
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Method size returns the number of values in this Tuple instance.


代码示例来源:origin: elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop

  public void convert(Object from, BytesArray to) {
    // expect a tuple holding one field - chararray or bytearray
    Assert.isTrue(from instanceof SinkCall,
        String.format("Unexpected object type, expecting [%s], given [%s]", SinkCall.class, from.getClass()));

    // handle common cases
    SinkCall sinkCall = (SinkCall) from;
    Tuple rawTuple = sinkCall.getOutgoingEntry().getTuple();

    if (rawTuple == null || rawTuple.isEmpty()) {
    Assert.isTrue(rawTuple.size() == 1, "When using JSON input, only one field is expected");

    // postpone the coercion
    Tuple tuple = CascadingUtils.coerceToString(sinkCall);
    super.convert(tuple.getObject(0), to);

代码示例来源:origin: elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop

public Result write(SinkCall<Object[], ?> sinkCall, Generator generator) {
  Tuple tuple = CascadingUtils.coerceToString(sinkCall);
  // consider names (in case of aliases these are already applied)
  List<String> names = (List<String>) sinkCall.getContext()[SINK_CTX_ALIASES];
  for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) {
    String name = (i < names.size() ? names.get(i) : "tuple" + i);
    // filter out fields
    if (shouldKeep(generator.getParentPath(), name)) {
      Object object = tuple.getObject(i);
      Result result = jdkWriter.write(object, generator);
      if (!result.isSuccesful()) {
        if (object instanceof Writable) {
          return writableWriter.write((Writable) object, generator);
        return Result.FAILED(object);
  return Result.SUCCESFUL();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private boolean areNullsEqual()
  Tuple tupleWithNull = Tuple.size( 1 );
  return groupComparators[ 0 ].compare( tupleWithNull, tupleWithNull ) == 0;
 catch( Exception exception )
  return true; // assume we have an npe or something and they don't expect to see nulls

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

Tuple nulledCopy( int[] pos )
 if( pos == null )
  return size( size() );
 Tuple results = new Tuple( this );
 for( int i : pos )
  results.set( i, null );
 return results;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public static Tuple nulledCopy( Fields declarator, Tuple tuple, Fields selector )
 // use tuple.size() in case declarator is UNKNOWN and selector has relative pos
 return tuple.nulledCopy( declarator.getPos( selector, tuple.size() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

static CoercibleType[] getCoercions( Fields fields, Tuple tuple )
 Type[] types = fields.types; // safe to not get a copy
 int size = fields.size();
 size = size == 0 && tuple != null ? tuple.size() : size;
 if( size == 0 )
 return Coercions.coercibleArray( size, types );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected void performOperation( Tuple[] context, TupleEntry entry )
 if( context[ 0 ] == null )
  context[ 0 ] = new Tuple();
 if( context[ 0 ].size() < firstN )
  context[ 0 ].add( entry.getTupleCopy() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Context> operationCall )
 operationCall.setContext( new Context( Tuple.size( 1 ), operationCall.getArgumentFields().subtract( Fields.FIRST ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public CombineInputPartitionTupleEntryIterator( FlowProcess<? extends Configuration> flowProcess, Fields sourceFields,
                        Partition partition, String parentIdentifier, TupleEntrySchemeIterator childIterator )
 this.flowProcess = flowProcess;
 this.partition = partition;
 this.parentIdentifier = parentIdentifier;
 this.childIterator = childIterator;
 this.sourceFields = sourceFields;
 this.partitionEntry = new TupleEntry( partition.getPartitionFields(), Tuple.size( partition.getPartitionFields().size() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Pair<Matcher, TupleEntry>> operationCall )
 int size;
 if( groups != null )
  size = groups.length;
  size = operationCall.getDeclaredFields().size(); // if Fields.UNKNOWN size will be zero
 // TupleEntry allows us to honor the declared field type information
 TupleEntry entry = new TupleEntry( operationCall.getDeclaredFields(), Tuple.size( size ) );
 operationCall.setContext( new Pair<>( getPattern().matcher( "" ), entry ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public static Tuple setOnEmpty( TupleEntry baseEntry, TupleEntry valuesEntry )
 Tuple emptyTuple = Tuple.size( baseEntry.getFields().size() );
 emptyTuple.set( baseEntry.getFields(), valuesEntry.getFields(), valuesEntry.getTuple() );
 return emptyTuple;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public Tuple aggregate( FlowProcess flowProcess, TupleEntry args, Tuple context )
 if( context == null )
  context = Tuple.size( 2 );
 if( include == Include.NO_NULLS && args.getObject( 0 ) == null )
  return context;
 context.set( 0, context.getDouble( 0 ) + args.getDouble( 0 ) );
 context.set( 1, context.getLong( 1 ) + 1 );
 return context;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Pair<Pattern, TupleEntry>> operationCall )
 length = operationCall.getDeclaredFields().isUnknown() ? -1 : operationCall.getDeclaredFields().size();
 TupleEntry tupleEntry = new TupleEntry( operationCall.getDeclaredFields(), Tuple.size( Math.max( 1, length ) ) );
 operationCall.setContext( new Pair<>( getPattern(), tupleEntry ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void prepare( FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<Pair<SimpleDateFormat, TupleEntry>> operationCall )
 operationCall.setContext( new Pair<>( getDateFormat(), new TupleEntry( operationCall.getDeclaredFields(), Tuple.size( getDeclaredSize() ) ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testLeave()
 Tuple aTuple = tuple.leave( new int[]{0} );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.size()", 1, tuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "a", tuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.size()", 4, aTuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.get( 0 )", "b", aTuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 1 )", "c", aTuple.getObject( 1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testGet()
 Tuple aTuple = tuple.get( new int[]{0} );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.size()", 1, aTuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.get( 0 )", "a", aTuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.size()", 5, tuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "a", tuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 1 )", "b", tuple.getObject( 1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testGetNull()
 Tuple aTuple = tuple.get( (int[]) null );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.size()", 5, aTuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.get( 0 )", "a", aTuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: aTuple.get( 1 )", "b", aTuple.getObject( 1 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.size()", 5, tuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "a", tuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 1 )", "b", tuple.getObject( 1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testGet() throws Exception
 TupleEntry entry = new TupleEntry( new Fields( "json", JSONCoercibleType.TYPE ), Tuple.size( 1 ) );
 entry.setObject( 0, JSONData.nested );
 JSONGetFunction function = new JSONGetFunction( new Fields( "result" ), "/person/name" );
 TupleListCollector result = invokeFunction( function, entry, new Fields( "result" ) );
 Object value = result.iterator().next().getObject( 0 );
 assertNotNull( value );
 assertEquals( "John Doe", ( (TextNode) value ).textValue() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testSelectNotComparable()
 Fields selector = new Fields( 1, "d" );
 Object object = new Object();
 TupleEntry entryA = new TupleEntry( new Fields( "a", "b" ), new Tuple( "a", object ) );
 TupleEntry entryB = new TupleEntry( new Fields( "c", "d" ), new Tuple( "c", "d" ) );
 Tuple tuple = selector, entryA, entryB );
 assertEquals( "wrong size", 2, tuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get(0)", object, tuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get(1)", "d", tuple.getObject( 1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testPut()
 Fields aFields = new Fields( "one", "five" );
 tuple.put( fields, aFields, new Tuple( "ten", "eleven" ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.size()", 5, tuple.size() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "ten", tuple.getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "ten", tuple.get( fields, new Fields( "one" ) ).getObject( 0 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "eleven", tuple.getObject( 4 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: tuple.get( 0 )", "eleven", tuple.get( fields, new Fields( "five" ) ).getObject( 0 ) );
