
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Executes a JS Script on this runtime and returns the result as a Java Object. Primitives will be boxed.


代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

 * Executes a JS Script on this runtime and returns the result as a Java Object.
 * Primitives will be boxed.
 * @param script The script to execute.
 * @return The result of the script as a Java Object.
public Object executeScript(final String script) {
  return executeScript(script, null, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: jooby-project/jooby

private static Object load(Class<?> loader, V8 v8, final String path) throws Exception {
  return v8.executeScript(V8Engine.readFile(loader, path), path, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: jooby-project/jooby

private static Object load(Class<?> loader, V8 v8, final String path) throws Exception {
 return register(v8, v8.executeScript(readFile(loader, path), path, 0));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

 * Executes a JS Script on this runtime and returns the result as a V8Array.
 * If the result is not a V8Array, then a V8ResultUndefinedException is thrown.
 * @param script The script to execute.
 * @param scriptName The name of the script
 * @param lineNumber The line number that is considered to be the first line of
 * the script. Typically 0, but could be set to another value for exception stack trace purposes.
 * @return The result of the script as a V8Array, or V8ResultUndefinedException if
 * the result is not a V8Array.
public V8Array executeArrayScript(final String script, final String scriptName, final int lineNumber) {
  Object result = this.executeScript(script, scriptName, lineNumber);
  if (result instanceof V8Array) {
    return (V8Array) result;
  throw new V8ResultUndefined();

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

 * Executes a JS Script on this runtime and returns the result as a V8Object.
 * If the result is not a V8Object, then a V8ResultUndefinedException is thrown.
 * @param script The script to execute.
 * @param scriptName The name of the script
 * @param lineNumber The line number that is considered to be the first line of
 * the script. Typically 0, but could be set to another value for exception stack trace purposes.
 * @return The result of the script as a V8Object, or V8ResultUndefinedException if
 * the result is not a V8Object.
public V8Object executeObjectScript(final String script, final String scriptName, final int lineNumber) {
  Object result = this.executeScript(script, scriptName, lineNumber);
  if (result instanceof V8Object) {
    return (V8Object) result;
  throw new V8ResultUndefined();

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

 * Executes a JS Script on this runtime and returns the result as a Java Object.
 * Primitives will be boxed.
 * @param script The script to execute.
 * @param scriptName The name of the script
 * @param lineNumber The line number that is considered to be the first line of
 * the script. Typically 0, but could be set to another value for exception stack trace purposes.
 * @return The result of the script as a Java Object.
public Object executeScript(final String script, final String scriptName, final int lineNumber) {
  return executeScript(getV8RuntimePtr(), UNKNOWN, script, scriptName, lineNumber);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

Object scriptResult = runtime.executeScript("__j2v8__checkThreadTerminate();\n" + script, getName(), -1);
if (scriptResult != null) {
  result = scriptResult.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAnyScriptReturnString() {
  Object result = v8.executeScript("'foo';");
  assertEquals("foo", result);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAnyScriptReturnBoolean() {
  Object result = v8.executeScript("false;");
  assertFalse((Boolean) result);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testV8HandleCreated_AccessedArray() {
  ReferenceHandler referenceHandler = mock(ReferenceHandler.class);
  V8Array object = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("[1,2,3];");
  verify(referenceHandler, times(1)).v8HandleCreated(object);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

@Test(expected = V8RuntimeException.class)
public void testCannotPushStringToTypedArray() {
  V8Array array = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(8); var ints = new Int32Array(buf); ints");
  try {
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAnyScriptReturnsV8Object() {
  V8Object result = (V8Object) v8.executeScript("foo = {hello:'world'}; foo;");
  assertEquals("world", result.getString("hello"));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAnyScriptWithName() {
  V8Object result = (V8Object) v8.executeScript("foo = {hello:'world'}; foo;", "name", 6);
  assertEquals("world", result.getString("hello"));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testEmptyArrayBufferReturned() {
  V8ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer = (V8ArrayBuffer) v8.executeScript("new ArrayBuffer(0);");
  assertEquals(arrayBuffer.capacity(), 0);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testGetTypedArrayIntType() {
  V8Array result = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4); var ints = new Int16Array(buf); ints[0] = 7; ints");
  assertEquals(V8Value.INTEGER, result.getType(0));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testGetTypedArrayType16BitValue() {
  V8Array result = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4); var ints = new Int16Array(buf); ints[0] = 255; ints");
  assertEquals((short) 255, result.get(0));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testGetTypedArrayType32BitFloatValue() {
  V8Array result = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4); var floats = new Float32Array(buf); floats[0] = 255.5; floats");
  assertEquals(255.5, result.getDouble(0), 0.00001);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAccessArrayBuffer_Int8ArrayView() {
  V8ArrayBuffer buffer = (V8ArrayBuffer) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4); var ints = new Int8Array(buf); ints[0] = 7; buf");
  assertEquals(4, buffer.limit());
  assertEquals(7, buffer.get(0));

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testAccessArrayBuffer_Float32rrayView() {
  V8ArrayBuffer buffer = (V8ArrayBuffer) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4); var floats = new Float32Array(buf); floats[0] = 7.7; buf");
  assertEquals(1, buffer.floatLimit());
  assertEquals(7.7, buffer.getFloat(0), 0.00001);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipsesource/J2V8

public void testGetBytesFromTypedArray() {
  V8Array result = (V8Array) v8.executeScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(8); var bytes = new Int8Array(buf); bytes[0] = 1; bytes[1] = 256; bytes");
  assertEquals(V8Value.BYTE, result.getType());
  assertEquals(1, result.getByte(0));
  assertEquals(0, result.getByte(1));




