
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

 * Sorts {@link} elements within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(int, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified Tuple field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(int field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field index group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

 * Sorts Pojos within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(String, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple or Pojo field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(String field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field expression group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

 * Sorts elements within a group on a key extracted by the specified {@link}
 * in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p>Chaining {@link #sortGroup(KeySelector, Order)} calls is not supported.
 * @param keySelector The KeySelector with which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the extracted key is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public <K> SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector, Order order) {
  if (!(this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys)) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector group-sorting keys can only be used with KeySelector grouping keys.");
  TypeInformation<K> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType());
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<T, K>(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType(), keyType), order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-java

 * Sorts Pojos within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(String, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple or Pojo field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(String field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field expression group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;


 * Sorts {@link} elements within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(int, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified Tuple field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(int field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field index group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-java

 * Sorts {@link} elements within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(int, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified Tuple field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(int field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field index group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;


 * Sorts Pojos within a group on the specified field in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p><b>Note: Only groups of Tuple elements and Pojos can be sorted.</b>
 * <p>Groups can be sorted by multiple fields by chaining {@link #sortGroup(String, Order)} calls.
 * @param field The Tuple or Pojo field on which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the specified field is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(String field, Order order) {
  if (this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector grouping keys and field expression group-sorting keys cannot be used together.");
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, field, order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;


 * Sorts elements within a group on a key extracted by the specified {@link}
 * in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p>Chaining {@link #sortGroup(KeySelector, Order)} calls is not supported.
 * @param keySelector The KeySelector with which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the extracted key is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public <K> SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector, Order order) {
  if (!(this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys)) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector group-sorting keys can only be used with KeySelector grouping keys.");
  TypeInformation<K> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType());
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<T, K>(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType(), keyType), order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-java

 * Sorts elements within a group on a key extracted by the specified {@link}
 * in the specified {@link Order}.
 * <p>Chaining {@link #sortGroup(KeySelector, Order)} calls is not supported.
 * @param keySelector The KeySelector with which the group is sorted.
 * @param order The Order in which the extracted key is sorted.
 * @return A SortedGrouping with specified order of group element.
 * @see Order
public <K> SortedGrouping<T> sortGroup(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector, Order order) {
  if (!(this.getKeys() instanceof Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys)) {
    throw new InvalidProgramException("KeySelector group-sorting keys can only be used with KeySelector grouping keys.");
  TypeInformation<K> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType());
  SortedGrouping<T> sg = new SortedGrouping<T>(this.inputDataSet, this.keys, new Keys.SelectorFunctionKeys<T, K>(keySelector, this.inputDataSet.getType(), keyType), order);
  sg.customPartitioner = getCustomPartitioner();
  return sg;
