
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the associated entity.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public Object get()
  return next.get();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

  public Set<String> permissionStrings()
    Set<String> permissionStrings = new HashSet<>();
    for ( RoleAssignment assignment : roleAssignee.roleAssignments() ) {
      permissionStrings.addAll( assignment.role().get().permissions().get() );
    return Collections.unmodifiableSet( permissionStrings );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void checkConstraints( AssociationStateHolder state )
    for( AssociationModel associationModel : mapAccessorAssociationModel.values() )
      Association<Object> association = state.associationFor( associationModel.accessor() );
      associationModel.checkAssociationConstraints( association );
      associationModel.checkConstraints( association.get() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void script05()
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  // should return Joe Doe
  Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
    eq( person.mother().get().placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Kuala Lumpur" ),
    NO_VARIABLES ).collect( toList() );
  assertNames( entities, JOE );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script04()
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  // should return Joe and Ann Doe
  Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
    eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Kuala Lumpur" ),
    NO_VARIABLES ).collect( toList() );
  assertNames( entities, JOE, ANN );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script21()
  // should return all Persons sorted name of the city they were born
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Iterable<EntityReference> entities = entityFinder.findEntities(
    Arrays.asList( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( ) ),
    NO_VARIABLES ).collect( toList() );
  assertNames( false, entities, ANN, JOE, JACK );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void movedToNewAddress( String street, String zipCode, City city, Country country, Rent rent )
  Address newAddress = repository.createAddress( street, zipCode, city, country, rent );
  Address oldAddress = address().get();
  oldAddresses().add( oldAddress );
  address().set( newAddress );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

  public void amendAddress( String street, String zipCode, City city, Country country )
    Address newAddress = repository.createAddress( street, zipCode, city, country, address().get().rent().get() );
    address().set( newAddress );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void movedToNewAddress( String street, String zipCode, City city, Country country, Rent rent )
  Address newAddress = repository.createAddress( street, zipCode, city, country, rent );
  Address oldAddress = address().get();
  oldAddresses().add( oldAddress );
  address().set( newAddress );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script04()
  QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.moduleInstance.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
  Person personTemplate = templateFor( Person.class );
  City placeOfBirth = personTemplate.placeOfBirth().get();
  Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where( eq(, "Kuala Lumpur" ) ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script04: " + query );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Joe Doe", "Ann Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script04_ne()
  QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.moduleInstance.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
  Person personTemplate = templateFor( Person.class );
  City placeOfBirth = personTemplate.placeOfBirth().get();
  Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where( ne(, "Kuala Lumpur" ) ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script04_ne: " + query );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script21()
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  final Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( this.moduleInstance
    .newQueryBuilder( Person.class )
    .where( queries.get( "script21" ) ) );
  query.orderBy( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.yearOfBirth() ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script21: " + query );
  verifyOrderedResults( query, "Ann Doe", "Joe Doe", "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void script21()
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  final Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( this.moduleInstance
    .newQueryBuilder( Person.class )
    .where( queries.get( "script21" ) ) );
  query.orderBy( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.yearOfBirth() ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script21: " + query );
  verifyOrderedResults( query, "Ann Doe", "Joe Doe", "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

public void script21()
  QueryBuilder<Person> qb = this.moduleInstance.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
  // should return all Persons sorted by name of the city they were born, and then by year they were born
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Query<Person> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb );
  query.orderBy( orderBy( person.placeOfBirth().get().name() ), orderBy( person.yearOfBirth() ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script21: " + query );
  verifyOrderedResults( query, "Ann Doe", "Joe Doe", "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.testsupport

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void script07()
  QueryBuilder<Nameable> qb = this.moduleInstance.newQueryBuilder( Nameable.class );
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Query<Nameable> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where(
    and( ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ), eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) ) ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script07: " + query );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void script07()
  QueryBuilder<Nameable> qb = this.moduleInstance.newQueryBuilder( Nameable.class );
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Query<Nameable> query = unitOfWork.newQuery( qb.where(
    and( ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ), eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) ) ) );
  System.out.println( "*** script07: " + query );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void whenSettingAnAssociationInASideEffectExpectItToWork()
  try( UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork( UsecaseBuilder.newUsecase( "Purchase Steinway" ) ) )
    Pianist chris = uow.newEntity( Pianist.class, StringIdentity.identityOf( "Chris" ) );
    Steinway modelD = uow.newEntity( Steinway.class, StringIdentity.identityOf( "ModelD-274" ) );
    assertThat( modelD.owner().get(), is( nullValue() ) );
    chris.purchase( modelD );
    assertThat( modelD.owner().get(), is( theInstance( chris ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void givenMultipleAndQueryWhenExecutedThenReturnCorrect()
  QueryBuilder<Nameable> qb = qbf.newQueryBuilder( Nameable.class );
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Query<Nameable> query = qb.where(
    ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ).
      and( lt( person.yearOfBirth(), 2000 ) ).
      and( eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) )
  ).newQuery( Network.nameables() );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void givenEqQueryOnAssociationWhenExecutedThenReturnCorrect()
  QueryBuilder<Person> qb = qbf.newQueryBuilder( Person.class );
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  City kl = uow.get( City.class, StringIdentity.identityOf( "kualalumpur" ) );
  Query<Person> query = qb.where(
    eq( person.mother().get().placeOfBirth(), kl )
  ).newQuery( Network.persons() );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Joe Doe" );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public void givenAndQueryWhenExecutedThenReturnCorrect()
  QueryBuilder<Nameable> qb = qbf.newQueryBuilder( Nameable.class );
  Person person = templateFor( Person.class );
  Query<Nameable> query = qb.where(
    ge( person.yearOfBirth(), 1900 ).and( eq( person.placeOfBirth().get().name(), "Penang" ) )
  ).newQuery( Network.nameables() );
  verifyUnorderedResults( query, "Jack Doe" );



