
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection and returns the discovery node of the node the connection was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster name on the target node mismatches the local cluster name.


代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection
 * and returns the discovery node of the node the connection
 * was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster
 * name on the target node mismatches the local cluster name.
 * @param connection       the connection to a specific node
 * @param handshakeTimeout handshake timeout
 * @return the connected node
 * @throws ConnectTransportException if the connection failed
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the handshake failed
public DiscoveryNode handshake(
    final Transport.Connection connection,
    final long handshakeTimeout) throws ConnectTransportException {
  return handshake(connection, handshakeTimeout, clusterName::equals).discoveryNode;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public CheckedBiConsumer<Transport.Connection, ConnectionProfile, IOException> connectionValidator(DiscoveryNode node) {
  return (newConnection, actualProfile) -> {
    // We don't validate cluster names to allow for CCS connections.
    final DiscoveryNode remote = handshake(newConnection, actualProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(), cn -> true).discoveryNode;
    if (validateConnections && node.equals(remote) == false) {
      throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "handshake failed. unexpected remote node " + remote);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public Connection getOrConnect(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException {
  Connection result;
  try (Releasable ignore = connectionLock.acquire(node.getAddress())) {
    result = tempConnections.get(node.getAddress());
    if (result == null) {
      boolean success = false;
      logger.trace("[{}] opening connection to [{}]", id(), node);
      result = transportService.openConnection(node, connectionProfile);
      try {
        transportService.handshake(result, connectionProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis());
        synchronized (this) {
          // acquire lock and check if closed, to prevent leaving an open connection after closing
          Connection existing = tempConnections.put(node.getAddress(), result);
          assert existing == null;
          success = true;
      } finally {
        if (success == false) {
          logger.trace("[{}] closing connection to [{}] due to failure", id(), node);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

 * Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection
 * and returns the discovery node of the node the connection
 * was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster
 * name on the target node mismatches the local cluster name.
 * @param connection       the connection to a specific node
 * @param handshakeTimeout handshake timeout
 * @return the connected node
 * @throws ConnectTransportException if the connection failed
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the handshake failed
public DiscoveryNode handshake(
    final Transport.Connection connection,
    final long handshakeTimeout) throws ConnectTransportException {
  return handshake(connection, handshakeTimeout, clusterName::equals).discoveryNode;

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Executes a high-level handshake using the given connection
 * and returns the discovery node of the node the connection
 * was established with. The handshake will fail if the cluster
 * name on the target node mismatches the local cluster name.
 * @param connection       the connection to a specific node
 * @param handshakeTimeout handshake timeout
 * @return the connected node
 * @throws ConnectTransportException if the connection failed
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the handshake failed
public DiscoveryNode handshake(
    final Transport.Connection connection,
    final long handshakeTimeout) throws ConnectTransportException {
  return handshake(connection, handshakeTimeout, clusterName::equals);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

try {
  ConnectionProfile connectionProfile = connectionManager.getConnectionProfile();
  handshakeResponse = transportService.handshake(connection, connectionProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(),
    (c) -> remoteClusterName.get() == null ? true : c.equals(remoteClusterName.get()));
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

public CheckedBiConsumer<Transport.Connection, ConnectionProfile, IOException> connectionValidator(DiscoveryNode node) {
  return (newConnection, actualProfile) -> {
    // We don't validate cluster names to allow for CCS connections.
    final DiscoveryNode remote = handshake(newConnection, actualProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(), cn -> true).discoveryNode;
    if (validateConnections && node.equals(remote) == false) {
      throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "handshake failed. unexpected remote node " + remote);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

public Connection getOrConnect(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException {
  Connection result;
  try (Releasable ignore = connectionLock.acquire(node.getAddress())) {
    result = tempConnections.get(node.getAddress());
    if (result == null) {
      boolean success = false;
      logger.trace("[{}] opening connection to [{}]", id(), node);
      result = transportService.openConnection(node, connectionProfile);
      try {
        transportService.handshake(result, connectionProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis());
        synchronized (this) {
          // acquire lock and check if closed, to prevent leaving an open connection after closing
          Connection existing = tempConnections.put(node.getAddress(), result);
          assert existing == null;
          success = true;
      } finally {
        if (success == false) {
          logger.trace("[{}] closing connection to [{}] due to failure", id(), node);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public Connection getOrConnect(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException {
  Connection result;
  try (Releasable ignore = connectionLock.acquire(node.getAddress())) {
    result = tempConnections.get(node.getAddress());
    if (result == null) {
      boolean success = false;
      logger.trace("[{}] opening connection to [{}]", id(), node);
      result = transportService.openConnection(node, connectionProfile);
      try {
        transportService.handshake(result, connectionProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis());
        synchronized (this) {
          // acquire lock and check if closed, to prevent leaving an open connection after closing
          Connection existing = tempConnections.put(node.getAddress(), result);
          assert existing == null;
          success = true;
      } finally {
        if (success == false) {
          logger.trace("[{}] closing connection to [{}] due to failure", id(), node);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

public Connection getOrConnect(DiscoveryNode node) throws IOException {
  Connection result;
  try (Releasable ignore = connectionLock.acquire(node.getAddress())) {
    result = tempConnections.get(node.getAddress());
    if (result == null) {
      boolean success = false;
      logger.trace("[{}] opening connection to [{}]", id(), node);
      result = transportService.openConnection(node, connectionProfile);
      try {
        transportService.handshake(result, connectionProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis());
        synchronized (this) {
          // acquire lock and check if closed, to prevent leaving an open connection after closing
          Connection existing = tempConnections.put(node.getAddress(), result);
          assert existing == null;
          success = true;
      } finally {
        if (success == false) {
          logger.trace("[{}] closing connection to [{}] due to failure", id(), node);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Connect to the specified node with the given connection profile
 * @param node the node to connect to
 * @param connectionProfile the connection profile to use when connecting to this node
public void connectToNode(final DiscoveryNode node, ConnectionProfile connectionProfile) {
  if (isLocalNode(node)) {
  transport.connectToNode(node, connectionProfile, (newConnection, actualProfile) -> {
    // We don't validate cluster names to allow for tribe node connections.
    final DiscoveryNode remote = handshake(newConnection, actualProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(), cn -> true);
    if (node.equals(remote) == false) {
      throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "handshake failed. unexpected remote node " + remote);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

boolean success = false;
try {
  handshakeNode = transportService.handshake(connection, remoteProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(),
    (c) -> true);
  if (nodePredicate.test(handshakeNode) && connectedNodes.size() < maxNumRemoteConnections) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

try {
  try {
    handshakeResponse = transportService.handshake(connection, remoteProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(),
      (c) -> remoteClusterName.get() == null ? true : c.equals(remoteClusterName.get()));
  } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

try {
  try {
    handshakeResponse = transportService.handshake(connection, remoteProfile.getHandshakeTimeout().millis(),
      (c) -> remoteClusterName.get() == null ? true : c.equals(remoteClusterName.get()));
  } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

final Transport.Connection connection,
  final long handshakeTimeout) throws ConnectTransportException {
return handshake(connection, handshakeTimeout, clusterName::equals).discoveryNode;




