
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a read-only view of the internal data structure used to store thread context key-value pairs, or null if the internal data structure does not implement the ReadOnlyThreadContextMap interface.

The DefaultThreadContextMap implementation does not implement ReadOnlyThreadContextMap, so by default this method returns null.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core

private static String contextMap() {
  final ReadOnlyThreadContextMap impl = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap();
  return impl == null ? ContextImpl.WEBAPP.implClassSimpleName() : impl.getClass().getSimpleName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core

private void testContextDataInjector() {
  ReadOnlyThreadContextMap readOnlythreadContextMap = getThreadContextMap();
  assertThat("thread context map class name",
        (readOnlythreadContextMap == null) ? null : readOnlythreadContextMap.getClass().getName(),
  ContextDataInjector contextDataInjector = createInjector();
  StringMap stringMap = contextDataInjector.injectContextData(null, new SortedArrayStringMap());
  assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
  assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
  if (!stringMap.isFrozen()) {
    assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
    assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap().entrySet(), is(empty()));
  ThreadContext.put("foo", "bum");
  ThreadContext.put("baz", "bam");
  assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bum"), hasEntry("baz", "bam")));
  if (stringMap.isFrozen()) {
    assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
  } else {
    assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap().entrySet(), is(empty()));

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

  public ReadOnlyStringMap rawContextData() {
    return ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap().getReadOnlyContextData();

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

  public ReadOnlyStringMap rawContextData() {
    return ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap().getReadOnlyContextData();

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

  public ReadOnlyStringMap rawContextData() {
    final ReadOnlyThreadContextMap map = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap();
    if (map instanceof ReadOnlyStringMap) {
      return (ReadOnlyStringMap) map;
    // note: default ThreadContextMap is null
    final Map<String, String> copy = ThreadContext.getImmutableContext();
    return copy.isEmpty() ? ContextDataFactory.emptyFrozenContextData() : new JdkMapAdapterStringMap(copy);

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

private static ContextDataInjector createDefaultInjector() {
    final ReadOnlyThreadContextMap threadContextMap = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap();

    // note: map may be null (if legacy custom ThreadContextMap was installed by user)
    if (threadContextMap instanceof DefaultThreadContextMap || threadContextMap == null) {
      return new ThreadContextDataInjector.ForDefaultThreadContextMap(); // for non StringMap-based context maps
    if (threadContextMap instanceof CopyOnWrite) {
      return new ThreadContextDataInjector.ForCopyOnWriteThreadContextMap();
    return new ThreadContextDataInjector.ForGarbageFreeThreadContextMap();

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

 * Puts key-value pairs from both the specified list of properties as well as the thread context into the
 * specified reusable StringMap.
 * @param props list of configuration properties, may be {@code null}
 * @param reusable a {@code StringMap} instance that may be reused to avoid creating temporary objects
 * @return a {@code StringMap} combining configuration properties with thread context data
public StringMap injectContextData(final List<Property> props, final StringMap reusable) {
  // When the ThreadContext is garbage-free, we must copy its key-value pairs into the specified reusable
  // StringMap. We cannot return the ThreadContext's internal data structure because it may be modified later
  // and such modifications should not be reflected in the log event.
  copyProperties(props, reusable);
  final ReadOnlyStringMap immutableCopy = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap().getReadOnlyContextData();
  return reusable;

代码示例来源:origin: ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.logging

 * If there are no configuration properties, this injector will return the thread context's internal data
 * structure. Otherwise the configuration properties are combined with the thread context key-value pairs into the
 * specified reusable StringMap.
 * @param props list of configuration properties, may be {@code null}
 * @param ignore a {@code StringMap} instance from the log event
 * @return a {@code StringMap} combining configuration properties with thread context data
public StringMap injectContextData(final List<Property> props, final StringMap ignore) {
  // If there are no configuration properties we want to just return the ThreadContext's StringMap:
  // it is a copy-on-write data structure so we are sure ThreadContext changes will not affect our copy.
  final StringMap immutableCopy = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap().getReadOnlyContextData();
  if (props == null || props.isEmpty()) {
    return immutableCopy; // this will replace the LogEvent's context data with the returned instance
  // However, if the list of Properties is non-empty we need to combine the properties and the ThreadContext
  // data. Note that we cannot reuse the specified StringMap: some Loggers may have properties defined
  // and others not, so the LogEvent's context data may have been replaced with an immutable copy from
  // the ThreadContext - this will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if we try to modify it.
  final StringMap result = ContextDataFactory.createContextData(props.size() + immutableCopy.size());
  copyProperties(props, result);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: census-instrumentation/opencensus-java

static StringMap getContextAndTracingData() {
 SpanContext spanContext = getCurrentSpanContext();
 ReadOnlyThreadContextMap context = ThreadContext.getThreadContextMap();
 SortedArrayStringMap stringMap;
 if (context == null) {
  stringMap = new SortedArrayStringMap(ThreadContext.getImmutableContext());
 } else {
  StringMap contextData = context.getReadOnlyContextData();
  stringMap = new SortedArrayStringMap(contextData.size() + 3);
 // TODO(sebright): Move the calls to TraceId.toLowerBase16() and SpanId.toLowerBase16() out of
 // the critical path by wrapping the trace and span IDs in objects that call toLowerBase16() in
 // their toString() methods, after there is a fix for
   spanContext.getTraceOptions().isSampled() ? "true" : "false");
 return stringMap;
