
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Applies the action to the value of a Success or does nothing in the case of a Failure.


代码示例来源:origin: RoboZonky/robozonky

CompletableFuture<Void> refreshIfNotAlreadyRefreshing(final CompletableFuture<Void> old) {
  if (old == null || old.isDone()) {
    logger.trace("Starting async reload.");
    final Runnable asyncOperation = () -> Try.ofSupplier(() -> getOperation().apply(value.get()))
        .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set)) // set the value on success
        .getOrElseGet(t -> {
          logger.warn("Async reload failed, operating with stale value.", t);
          return null;
    return CompletableFuture.runAsync(asyncOperation, Scheduler.inBackground().getExecutor());
  } else {
    logger.trace("Reload already in progress on {} with {}.", this, old);
    return old;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.robozonky/robozonky-common

CompletableFuture<Void> refresh(final CompletableFuture<Void> old) {
  if (old == null || old.isDone()) {
    logger.trace("Starting async reload.");
    final Runnable asyncOperation = () -> Try.ofSupplier(getOperation())
        .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set)) // set the value on success
        .getOrElseGet(t -> {
          logger.warn("Async reload failed, operating with stale value.", t);
          return null;
    return CompletableFuture.runAsync(asyncOperation, Scheduler.inBackground().getExecutor());
  } else {
    logger.trace("Reload already in progress on {} with {}.", this, old);
    return old;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.robozonky/robozonky-common

  public synchronized Either<Throwable, T> get() {
    if (!needsReload()) {
      logger.trace("Not reloading {}.", this);
      return Either.right(value.get());
    logger.trace("Reloading {}.", this);
    return Try.ofSupplier(getOperation())
        .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set))

代码示例来源:origin: RoboZonky/robozonky

public Either<Throwable, T> get() {
  if (needsReload()) { // double-checked locking to make sure the reload only happens once
    synchronized (this) {
      if (needsReload()) {
        logger.trace("Reloading {}.", this);
        return Try.ofSupplier(() -> getOperation().apply(value.get()))
            .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set))
      // otherwise fall through to retrieve the value
  logger.trace("Not reloading {}.", this);
  return Either.right(value.get());

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.robozonky/robozonky-common

  public synchronized Either<Throwable, T> get() {
    if (value.get() == null) { // force value retrieval and wait for it
      logger.debug("Fetching initial value synchronously on {}.", this);
      return Try.ofSupplier(getOperation())
          .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set))
    if (!needsReload()) { // return old value
      logger.trace("Not reloading {}.", this);
      return Either.right(value.get());
    // trigger retrieval but return existing value
    final CompletableFuture<Void> currentFuture = future.getAndUpdate(this::refresh);
    logger.debug("Retrieved potentially stale value on {}, while {}.", this, currentFuture);
    return Either.right(value.get());

代码示例来源:origin: RoboZonky/robozonky

public Either<Throwable, T> get() {
  if (!hasValue()) { // force value retrieval and wait for it
    synchronized (this) {
      if (!hasValue()) { // double-checked locking to make sure the value is only ever loaded once
        logger.debug("Fetching initial value synchronously on {}.", this);
        return Try.ofSupplier(() -> getOperation().apply(null))
            .peek(v -> processRetrievedValue(v, value::set))
      // otherwise fall through to retrieve the current value
  if (needsReload()) { // trigger value retrieval on the background
    synchronized (this) {
      final CompletableFuture<Void> currentFuture = future.getAndUpdate(this::refreshIfNotAlreadyRefreshing);
      logger.debug("Retrieved potentially stale value on {}, while {}.", this, currentFuture);
  // return the current value
  return Either.right(value.get());

代码示例来源:origin: Tristan971/Lyrebird

 * Pre-formats a status' text content.
 * @param status The status whose content we have to format
private void loadTextIntoTextFlow(final Status status) {
  final FxmlLoadResult<Pane, TweetContentPaneController> result = easyFxml.loadNode(
  result.afterControllerLoaded(tcpc -> tcpc.setStatusProp(status))
     .peek(pane -> VBox.setVgrow(pane, Priority.ALWAYS))
