatureOverwrite.trim().length() > 0) {
  hcatToken.setService(new Text(tokenSignatureOverwrite.trim().toLowerCase())); + ":" + tokenSignatureOverwrite);
 }"Created hive metastore token for user:" + userToProxy + " with kind[" + hcatToken.getKind() + "]"
   + " and service[" + hcatToken.getService() + "]");
 return hcatToken;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

creds.addToken(alias, aliasedToken);"Add token with service " + alias);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

/** Alias a token from a file and save back to file in the local filesystem.
 *  @param tokenFile a local File object to hold the input and output.
 *  @param fileFormat a string equal to FORMAT_PB or FORMAT_JAVA, for output
 *  @param alias overwrite service field of fetched token with this text.
 *  @param service only apply alias to tokens matching this service text.
 *  @param conf Configuration object passed along.
 *  @throws IOException
public static void aliasTokenFile(File tokenFile, String fileFormat,
  Text alias, Text service, Configuration conf) throws Exception {
 Credentials newCreds = new Credentials();
 Credentials creds = Credentials.readTokenStorageFile(tokenFile, conf);
 for (Token<?> token : creds.getAllTokens()) {
  newCreds.addToken(token.getService(), token);
  if (token.getService().equals(service)) {
   Token<?> aliasedToken = token.copyToken();
   newCreds.addToken(alias, aliasedToken);
 doFormattedWrite(tokenFile, fileFormat, newCreds, conf);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

this.token.setService(new Text("test"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> delegationToken() throws IOException {
 String delegation = param(DelegationParam.NAME);
 final Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> token = new
 URI nnUri = URI.create(HDFS_URI_SCHEME + "://" + namenodeId());
 boolean isLogical = HAUtilClient.isLogicalUri(conf, nnUri);
 if (isLogical) {
    HAUtilClient.buildTokenServiceForLogicalUri(nnUri, HDFS_URI_SCHEME));
 } else {
 return token;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 public Token<?> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
  Token<?> token = new Token<TokenIdentifier>();
  token.setService(new Text(service));
  // use unique value so when we restore from token storage, we can
  // tell if it's really the same token
  token.setKind(new Text("token" + unique++));
  return token;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

final String setKind = tokenKind.getValue();
if (setServiceName != null) {
 token.setService(new Text(setServiceName));
