
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Retrieves the subword of this word starting at the given index and extending until the end of this word. Calling this method is equivalent to calling

w.subWord(fromIndex, w.length())


w.subWord(fromIndex, w.length())


代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-ttt

protected Word<O> succEffect(Word<O> effect) {
  return effect.subWord(1);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

 * Retrieves a prefix of the given length. If <code>length</code> is negative, then a prefix consisting of all but
 * the last <code>-length</code> symbols is returned.
 * @param prefixLen
 *         the length of the prefix (may be negative, see above).
 * @return the prefix of the given length.
public final Word<I> prefix(int prefixLen) {
  final int length = prefixLen < 0 ? length() + prefixLen : prefixLen;
  return subWord(0, length);

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

 * Retrieves a prefix of the given length. If <code>length</code> is negative, then a prefix consisting of all but
 * the last <code>-length</code> symbols is returned.
 * @param prefixLen
 *         the length of the prefix (may be negative, see above).
 * @return the prefix of the given length.
public final Word<I> prefix(int prefixLen) {
  final int length = prefixLen < 0 ? length() + prefixLen : prefixLen;
  return subWord(0, length);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

 * Retrieves a suffix of the given length. If <code>length</code> is negative, then a suffix consisting of all but
 * the first <code>-length</code> symbols is returned.
 * @param suffixLen
 *         the length of the suffix (may be negative, see above).
 * @return the suffix of the given length.
public final Word<I> suffix(int suffixLen) {
  int wordLen = length();
  int startIdx = (suffixLen < 0) ? -suffixLen : (wordLen - suffixLen);
  return subWord(startIdx, wordLen);

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

 * Retrieves a suffix of the given length. If <code>length</code> is negative, then a suffix consisting of all but
 * the first <code>-length</code> symbols is returned.
 * @param suffixLen
 *         the length of the suffix (may be negative, see above).
 * @return the suffix of the given length.
public final Word<I> suffix(int suffixLen) {
  int wordLen = length();
  int startIdx = (suffixLen < 0) ? -suffixLen : (wordLen - suffixLen);
  return subWord(startIdx, wordLen);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

protected D computeEffect(int index) {
  Word<I> prefix = this.suffix.prefix(index);
  Word<I> suffix = this.suffix.subWord(index);
  Word<I> asPrefix = asTransform.apply(prefix);
  return oracle.answerQuery(asPrefix, suffix);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

protected Boolean computeEffect(int index) {
  Word<I> prefix = this.suffix.prefix(index);
  Word<I> suffix = this.suffix.subWord(index);
  Word<I> asPrefix = asTransform.apply(prefix);
  return Objects.equals(hypOut.computeSuffixOutput(asPrefix, suffix), oracle.answerQuery(asPrefix, suffix));

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

protected Word<I> subWordInternal(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
  int wLen = word.length();
  if (fromIndex < wLen) {
    if (toIndex <= wLen) {
      return word.subWord(fromIndex, toIndex);
    return new ExtensionWord<>(word.subWord(fromIndex, wLen), letter);
  } else if (fromIndex == wLen) {
    return Word.fromLetter(letter);
  return Word.epsilon();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

 * Transforms a suffix index returned by a {@link LocalSuffixFinder} into a list of distinguishing suffixes. This
 * list always contains the corresponding local suffix. Since local suffix finders only return a single suffix,
 * suffix-closedness of the set of distinguishing suffixes might not be preserved. Note that for correctly
 * implemented local suffix finders, this does not impair correctness of the learning algorithm. However, without
 * suffix closedness, intermediate hypothesis models might be non-canonical, if no additional precautions are taken.
 * For that reasons, the <tt>allSuffixes</tt> parameter can be specified to control whether or not the list returned
 * by {@link GlobalSuffixFinder#findSuffixes(Query, AccessSequenceTransformer, SuffixOutput, MembershipOracle)} of
 * the returned global suffix finder should not only contain the single suffix, but also all of its suffixes,
 * ensuring suffix-closedness.
public static <I, D> List<Word<I>> suffixesForLocalOutput(Query<I, D> ceQuery,
                             int localSuffixIdx,
                             boolean allSuffixes) {
  if (localSuffixIdx == -1) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  Word<I> suffix = ceQuery.getInput().subWord(localSuffixIdx);
  if (!allSuffixes) {
    return Collections.singletonList(suffix);
  return suffix.suffixes(false);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-ttt

protected TTTState<I, D> getDeterministicState(TTTState<I, D> start, Word<I> word) {
  TTTState<I, D> lastSingleton = start;
  int lastSingletonIndex = 0;
  Set<TTTState<I, D>> states = Collections.singleton(start);
  int i = 1;
  for (I sym : word) {
    Set<TTTState<I, D>> nextStates = getNondetSuccessors(states, sym);
    if (nextStates.size() == 1) {
      lastSingleton = nextStates.iterator().next();
      lastSingletonIndex = i;
    states = nextStates;
  if (lastSingletonIndex == word.length()) {
    return lastSingleton;
  TTTState<I, D> curr = lastSingleton;
  for (I sym : word.subWord(lastSingletonIndex)) {
    TTTTransition<I, D> trans = curr.getTransition(alphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym));
    curr = requireSuccessor(trans);
  return curr;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default Word<I> longestWellMatchedSuffix(Word<I> word) {
  int idx = word.length();
  int crb = 0;
  int lastZero = idx;
  while (idx > 0) {
    final I sym = word.getSymbol(--idx);
    switch (getSymbolType(sym)) {
      case CALL:
        if (crb > 0) {
          break outer;
      case RETURN:
    if (crb == 0) {
      lastZero = idx;
  return word.subWord(lastZero);

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

default Word<I> longestWellMatchedSuffix(Word<I> word) {
  int idx = word.length();
  int crb = 0;
  int lastZero = idx;
  while (idx > 0) {
    final I sym = word.getSymbol(--idx);
    switch (getSymbolType(sym)) {
      case CALL:
        if (crb > 0) {
          break outer;
      case RETURN:
    if (crb == 0) {
      lastZero = idx;
  return word.subWord(lastZero);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

private void answerSlave(Query<I, Word<O>> slave) {
  int start = slave.getPrefix().length();
  int end = start + slave.getSuffix().length();
  slave.answer(answer.subWord(start, end));

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

Word<? extends I> suffix = word.subWord(prefixLen);
Word<? extends O> suffixOut = outputWord.subWord(prefixLen);
O suffTransOut = suffixOut.firstSymbol();
State<O> suffixState = createSuffix(suffix.subWord(1), suffixOut.subWord(1));

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

Word<? extends I> suffix = word.subWord(prefixLen);
I sym = suffix.firstSymbol();
int suffTransIdx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
State suffixState = createSuffix(suffix.subWord(1), acc);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

 * Returns all suffixes of the counterexample word as distinguishing suffixes, after stripping a maximal one-letter
 * extension of an access sequence, as suggested by Shahbaz.
 * @param ceQuery
 *         the counterexample query
 * @param asTransformer
 *         the access sequence transformer
 * @return all suffixes from the counterexample after stripping a maximal one-letter extension of an access
 * sequence.
public static <I, D> List<Word<I>> findShahbaz(Query<I, D> ceQuery, AccessSequenceTransformer<I> asTransformer) {
  Word<I> queryWord = ceQuery.getInput();
  int queryLen = queryWord.length();
  Word<I> prefix = ceQuery.getPrefix();
  int i = prefix.length();
  while (i <= queryLen) {
    Word<I> nextPrefix = queryWord.prefix(i);
    if (!asTransformer.isAccessSequence(nextPrefix)) {
  return queryWord.subWord(i).suffixes(false);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-adt

final Word<I> ua = ceInput.prefix(suffixIdx);
final I a = ceInput.getSymbol(suffixIdx - 1);
final Word<I> v = ceInput.subWord(suffixIdx);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-discrimination-tree

protected boolean refineHypothesisSingle(DefaultQuery<I, D> ceQuery) {
  if (!MQUtil.isCounterexample(ceQuery, getHypothesisModel())) {
    return false;
  int suffixIdx = suffixFinder.findSuffixIndex(ceQuery, hypothesis, getHypothesisModel(), oracle);
  if (suffixIdx == -1) {
    throw new AssertionError("Suffix finder does not work correctly, found no suffix for valid counterexample");
  Word<I> input = ceQuery.getInput();
  Word<I> oldStateAs = input.prefix(suffixIdx);
  HState<I, D, SP, TP> oldState = hypothesis.getState(oldStateAs);
  AbstractWordBasedDTNode<I, D, HState<I, D, SP, TP>> oldDt = oldState.getDTLeaf();
  Word<I> newPredAs = input.prefix(suffixIdx - 1);
  HState<I, D, SP, TP> newPred = hypothesis.getState(newPredAs);
  I transSym = input.getSymbol(suffixIdx - 1);
  int transIdx = alphabet.getSymbolIndex(transSym);
  HTransition<I, D, SP, TP> trans = newPred.getTransition(transIdx);
  HState<I, D, SP, TP> newState = createState(trans);
  Word<I> suffix = input.subWord(suffixIdx);
  D oldOut = oracle.answerQuery(oldState.getAccessSequence(), suffix);
  D newOut = oracle.answerQuery(newState.getAccessSequence(), suffix);
  AbstractWordBasedDTNode<I, D, HState<I, D, SP, TP>>.SplitResult sr =
      oldDt.split(suffix, oldOut, newOut, newState);
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-ttt

private void splitState(OutputInconsistency<I, D> outIncons) {
  OutInconsPrefixTransformAcex<I, D> acex = deriveAcex(outIncons);
  try {
    int breakpoint = analyzer.analyzeAbstractCounterexample(acex);
    assert !acex.testEffects(breakpoint, breakpoint + 1);
    Word<I> suffix = outIncons.suffix;
    TTTState<I, D> predState = getDeterministicState(outIncons.srcState, suffix.prefix(breakpoint));
    TTTState<I, D> succState = getDeterministicState(outIncons.srcState, suffix.prefix(breakpoint + 1));
    assert getDeterministicState(predState, Word.fromLetter(suffix.getSymbol(breakpoint))) == succState;
    I sym = suffix.getSymbol(breakpoint);
    Word<I> splitSuffix = suffix.subWord(breakpoint + 1);
    TTTTransition<I, D> trans = predState.getTransition(alphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym));
    assert !trans.isTree();
    D oldOut = acex.effect(breakpoint + 1);
    D newOut = succEffect(acex.effect(breakpoint));
    splitState(trans, splitSuffix, oldOut, newOut);
  } catch (HypothesisChangedException ignored) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-discrimination-tree-vpda

protected boolean refineHypothesisSingle(DefaultQuery<I, Boolean> ceQuery) {
  Word<I> ceWord = ceQuery.getInput();
  boolean hypOut = hypothesis.computeOutput(ceWord);
  if (hypOut == ceQuery.getOutput()) {
    return false;
  PrefixTransformAcex acex = new PrefixTransformAcex(Word.epsilon(), new ContextPair<>(Word.epsilon(), ceWord));
  acex.setEffect(0, !hypOut);
  acex.setEffect(acex.getLength() - 1, hypOut);
  int breakpoint = analyzer.analyzeAbstractCounterexample(acex);
  Word<I> prefix = ceWord.prefix(breakpoint);
  I act = ceWord.getSymbol(breakpoint);
  Word<I> suffix = ceWord.subWord(breakpoint + 1);
  State<HypLoc<I>> state = hypothesis.getState(prefix);
  State<HypLoc<I>> succState = hypothesis.getSuccessor(state, act);
  ContextPair<I> context = new ContextPair<>(transformAccessSequence(succState.getStackContents()), suffix);
  AbstractHypTrans<I> trans = hypothesis.getInternalTransition(state, act);
  HypLoc<I> newLoc = makeTree(trans);
  DTNode<I> oldDtNode = succState.getLocation().getLeaf();
  DTNode<I>.SplitResult children = oldDtNode.split(context, acex.effect(breakpoint), acex.effect(breakpoint + 1));
  link(children.nodeOld, newLoc);
  link(children.nodeNew, succState.getLocation());
  return true;
