
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets a 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.


代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public final int getValueLength(Slice slice, int offset)
  return Integer.reverseBytes(slice.getInt(offset));

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

  public void decodeValueInto(BlockBuilder builder, Slice slice, int offset, int length)
    int intBits = slice.getInt(offset);

    // the file format uses big endian
    type.writeLong(builder, Integer.reverseBytes(intBits));

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public static List<Model> deserializeModels(byte[] bytes)
  Slice slice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(bytes);
  int numModels = slice.getInt(0);
  int offset = SIZE_OF_INT + SIZE_OF_INT * numModels;
  ImmutableList.Builder<Model> models = ImmutableList.builder();
  for (int i = 0; i < numModels; i++) {
    int length = slice.getInt(SIZE_OF_INT * (i + 1));
    models.add(deserialize(slice.getBytes(offset, length)));
    offset += length;

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public boolean nextRecord() {
  if (pageRecordCount <= readCount) {
    return false;
  if (readCount > 0) {
    // advance position excepting the first record
    int lastRecordSize = pageSlice.getInt(position);
    position += lastRecordSize;
  pageSlice.getBytes(position + 4, nullBitSet, 0, nullBitSet.length);
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static Slice decompressLZO(Slice input, int uncompressedSize)
  LzoDecompressor lzoDecompressor = new LzoDecompressor();
  long totalDecompressedCount = 0;
  // over allocate buffer which makes decompression easier
  byte[] output = new byte[uncompressedSize + SIZE_OF_LONG];
  int outputOffset = 0;
  int inputOffset = 0;
  int cumulativeUncompressedBlockLength = 0;
  while (totalDecompressedCount < uncompressedSize) {
    if (totalDecompressedCount == cumulativeUncompressedBlockLength) {
      cumulativeUncompressedBlockLength += Integer.reverseBytes(input.getInt(inputOffset));
      inputOffset += SIZE_OF_INT;
    int compressedChunkLength = Integer.reverseBytes(input.getInt(inputOffset));
    inputOffset += SIZE_OF_INT;
    int decompressionSize = decompress(lzoDecompressor, input, inputOffset, compressedChunkLength, output, outputOffset);
    totalDecompressedCount += decompressionSize;
    outputOffset += decompressionSize;
    inputOffset += compressedChunkLength;
  checkArgument(outputOffset == uncompressedSize);
  return wrappedBuffer(output, 0, uncompressedSize);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public static Model deserialize(Slice slice)
  int version = slice.getInt(VERSION_OFFSET);
  checkArgument(version == CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION, format("Unsupported version: %d", version));
  byte[] modelHashBytes = slice.getBytes(HASH_OFFSET, 32);
  HashCode expectedHash = HashCode.fromBytes(modelHashBytes);
  HashCode actualHash = Hashing.sha256().hashBytes(slice.getBytes(ALGORITHM_OFFSET, slice.length() - ALGORITHM_OFFSET));
  checkArgument(actualHash.equals(expectedHash), "model hash does not match data");
  int id = slice.getInt(ALGORITHM_OFFSET);
  Class<? extends Model> algorithm = MODEL_SERIALIZATION_IDS.inverse().get(id);
  requireNonNull(algorithm, format("Unsupported algorith %d", id));
  int hyperparameterLength = slice.getInt(HYPERPARAMETER_LENGTH_OFFSET);
  byte[] hyperparameterBytes = slice.getBytes(HYPERPARAMETERS_OFFSET, hyperparameterLength);
  int dataLengthOffset = HYPERPARAMETERS_OFFSET + hyperparameterLength;
  long dataLength = slice.getLong(dataLengthOffset);
  int dataOffset = dataLengthOffset + SIZE_OF_LONG;
  byte[] data = slice.getBytes(dataOffset, (int) dataLength);
  try {
    Method deserialize = algorithm.getMethod("deserialize", byte[].class);
    return (Model) deserialize.invoke(null, new Object[] {data});
  catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public int getInt(int position, int offset)
  return getRawSlice(position).getInt(getPositionOffset(position) + offset);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static int[] toInt8Array(byte[] bytes)
  Slice slice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(bytes);
  int[] ints = new int[8];
  for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
    ints[i] = slice.getInt(i * Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE);
  return ints;

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public int getInt(int position, int offset)
  return getRawSlice().getInt(valueOffset(position) + offset);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

@Description("decode the 32-bit big-endian binary in IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format")
public static long fromIEEE754Binary32(@SqlType(StandardTypes.VARBINARY) Slice slice)
  checkCondition(slice.length() == Integer.BYTES, INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, "Input floating-point value must be exactly 4 bytes long");
  return Integer.reverseBytes(slice.getInt(0));

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

  public static Slice castToHyperLogLog(@SqlType(SetDigestType.NAME) Slice slice)
    checkArgument(slice.getByte(0) == 1, "Legacy version of SetDigest cannot cast to HyperLogLog");
    int hllLength = slice.getInt(SIZE_OF_BYTE);
    return Slices.wrappedBuffer(slice.getBytes(SIZE_OF_BYTE + SIZE_OF_INT, hllLength));

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public String getString(int columnIndex) {
  if (isNull(columnIndex)) {
    return null;
  int index = pageSlice.getInt(getOffset(columnIndex));
  return page.getStringReference(index);

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public Value getJson(int columnIndex) {
  if (isNull(columnIndex)) {
    return null;
  int index = pageSlice.getInt(getOffset(columnIndex));
  return page.getValueReference(index);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

@Description("decode bigint value from a 32-bit 2's complement big endian varbinary")
public static long fromBigEndian32(@SqlType(StandardTypes.VARBINARY) Slice slice)
  if (slice.length() != Integer.BYTES) {
    throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, "expected 4-byte input, but got instead: " + slice.length());
  return Integer.reverseBytes(slice.getInt(0));

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

public Block decodeColumn(ColumnData columnData)
  int size = columnData.rowCount();
  BlockBuilder builder = type.createBlockBuilder(null, size);
  Slice slice = columnData.getSlice();
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    int length = columnData.getLength(i);
    if (length != 0) {
      checkState(length == SIZE_OF_FLOAT, "Float should be 4 bytes");
      int intBits = slice.getInt(columnData.getOffset(i));
      // the file format uses big endian
      type.writeLong(builder, Integer.reverseBytes(intBits));
    else {

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex) {
  if (isNull(columnIndex)) {
    return null;
  int offset = getOffset(columnIndex);
  long sec = pageSlice.getLong(offset);
  int nsec = pageSlice.getInt(offset + 8);
  return Timestamp.ofEpochSecond(sec, nsec);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static void verifySlice()
  Slice slice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(new byte[5]);
  slice.setByte(4, 0xDE);
  slice.setByte(3, 0xAD);
  slice.setByte(2, 0xBE);
  slice.setByte(1, 0xEF);
  if (slice.getInt(1) != 0xDEADBEEF) {
    failRequirement("Slice library produced an unexpected result");

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static void writeValues(Slice[] expectedValues, BlockBuilder blockBuilder)
  for (Slice expectedValue : expectedValues) {
    if (expectedValue == null) {
    else {

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public static int getRecordCount(Page page) {
  Buffer pageBuffer = page.buffer();
  Slice pageSlice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(pageBuffer.array(), pageBuffer.offset(), pageBuffer.limit());
  return pageSlice.getInt(0);  // see page format

代码示例来源:origin: embulk/embulk

public void setPage(Page page) {; = SENTINEL;
  Buffer pageBuffer = page.buffer();
  Slice pageSlice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(pageBuffer.array(), pageBuffer.offset(), pageBuffer.limit());
  pageRecordCount = pageSlice.getInt(0);  // see page format
  readCount = 0;
  position = PageFormat.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE; = page;
  this.pageSlice = pageSlice;
