
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Extract db and table name from dbtable string, where db and table are separated by "." If there is no db name part, set the current sessions default db


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * @param oldName
 *          the oldName to set
public void setOldName(String oldName) throws SemanticException {
 // Make sure we qualify the name from the outset so there's no ambiguity.
 this.oldName = String.join(".", Utilities.getDbTableName(oldName));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public void alterTable(String fullyQlfdTblName, Table newTbl, boolean cascade,
  EnvironmentContext environmentContext, boolean transactional)
  throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(fullyQlfdTblName);
 alterTable(null, names[0], names[1], newTbl, cascade, environmentContext, transactional);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public boolean dropPartition(String tblName, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData)
  throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartition(names[0], names[1], part_vals, deleteData);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public Table newTable(String tableName) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tableName);
 return new Table(names[0], names[1]);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Returns metadata for the table named tableName
 * @param tableName the name of the table
 * @param throwException controls whether an exception is thrown or a returns a null
 * @return the table metadata
 * @throws HiveException if there's an internal error or if the
 * table doesn't exist
public Table getTable(final String tableName, boolean throwException) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tableName);
 return this.getTable(names[0], names[1], throwException);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
  boolean deleteData, boolean ifExists) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartitions(names[0], names[1], partSpecs, deleteData, ifExists);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
                   PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartitions(names[0], names[1], partSpecs, dropOptions);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public List<String> getPartitionNames(String tblName, short max) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return getPartitionNames(names[0], names[1], max);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public boolean dropPartition(String tblName, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData)
  throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartition(names[0], names[1], part_vals, deleteData);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public boolean dropIndex(String baseTableName, String index_name,
  boolean throwException, boolean deleteData) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(baseTableName);
 return dropIndex(names[0], names[1], index_name, throwException, deleteData);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

 * Returns metadata for the table named tableName
 * @param tableName the name of the table
 * @param throwException controls whether an exception is thrown or a returns a null
 * @return the table metadata
 * @throws HiveException if there's an internal error or if the
 * table doesn't exist
public Table getTable(final String tableName, boolean throwException) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tableName);
 return this.getTable(names[0], names[1], throwException);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
                   PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartitions(names[0], names[1], partSpecs, dropOptions);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public Index getIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(baseTableName);
 return this.getIndex(names[0], names[1], indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
  boolean deleteData, boolean ifExists) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(tblName);
 return dropPartitions(names[0], names[1], partSpecs, deleteData, ifExists);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Extract db and table name from dbtable string, where db and table are separated by "."
 * If there is no db name part, set the current sessions default db
 * @param dbtable
 * @return String array with two elements, first is db name, second is table name
 * @throws HiveException
public static String[] getDbTableName(String dbtable) throws SemanticException {
 return getDbTableName(SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase(), dbtable);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

 * Extract db and table name from dbtable string, where db and table are separated by "."
 * If there is no db name part, set the current sessions default db
 * @param dbtable
 * @return String array with two elements, first is db name, second is table name
 * @throws HiveException
public static String[] getDbTableName(String dbtable) throws SemanticException {
 return getDbTableName(SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase(), dbtable);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public String getTableName() throws SemanticException {
 switch (getDescType()) {
  case TABLE:
   return createTblDesc.getTableName();
  case VIEW:
   String dbDotView = createViewDesc.getViewName();
   String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(dbDotView);
   return names[1]; // names[0] have the Db name and names[1] have the view name
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private boolean containsPartition(Index index, Map<String, String> partSpec)
   throws HiveException {
  String[] qualified = Utilities.getDbTableName(index.getDbName(), index.getIndexTableName());
  Table indexTable = hive.getTable(qualified[0], qualified[1]);
  List<Partition> parts = hive.getPartitions(indexTable, partSpec);
  return (parts == null || parts.size() == 0);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public String getTableName() throws SemanticException {
 switch (getTableType()) {
  case TABLE:
   return createTblDesc.getTableName();
  case VIEW:
   String dbDotView = createViewDesc.getViewName();
   String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(dbDotView);
   return names[1]; // names[0] have the Db name and names[1] have the view name
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static Table getTable(ASTNode tree, BaseSemanticAnalyzer sa) throws SemanticException {
 String tableName = ColumnStatsSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) tree.getChild(0).getChild(0));
 String currentDb = SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase();
 String [] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(currentDb, tableName);
 return sa.getTable(names[0], names[1], true);




