
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  






Transaction prev = null;
for (Transaction transaction : transactions) {
  if (transaction.equals(targetTransaction)) {
    System.out.println("Previous transaction: " + (prev = null ? "[none]" : prev));
  prev = transaction;


Transaction last = null;
for (Transaction transaction : transactions) {
  if (transaction.equals(targetTransaction)) {
    System.out.println("Previous transaction: " + last);
  last = transaction;

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Finds transactions in the specified candidates that double spend "tx". Not a general check, but it can work even if
 * the double spent inputs are not ours.
 * @return The set of transactions that double spend "tx".
private Set<Transaction> findDoubleSpendsAgainst(Transaction tx, Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> candidates) {
  if (tx.isCoinBase()) return Sets.newHashSet();
  // Compile a set of outpoints that are spent by tx.
  HashSet<TransactionOutPoint> outpoints = new HashSet<>();
  for (TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
  // Now for each pending transaction, see if it shares any outpoints with this tx.
  Set<Transaction> doubleSpendTxns = Sets.newHashSet();
  for (Transaction p : candidates.values()) {
    if (p.equals(tx))
    for (TransactionInput input : p.getInputs()) {
      // This relies on the fact that TransactionOutPoint equality is defined at the protocol not object
      // level - outpoints from two different inputs that point to the same output compare the same.
      TransactionOutPoint outpoint = input.getOutpoint();
      if (outpoints.contains(outpoint)) {
        // It does, it's a double spend against the candidates, which makes it relevant.
  return doubleSpendTxns;

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Adds to txSet all the txns in txPool spending outputs of txns in txSet,
 * and all txns spending the outputs of those txns, recursively.
void addTransactionsDependingOn(Set<Transaction> txSet, Set<Transaction> txPool) {
  Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> txQueue = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  for (Transaction tx : txSet) {
    txQueue.put(tx.getHash(), tx);
  while(!txQueue.isEmpty()) {
    Transaction tx = txQueue.remove(txQueue.keySet().iterator().next());
    for (Transaction anotherTx : txPool) {
      if (anotherTx.equals(tx)) continue;
      for (TransactionInput input : anotherTx.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(tx.getHash())) {
          if (txQueue.get(anotherTx.getHash()) == null) {
            txQueue.put(anotherTx.getHash(), anotherTx);

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Adds to txSet all the txns in txPool spending outputs of txns in txSet,
 * and all txns spending the outputs of those txns, recursively.
void addTransactionsDependingOn(Set<Transaction> txSet, Set<Transaction> txPool) {
  Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> txQueue = new LinkedHashMap<Sha256Hash, Transaction>();
  for (Transaction tx : txSet) {
    txQueue.put(tx.getHash(), tx);
  while(!txQueue.isEmpty()) {
    Transaction tx = txQueue.remove(txQueue.keySet().iterator().next());
    for (Transaction anotherTx : txPool) {
      if (anotherTx.equals(tx)) continue;
      for (TransactionInput input : anotherTx.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(tx.getHash())) {
          if (txQueue.get(anotherTx.getHash()) == null) {
            txQueue.put(anotherTx.getHash(), anotherTx);

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Adds to txSet all the txns in txPool spending outputs of txns in txSet,
 * and all txns spending the outputs of those txns, recursively.
void addTransactionsDependingOn(Set<Transaction> txSet, Set<Transaction> txPool) {
  Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> txQueue = new LinkedHashMap<Sha256Hash, Transaction>();
  for (Transaction tx : txSet) {
    txQueue.put(tx.getHash(), tx);
  while(!txQueue.isEmpty()) {
    Transaction tx = txQueue.remove(txQueue.keySet().iterator().next());
    for (Transaction anotherTx : txPool) {
      if (anotherTx.equals(tx)) continue;
      for (TransactionInput input : anotherTx.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(tx.getHash())) {
          if (txQueue.get(anotherTx.getHash()) == null) {
            txQueue.put(anotherTx.getHash(), anotherTx);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Adds to txSet all the txns in txPool spending outputs of txns in txSet,
 * and all txns spending the outputs of those txns, recursively.
void addTransactionsDependingOn(Set<Transaction> txSet, Set<Transaction> txPool) {
  Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> txQueue = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  for (Transaction tx : txSet) {
    txQueue.put(tx.getHash(), tx);
  while(!txQueue.isEmpty()) {
    Transaction tx = txQueue.remove(txQueue.keySet().iterator().next());
    for (Transaction anotherTx : txPool) {
      if (anotherTx.equals(tx)) continue;
      for (TransactionInput input : anotherTx.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(tx.getHash())) {
          if (txQueue.get(anotherTx.getHash()) == null) {
            txQueue.put(anotherTx.getHash(), anotherTx);

代码示例来源:origin: dogecoin/libdohj

public boolean equals(Object o) {
  if (this == o) return true;
  if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
  AuxPoW input = (AuxPoW) o;
  if (!transaction.equals(input.transaction)) return false;
  if (!hashBlock.equals(input.hashBlock)) return false;
  if (!coinbaseBranch.equals(input.coinbaseBranch)) return false;
  if (!chainMerkleBranch.equals(input.chainMerkleBranch)) return false;
  if (!parentBlockHeader.equals(input.parentBlockHeader)) return false;
  return getHash().equals(input.getHash());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testTheTXByHeightComparator() {
  Transaction tx1 = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx(PARAMS);
  Transaction tx2 = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx(PARAMS);
  Transaction tx3 = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx(PARAMS);
  SortedSet<Transaction> set = new TreeSet<>(Transaction.SORT_TX_BY_HEIGHT);
  Iterator<Transaction> iterator = set.iterator();
  assertEquals(tx1.equals(tx2), false);
  assertEquals(tx1.equals(tx3), false);
  assertEquals(tx1.equals(tx1), true);
  assertEquals(, true);
  assertEquals(, true);
  assertEquals(, true);
  assertEquals(iterator.hasNext(), false);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction.
 * Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then
 * the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
 * @param transaction The transaction to try.
 * @param mode   Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
 * @return NO_SUCH_TX if transaction is not the prevtx, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
public ConnectionResult connect(Transaction transaction, ConnectMode mode) {
  if (!transaction.getHash().equals(outpoint.getHash()))
    return ConnectionResult.NO_SUCH_TX;
  checkElementIndex((int) outpoint.getIndex(), transaction.getOutputs().size(), "Corrupt transaction");
  TransactionOutput out = transaction.getOutput((int) outpoint.getIndex());
  if (!out.isAvailableForSpending()) {
    if (getParentTransaction().equals(outpoint.fromTx)) {
      // Already connected.
      return ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.DISCONNECT_ON_CONFLICT) {
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.ABORT_ON_CONFLICT) {
      outpoint.fromTx = out.getParentTransaction();
      return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.ALREADY_SPENT;
  return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction.
 * Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then
 * the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
 * @param transaction The transaction to try.
 * @param mode   Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
 * @return NO_SUCH_TX if transaction is not the prevtx, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
public ConnectionResult connect(Transaction transaction, ConnectMode mode) {
  if (!transaction.getHash().equals(outpoint.getHash()))
    return ConnectionResult.NO_SUCH_TX;
  checkElementIndex((int) outpoint.getIndex(), transaction.getOutputs().size(), "Corrupt transaction");
  TransactionOutput out = transaction.getOutput((int) outpoint.getIndex());
  if (!out.isAvailableForSpending()) {
    if (getParentTransaction().equals(outpoint.fromTx)) {
      // Already connected.
      return ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.DISCONNECT_ON_CONFLICT) {
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.ABORT_ON_CONFLICT) {
      outpoint.fromTx = out.getParentTransaction();
      return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.ALREADY_SPENT;
  return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction.
 * Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then
 * the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
 * @param transaction The transaction to try.
 * @param mode   Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
 * @return NO_SUCH_TX if transaction is not the prevtx, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
public ConnectionResult connect(Transaction transaction, ConnectMode mode) {
  if (!transaction.getHash().equals(outpoint.getHash()))
    return ConnectionResult.NO_SUCH_TX;
  checkElementIndex((int) outpoint.getIndex(), transaction.getOutputs().size(), "Corrupt transaction");
  TransactionOutput out = transaction.getOutput((int) outpoint.getIndex());
  if (!out.isAvailableForSpending()) {
    if (getParentTransaction().equals(outpoint.fromTx)) {
      // Already connected.
      return ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.DISCONNECT_ON_CONFLICT) {
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.ABORT_ON_CONFLICT) {
      outpoint.fromTx = out.getParentTransaction();
      return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.ALREADY_SPENT;
  return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction.
 * Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then
 * the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
 * @param transaction The transaction to try.
 * @param mode   Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
 * @return NO_SUCH_TX if transaction is not the prevtx, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
public ConnectionResult connect(Transaction transaction, ConnectMode mode) {
  if (!transaction.getHash().equals(outpoint.getHash()))
    return ConnectionResult.NO_SUCH_TX;
  checkElementIndex((int) outpoint.getIndex(), transaction.getOutputs().size(), "Corrupt transaction");
  TransactionOutput out = transaction.getOutput((int) outpoint.getIndex());
  if (!out.isAvailableForSpending()) {
    if (getParentTransaction().equals(outpoint.fromTx)) {
      // Already connected.
      return ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.DISCONNECT_ON_CONFLICT) {
    } else if (mode == ConnectMode.ABORT_ON_CONFLICT) {
      outpoint.fromTx = out.getParentTransaction();
      return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.ALREADY_SPENT;
  return TransactionInput.ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testSimplePayment() throws Exception {
  // Create a PaymentRequest and make sure the correct values are parsed by the PaymentSession.
  MockPaymentSession paymentSession = new MockPaymentSession(newSimplePaymentRequest("test"));
  assertEquals(paymentRequestMemo, paymentSession.getMemo());
  assertEquals(coin, paymentSession.getValue());
  assertEquals(simplePaymentUrl, paymentSession.getPaymentUrl());
  assertTrue(new Date(time * 1000L).equals(paymentSession.getDate()));
  // Send the payment and verify that the correct information is sent.
  // Add a dummy input to tx so it is considered valid.
  tx.addInput(new TransactionInput(PARAMS, tx, outputToMe.getScriptBytes()));
  ArrayList<Transaction> txns = new ArrayList<>();
  Address refundAddr = new Address(PARAMS, serverKey.getPubKeyHash());
  paymentSession.sendPayment(txns, refundAddr, paymentMemo);
  assertEquals(1, paymentSession.getPaymentLog().size());
  assertEquals(simplePaymentUrl, paymentSession.getPaymentLog().get(0).getUrl().toString());
  Protos.Payment payment = paymentSession.getPaymentLog().get(0).getPayment();
  assertEquals(paymentMemo, payment.getMemo());
  assertEquals(merchantData, payment.getMerchantData());
  assertEquals(1, payment.getRefundToCount());
  assertEquals(coin.value, payment.getRefundTo(0).getAmount());
  TransactionOutput refundOutput = new TransactionOutput(PARAMS, null, coin, refundAddr);
  ByteString refundScript = ByteString.copyFrom(refundOutput.getScriptBytes());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void completeTxPartiallySigned(Wallet.MissingSigsMode missSigMode, byte[] expectedSig) throws Exception {
  // Check the wallet will write dummy scriptSigs for inputs that we have only pubkeys for without the privkey.
  ECKey priv = new ECKey();
  ECKey pub = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(priv.getPubKeyPoint());
  ECKey priv2 = wallet.freshReceiveKey();
  // Send three transactions, with one being an address type and the other being a raw CHECKSIG type pubkey only,
  // and the final one being a key we do have. We expect the first two inputs to be dummy values and the last
  // to be signed correctly.
  Transaction t1 = sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, pub.toAddress(PARAMS));
  Transaction t2 = sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, pub);
  Transaction t3 = sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, priv2);
  SendRequest req = SendRequest.emptyWallet(OTHER_ADDRESS);
  req.missingSigsMode = missSigMode;
  byte[] dummySig = TransactionSignature.dummy().encodeToBitcoin();
  // Selected inputs can be in any order.
  for (int i = 0; i < req.tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
    TransactionInput input = req.tx.getInput(i);
    if (input.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction().equals(t1)) {
      assertArrayEquals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(0).data);
    } else if (input.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction().equals(t2)) {
      assertArrayEquals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(0).data);
    } else if (input.getConnectedOutput().getParentTransaction().equals(t3)) {
      input.getScriptSig().correctlySpends(req.tx, i, t3.getOutput(0).getScriptPubKey());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits





