
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Reverse of #treeToValue; given a value (usually bean), will construct equivalent JSON Tree representation. Functionally similar to serializing value into JSON and parsing JSON as tree, but more efficient.

NOTE: while results are usually identical to that of serialization followed by deserialization, this is not always the case. In some cases serialization into intermediate representation will retain encapsulation of things like raw value ( com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.RawValue) or basic node identity ( JsonNode). If so, result is a valid tree, but values are not re-constructed through actual JSON representation. So if transformation requires actual materialization of JSON (or other data format that this mapper produces), it will be necessary to do actual serialization.


代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeClustersResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeCacheClustersResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeReplicationTasksResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeVpnConnectionsResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeCacheClustersResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeReplicationGroupsResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeVpnConnectionsResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeReplicationGroupsResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeDBInstancesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeTargetHealthResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeDBInstancesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeVolumesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeDBInstancesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeStacksResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeStacksResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeInstancesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeStacksResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeInstancesResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAll(expectedResult, finalResult);

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Takes the result and determines whether the state of the resource matches the expected state. To determine
 * the current state of the resource, JmesPath expression is evaluated and compared against the expected result.
 * @param result
 *        Corresponding result of the operation
 * @return True if current state of the resource matches the expected state, False otherwise
public boolean matches(DescribeReplicationTasksResult result) {
  JsonNode queryNode = ObjectMapperSingleton.getObjectMapper().valueToTree(result);
  JsonNode finalResult = ast.accept(new JmesPathEvaluationVisitor(), queryNode);
  return AcceptorPathMatcher.pathAny(expectedResult, finalResult);




