
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config. Parses the corresponding config options from the HBase XML configs and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties.
[中]创建一个包含ZooKeeper配置的属性对象。解析HBase XML配置中相应的配置选项,并生成相应的ZooKeeper属性。


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config.
 * Parses the corresponding config options from the HBase XML configs
 * and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties.
 * @param conf Configuration to read from.
 * @return Properties holding mappings representing ZooKeeper config file.
public static Properties makeZKProps(Configuration conf) {
 return makeZKPropsFromHbaseConfig(conf);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hbase/hbase-common

 * Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config.
 * Parses the corresponding config options from the HBase XML configs
 * and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties.
 * @param conf Configuration to read from.
 * @return Properties holding mappings representing ZooKeeper config file.
public static Properties makeZKProps(Configuration conf) {
 return makeZKPropsFromHbaseConfig(conf);

代码示例来源:origin: com.aliyun.hbase/alihbase-common

 * Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config.
 * Parses the corresponding config options from the HBase XML configs
 * and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties.
 * @param conf Configuration to read from.
 * @return Properties holding mappings representing ZooKeeper config file.
public static Properties makeZKProps(Configuration conf) {
 return makeZKPropsFromHbaseConfig(conf);

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

 * Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config.
 * Parses the corresponding config options from the HBase XML configs
 * and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties.
 * @param conf Configuration to read from.
 * @return Properties holding mappings representing ZooKeeper config file.
public static Properties makeZKProps(Configuration conf) {
 Properties zkProperties = makeZKPropsFromZooCfg(conf);
 if (zkProperties == null) {
  // Otherwise, use the configuration options from HBase's XML files.
  zkProperties = makeZKPropsFromHbaseConfig(conf);
 return zkProperties;
