
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Opens the window modally.


代码示例来源:origin: org.fujion/fujion-core

 * Opens the window modally.
public void modal() {

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Show viewer.
 * @param clipboard Clipboard whose contents is to be accessed.
public static void show(Clipboard clipboard) {
  Map<String, Object> args = Collections.singletonMap("clipboard", clipboard);
  Window dlg = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(DesignConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "clipboardViewer.fsp", null, args)

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Display the add component dialog, presenting a list of candidate plugins that may serve as
 * children to the specified parent element.
 * @param parentElement Element to serve as parent to the newly created child element.
 * @param createChild If true, the selected element will be created.
 * @param callback The close event handler.
private static void show(ElementBase parentElement, boolean createChild, IEventListener callback) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("parentElement", parentElement);
  args.put("createChild", createChild);
  Window dlg = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(DesignConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "addComponent.fsp", null, args).get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Prompts for a layout.
 * @param dfltLayout Default layout.
 * @param hideScope If true, hide private/shared scope selection.
 * @param allowDups If true, duplicate names are allowed.
 * @param title Prompt dialog title.
 * @param prompt Prompt dialog text.
 * @param closeListener Notified when dialog is closed.
public static void show(LayoutIdentifier dfltLayout, boolean hideScope, boolean allowDups, String title, String prompt,
            IEventListener closeListener) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("dfltLayout", dfltLayout);
  args.put("hideScope", hideScope);
  args.put("allowDups", allowDups);
  args.put("title", title);
  args.put("prompt", prompt);
  Window window = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(DIALOG, null, args).get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Creates a property grid for the given target UI element.
 * @param target UI element whose properties are to be edited.
 * @param parent Parent component for property grid (may be null).
 * @param embedded If true, the property grid is embedded within another component.
 * @return Newly created PropertyGrid instance.
public static PropertyGrid create(ElementBase target, BaseComponent parent, boolean embedded) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("target", target);
  args.put("embedded", embedded);
  Window window = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(DesignConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "propertyGrid.fsp", parent, args)
  if (parent == null) {
  return window.getAttribute("controller", PropertyGrid.class);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hspconsortium.carewebframework/cwf-ui-patientselection-core

 * Invokes the patient match dialog, displaying the specified list of patients.
 * @param patientList List of patients from which to select.
 * @param callback Callback to receive the patient selected by the user or null if the operation
 *            was canceled.
public static void selectFromList(List<Patient> patientList, IResponseCallback<Patient> callback) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put(Constants.RESULT_ATTRIB, patientList);
  Window window = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "patientMatches.fsp", null, args).get(0);
  window.modal(callback == null ? null : (event) -> {
    callback.onComplete(window.getAttribute(Constants.RESULT_ATTRIB, Patient.class));

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.core

 * Displays the dialog.
 * @param text The text or HTML content. HTML content is indicated by prefixing with the html
 *            tag.
 * @param title Dialog title.
 * @param allowPrint If true, a print button is provided.
 * @param asModal If true, open as modal; otherwise, as popup.
 * @param callback Callback when dialog is closed.
 * @return The created dialog.
public static Window show(String text, String title, boolean allowPrint, boolean asModal, IEventListener callback) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("text", text);
  args.put("title", title);
  args.put("allowPrint", allowPrint);
  Window dialog = + "reportDialog.fsp", args, true, true, false,
  if (asModal) {
  } else {
  return dialog;

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.core

 * Displays the date range dialog.
 * @param dateRange The initial date range.
 * @param callback Callback for returning a date range reflecting the inputs from the dialog.
 *            This will be null if the input is cancelled or if an unexpected error occurs.
public static void show(DateRange dateRange, IResponseCallback<DateRange> callback) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("dateRange", dateRange);
  Window dlg = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(DialogConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "dateRangeDialog.fsp", null, args)
  dlg.modal((event) -> {
    callback.onComplete((DateRange) dlg.getAttribute("result"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hspconsortium.carewebframework/cwf-plugin-scenario

 * Display view resources dialog.
 * @param scenario Scenario whose resources are to be viewed.
 * @param callback Callback upon dialog closure.
public static void show(Scenario scenario, IResponseCallback<Boolean> callback) {
  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
  args.put("scenario", scenario);
  Window dlg = (Window) PageUtil.createPage("web/org/hspconsortium/cwf/ui/scenario/viewResources.fsp", null, args)
  dlg.modal((event) -> {
    if (callback != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/

 * Common entry point for displaying an about dialog.
 * @param params Parameter map for about dialog.
private static void showDialog(AboutParams params) {
  try {
    Map<String, Object> args = Collections.singletonMap("params", params);
    Window dlg = (Window) PageUtil.createPage(Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "aboutDialog.fsp", null, args).get(0);
  } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.core

 * Prompt user for input.
 * @param args The argument map.
 * @param callback The callback to receive the text input. If the dialog was cancelled, the text
 *            input will be returned as null.
public static void show(Map<String, Object> args, IInputCallback callback) {
  Window dialog = (Window) PageUtil
      .createPage(DialogConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "inputDialog.fsp", ExecutionContext.getPage(), args).get(0);
  dialog.modal(callback == null ? null : (event) -> {
    callback.onComplete(dialog.getAttribute("result", String.class));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hspconsortium.carewebframework/cwf-ui-reporting

 * Show detail for specified component.
 * @param item The component containing the model object.
protected void showDetail(BaseComponent item) {
  M modelObject = item == null ? null : (M) item.getData();
  String detail = modelObject == null ? null : getDetail(modelObject);
  if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(detail)) {
    if (getShowDetailPane()) {
    } else {
      Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
      map.put("title", detailTitle);
      map.put("content", detail);
      map.put("allowPrint", getAllowPrint());
      try {
        Window window = (Window) PageUtil
            .createPage(Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "resourceListDetailPopup.fsp", null, map).get(0);
      } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.core

.createPage(DialogConstants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "promptDialog.fsp", ExecutionContext.getPage(), args)
} catch (Exception e) {
  log.error("Error Displaying Dialog", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.ui.core

