
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a fault.


代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

 * Creates a <code>XFireFault</code> from the given throwable. If the throwable is a <code>XFireFault</code>, it is
 * not wrapped.
 * @param throwable the throwable
 * @return the fault
public static XFireFault createFault(Throwable throwable)
  XFireFault fault = null;
  if (throwable instanceof XFireFault)
    fault = (XFireFault) throwable;
    fault = new XFireFault(throwable);
  return fault;

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-xfire-client-tools

 * Loads the property descriptors for the ordered properties of the specified class.
 * @param wrapperClass The wrapper class.
 * @return The ordered property descriptors.
protected PropertyDescriptor[] loadOrderedProperties(Class wrapperClass) throws XFireFault {
 String[] propOrder = annotations.getPropertyOrder(wrapperClass);
 if (propOrder == null) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable use use " + wrapperClass.getName() + " as a wrapper class: no propOrder specified.", XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 BeanInfo responseBeanInfo;
 try {
  responseBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(wrapperClass, Object.class);
 catch (IntrospectionException e) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable to introspect " + wrapperClass.getName(), e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 return PropertyUtil.sortProperties(wrapperClass, responseBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(), propOrder);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-full

 * Loads the property descriptors for the ordered properties of the specified class.
 * @param wrapperClass The wrapper class.
 * @return The ordered property descriptors.
protected PropertyDescriptor[] loadOrderedProperties(Class wrapperClass) throws XFireFault {
 String[] propOrder = annotations.getPropertyOrder(wrapperClass);
 if (propOrder == null) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable use use " + wrapperClass.getName() + " as a wrapper class: no propOrder specified.", XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 BeanInfo responseBeanInfo;
 try {
  responseBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(wrapperClass, Object.class);
 catch (IntrospectionException e) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable to introspect " + wrapperClass.getName(), e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 return PropertyUtil.sortProperties(wrapperClass, responseBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(), propOrder);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-xfire-client-tools

 * Reads the bytes of the specified data handler to a byte array.
 * @param dataHandler The data handler to read.
 * @return The bytes that were read.
public static byte[] readBytes(DataHandler dataHandler) throws XFireFault {
 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 try {
  InputStream in = dataHandler.getInputStream();
  byte[] inBytes = new byte[1024 * 10]; //10 K?
  int len;
  while ((len = > 0) {
   out.write(inBytes, 0, len);
  return out.toByteArray();
 catch (IOException e) {
  throw new XFireFault(e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

protected Object getClientParam(Object[] values, MessagePartInfo outParam, MessageContext context) 
  throws XFireFault
  if (outParam.getIndex() >= values.length) 
    throw new XFireFault("Not enough input parameters were supplied!", XFireFault.SENDER);
  return values[outParam.getIndex()];

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public Object getServiceObject(MessageContext context)
throws XFireFault{
  return getScopedFactory(context).create();
 catch(XFireFault e){
  throw e;
 catch(Throwable e){
  throw new XFireFault(e);
private Factory getScopedFactory(MessageContext context){

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void writeMessage(OutMessage out, XMLStreamWriter writer, MessageContext ctx)
    throws XFireFault
      STAXUtils.copy((XMLStreamReader) out.getBody(), writer);
    catch (XMLStreamException e)
      throw new XFireFault("Couldn't write to stream.", e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-xfire-tools

public EnunciatedJAXWSOperationBinding(OperationInfo op) throws XFireFault {
 this.requestInfo = getRequestInfo(op);
 this.responseInfo = getResponseInfo(op);
 ArrayList<Class> contextClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(2);
 if (this.requestInfo != null) {
 if (this.responseInfo != null) {
 try {
  this.jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(contextClasses.toArray(new Class[contextClasses.size()]));
 catch (JAXBException e) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable to create a binding for " + op.getMethod() + ".", e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

private void assertSingle(Element root, String tagName, Namespace wsa)
  throws XFireFault
  List list = root.getChildren(tagName,wsa);
  if( list!= null ){
    if(list.size()> 1){
      XFireFault fault = new XFireFault("Invalid header",new QName(wsa.getURI(),"Sender"));
      fault.setSubCode(new QName(wsa.getURI(),"InvalidAddressingHeader"));
      Element detail = new Element("ProblemHeaderQName",wsa);
      throw fault;

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-full

public EnunciatedJAXWSOperationBinding(OperationInfo op) throws XFireFault {
 this.requestInfo = getRequestInfo(op);
 this.responseInfo = getResponseInfo(op);
 ArrayList<Class> contextClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(2);
 if (this.requestInfo != null) {
 if (this.responseInfo != null) {
 try {
  this.jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(contextClasses.toArray(new Class[contextClasses.size()]));
 catch (JAXBException e) {
  throw new XFireFault("Unable to create a binding for " + op.getMethod() + ".", e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void writeMessage(OutMessage message, XMLStreamWriter writer, MessageContext context)
  throws XFireFault
  Document doc = (Document) message.getBody();
  StaxSerializer serializer = new StaxSerializer();
    serializer.writeElement(doc.getRootElement(), writer);
  catch (XMLStreamException e)
    throw new XFireFault("Couldn't write message.", e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

   * Assert that a service understands a particular header.  If not, a fault is thrown.
   * @param context
   * @param name
   * @throws XFireFault
  protected void assertUnderstandsHeader(MessageContext context, QName name)
      throws XFireFault
    if (context.getInPipeline().understands(name))

    if (context.getOutPipeline().understands(name))

    // TODO: Check Out pipeline for understanding
    throw new XFireFault("Header {" + name.getLocalPart() + "}" + name.getNamespaceURI()
        + " was not undertsood by the service.", XFireFault.MUST_UNDERSTAND);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

protected void handleFault(MessageContext context, XFireFault fault, Throwable cause, MessagePartInfo faultPart)
  throws XFireFault
  JDOMStreamWriter writer = new JDOMStreamWriter(fault.getDetail());
  Object faultBean = getFaultBean(cause, faultPart, context);
    AbstractBinding.writeParameter(writer, context, faultBean, faultPart, faultPart.getName().getNamespaceURI());
  catch (XMLStreamException e)
    throw new XFireFault("Could not write to outgoing stream.", e, XFireFault.RECEIVER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void readMessage(InMessage message, MessageContext context)
  throws XFireFault
  StaxBuilder builder = new StaxBuilder();
    Document doc =;
  catch (XMLStreamException e)
    throw new XFireFault("Couldn't parse message.", e, XFireFault.SENDER);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void readMessage(InMessage message, MessageContext context)
  throws XFireFault
  if (message.getSoapVersion() instanceof Soap11)
    soap11.readMessage(message, context);
  else if (message.getSoapVersion() instanceof Soap12)
    soap12.readMessage(message, context);
    throw new XFireFault("Unrecognized soap version.", 
               (XFireFault) message.getBody(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void writeMessage(OutMessage message, XMLStreamWriter writer, MessageContext context)
  throws XFireFault
  if (message.getSoapVersion() instanceof Soap11)
    soap11.writeMessage(message, writer, context);
  else if (message.getSoapVersion() instanceof Soap12)
    soap12.writeMessage(message, writer, context);
    throw new XFireFault("Unrecognized soap version.", 
               (XFireFault) message.getBody(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-core

public void invoke(MessageContext context)
    throws Exception
    AbstractSoapBinding binding = (AbstractSoapBinding) context.getBinding();
    if (binding == null)
      throw new XFireFault("Could not find appropriate binding for service: " + context.getService().getName(),
    MessageSerializer ser = binding.getSerializer(context.getExchange().getOperation());

    ser.readMessage(context.getInMessage(), context);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-xfire-client-tools

 * Writes a message.  Delegates to the operation binding of the operation in the current message exchange.
 * @param message The message to write.
 * @param writer The writer to which to write.
 * @param context The context
public void writeMessage(OutMessage message, XMLStreamWriter writer, MessageContext context) throws XFireFault {
 OperationInfo op = context.getExchange().getOperation();
 MessageInfo inMessage = op.getInputMessage();
 if (inMessage == null) {
  throw new XFireFault("No request message was found in the current operation!", XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 new ElementWriter(writer, inMessage.getName());
 getOperationBinding(op).writeMessage(message, writer, context);
 //the xfire SoapSerializer makes the strange assumption that the message serializer doesn't close its element...

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.enunciate/enunciate-full

 * Writes a message.  Delegates to the operation binding of the operation in the current message exchange.
 * @param message The message to write.
 * @param writer The writer to which to write.
 * @param context The context
public void writeMessage(OutMessage message, XMLStreamWriter writer, MessageContext context) throws XFireFault {
 OperationInfo op = context.getExchange().getOperation();
 MessageInfo inMessage = op.getInputMessage();
 if (inMessage == null) {
  throw new XFireFault("No request message was found in the current operation!", XFireFault.RECEIVER);
 new ElementWriter(writer, inMessage.getName());
 getOperationBinding(op).writeMessage(message, writer, context);
 //the xfire SoapSerializer makes the strange assumption that the message serializer doesn't close its element...

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.xfire/xfire-jaxws

public void readMessage(InMessage message, MessageContext context)
  throws XFireFault
  Service endpoint = context.getService();
  DepthXMLStreamReader dr = new DepthXMLStreamReader(context.getInMessage().getXMLStreamReader());
  if ( !STAXUtils.toNextElement(dr) )
    throw new XFireFault("There must be a method name element.", XFireFault.SENDER);
  OperationInfo op = context.getExchange().getOperation();
  if (!isClientModeOn(context) && op == null)
    op = endpoint.getServiceInfo().getOperation( dr.getLocalName() );
    if (op != null)
      setOperation(op, context);

      JAXWSOperationBinding opBinding = getOperationBinding(op);
      opBinding.readMessage(message, context);
  delegate.readMessage(message, context);
