
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Indicates if the total hit count for the query should be tracked.


代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Indicates if the total hit count for the query should be tracked. Defaults to {@code true}
public SearchRequestBuilder setTrackTotalHits(boolean trackTotalHits) {
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Returns a new ArraySearchPhaseResults instance. This might return an instance that reduces search responses incrementally.
InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults<SearchPhaseResult> newSearchPhaseResults(SearchRequest request, int numShards) {
  SearchSourceBuilder source = request.source();
  boolean isScrollRequest = request.scroll() != null;
  final boolean hasAggs = source != null && source.aggregations() != null;
  final boolean hasTopDocs = source == null || source.size() != 0;
  final boolean trackTotalHits = source == null || source.trackTotalHits();
  if (isScrollRequest == false && (hasAggs || hasTopDocs)) {
    // no incremental reduce if scroll is used - we only hit a single shard or sometimes more...
    if (request.getBatchedReduceSize() < numShards) {
      // only use this if there are aggs and if there are more shards than we should reduce at once
      return new QueryPhaseResultConsumer(this, numShards, request.getBatchedReduceSize(), hasTopDocs, hasAggs);
  return new InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults<SearchPhaseResult>(numShards) {
    ReducedQueryPhase reduce() {
      return reducedQueryPhase(results.asList(), isScrollRequest, trackTotalHits);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public ActionRequestValidationException validate() {
  ActionRequestValidationException validationException = null;
  final Scroll scroll = scroll();
  if (source != null && source.trackTotalHits() == false && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (source != null && source.from() > 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("using [from] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (requestCache != null && requestCache && scroll != null) {
    DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Explicitly set [request_cache] for a scroll query is deprecated and will return a 400 " +
      "error in future versions");
  if (source != null && source.size() == 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException = addValidationError("[size] cannot be [0] in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (source != null && source.rescores() != null && source.rescores().isEmpty() == false && scroll != null) {
    DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Using [rescore] for a scroll query is deprecated and will be ignored. From 7.0 on will " +
        "return a 400 error");
  return validationException;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Indicates if the total hit count for the query should be tracked. Defaults to {@code true}
public SearchRequestBuilder setTrackTotalHits(boolean trackTotalHits) {
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Indicates if the total hit count for the query should be tracked. Defaults to {@code true}
public SearchRequestBuilder setTrackTotalHits(boolean trackTotalHits) {
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

searchSourceBuilder.trackTotalHits(request.paramAsBoolean("track_total_hits", true));

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

if (source.trackTotalHits() == false && context.scrollContext() != null) {
  throw new SearchContextException(context, "disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context");
if (source.minScore() != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

public ActionRequestValidationException validate() {
  ActionRequestValidationException validationException = null;
  final Scroll scroll = scroll();
  if (source != null && source.trackTotalHits() == false && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (source != null && source.from() > 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("using [from] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (requestCache != null && requestCache && scroll != null) {
    DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Explicitly set [request_cache] for a scroll query is deprecated and will return a 400 " +
      "error in future versions");
  if (source != null && source.size() == 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException = addValidationError("[size] cannot be [0] in a scroll context", validationException);
  return validationException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Returns a new ArraySearchPhaseResults instance. This might return an instance that reduces search responses incrementally.
InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults<SearchPhaseResult> newSearchPhaseResults(SearchRequest request, int numShards) {
  SearchSourceBuilder source = request.source();
  boolean isScrollRequest = request.scroll() != null;
  final boolean hasAggs = source != null && source.aggregations() != null;
  final boolean hasTopDocs = source == null || source.size() != 0;
  final boolean trackTotalHits = source == null || source.trackTotalHits();
  if (isScrollRequest == false && (hasAggs || hasTopDocs)) {
    // no incremental reduce if scroll is used - we only hit a single shard or sometimes more...
    if (request.getBatchedReduceSize() < numShards) {
      // only use this if there are aggs and if there are more shards than we should reduce at once
      return new QueryPhaseResultConsumer(this, numShards, request.getBatchedReduceSize(), hasTopDocs, hasAggs);
  return new InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults(numShards) {
    public ReducedQueryPhase reduce() {
      return reducedQueryPhase(results.asList(), isScrollRequest, trackTotalHits);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Returns a new ArraySearchPhaseResults instance. This might return an instance that reduces search responses incrementally.
InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults<SearchPhaseResult> newSearchPhaseResults(SearchRequest request, int numShards) {
  SearchSourceBuilder source = request.source();
  boolean isScrollRequest = request.scroll() != null;
  final boolean hasAggs = source != null && source.aggregations() != null;
  final boolean hasTopDocs = source == null || source.size() != 0;
  final boolean trackTotalHits = source == null || source.trackTotalHits();
  if (isScrollRequest == false && (hasAggs || hasTopDocs)) {
    // no incremental reduce if scroll is used - we only hit a single shard or sometimes more...
    if (request.getBatchedReduceSize() < numShards) {
      // only use this if there are aggs and if there are more shards than we should reduce at once
      return new QueryPhaseResultConsumer(this, numShards, request.getBatchedReduceSize(), hasTopDocs, hasAggs);
  return new InitialSearchPhase.ArraySearchPhaseResults(numShards) {
    public ReducedQueryPhase reduce() {
      return reducedQueryPhase(results.asList(), isScrollRequest, trackTotalHits);

代码示例来源:origin: DigitalPebble/storm-crawler


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

public ActionRequestValidationException validate() {
  ActionRequestValidationException validationException = null;
  final Scroll scroll = scroll();
  if (source != null && source.trackTotalHits() == false && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (source != null && source.from() > 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException =
      addValidationError("using [from] is not allowed in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (requestCache != null && requestCache && scroll != null) {
    DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Explicitly set [request_cache] for a scroll query is deprecated and will return a 400 " +
      "error in future versions");
  if (source != null && source.size() == 0 && scroll != null) {
    validationException = addValidationError("[size] cannot be [0] in a scroll context", validationException);
  if (source != null && source.rescores() != null && source.rescores().isEmpty() == false && scroll != null) {
    DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Using [rescore] for a scroll query is deprecated and will be ignored. From 7.0 on will " +
        "return a 400 error");
  return validationException;

代码示例来源:origin: DigitalPebble/storm-crawler


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

searchSourceBuilder.trackTotalHits(request.paramAsBoolean("track_total_hits", true));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

searchSourceBuilder.trackTotalHits(request.paramAsBoolean("track_total_hits", true));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

if (source.trackTotalHits() == false && context.scrollContext() != null) {
  throw new SearchContextException(context, "disabling [track_total_hits] is not allowed in a scroll context");
if (source.minScore() != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch.test/framework





