
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Whether this association contains no rows.


代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-ogm

 * Whether the rows of the given association should be stored in a hash using the single row key column as key or
 * not.
public static boolean organizeAssociationMapByRowKey(
    org.hibernate.ogm.model.spi.Association association,
    AssociationKey key,
    AssociationContext associationContext) {
  if ( association.isEmpty() ) {
    return false;
  if ( key.getMetadata().getRowKeyIndexColumnNames().length != 1 ) {
    return false;
  Object valueOfFirstRow = association.get( association.getKeys().iterator().next() )
      .get( key.getMetadata().getRowKeyIndexColumnNames()[0] );
  if ( !( valueOfFirstRow instanceof String ) ) {
    return false;
  // The list style may be explicitly enforced for compatibility reasons
  return getMapStorage( associationContext ) == MapStorageType.BY_KEY;

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-ogm

public Association createAssociation(AssociationKey key, AssociationContext associationContext) {
  AssociationStorageStrategy storageStrategy = getAssociationStorageStrategy( key, associationContext );
  Document document = storageStrategy == AssociationStorageStrategy.IN_ENTITY
      ? getEmbeddingEntity( key, associationContext )
      : associationKeyToObject( key, storageStrategy );
  Association association = new Association( new MongoDBAssociationSnapshot( document, key, storageStrategy ) );
  // in the case of an association stored in the entity structure, we might end up with rows present in the
  // current snapshot of the entity while we want an empty association here. So, in this case, we clear the
  // snapshot to be sure the association created is empty.
  if ( !association.isEmpty() ) {
  return association;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.ogm/hibernate-ogm-mongodb

public Association createAssociation(AssociationKey key, AssociationContext associationContext) {
  AssociationStorageStrategy storageStrategy = getAssociationStorageStrategy( key, associationContext );
  Document document = storageStrategy == AssociationStorageStrategy.IN_ENTITY
      ? getEmbeddingEntity( key, associationContext )
      : associationKeyToObject( key, storageStrategy );
  Association association = new Association( new MongoDBAssociationSnapshot( document, key, storageStrategy ) );
  // in the case of an association stored in the entity structure, we might end up with rows present in the
  // current snapshot of the entity while we want an empty association here. So, in this case, we clear the
  // snapshot to be sure the association created is empty.
  if ( !association.isEmpty() ) {
  return association;

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-ogm

private void removeNavigationalInformationFromInverseSide(int propertyIndex, AssociationKeyMetadata associationKeyMetadata, Object[] oldColumnValue) {
  // If the association involves entities deleted by a previous operation of the current batch,
  // it does not make sense trying to update association itself
  EntityKey entityKey = new EntityKey( associationKeyMetadata.getEntityKeyMetadata(), oldColumnValue );
  if ( gridDialect instanceof BatchOperationsDelegator && ( (BatchOperationsDelegator) gridDialect ).isMarkedForRemoval( entityKey ) ) {
  AssociationPersister associationPersister = createInverseAssociationPersister( propertyIndex, associationKeyMetadata, oldColumnValue );
  Association association = associationPersister.getAssociationOrNull();
  // The association might be empty if the navigation information have already been removed.
  // This typically happens when the entity owning the inverse association has already been deleted prior to
  // deleting the entity owning the association and a {@code @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)} is
  // involved.
  if ( association != null && !association.isEmpty() ) {
    RowKey rowKey = getInverseRowKey( associationKeyMetadata, oldColumnValue );
    association.remove( rowKey );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-ogm

 * Writes out the changes gathered in the {@link Association} managed by this persister to the datastore.
public void flushToDatastore() {
  if ( getAssociation().isEmpty() ) {
    gridDialect.removeAssociation( getAssociationKey(), getAssociationContext() );
    association = null;
    OgmEntityEntryState.getStateFor( session, hostingEntity ).setAssociation( associationKeyMetadata.getCollectionRole(), null );
  else if ( !getAssociation().getOperations().isEmpty() ) {
    gridDialect.insertOrUpdateAssociation( getAssociationKey(), getAssociation(), getAssociationContext() );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-ogm

private void removeNavigationInformation(Serializable id, Object entity, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) {
  for ( int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < getEntityMetamodel().getPropertySpan(); propertyIndex++ ) {
    if ( propertyMightHaveNavigationalInformation[propertyIndex] ) {
      CollectionType collectionType = (CollectionType) getPropertyTypes()[propertyIndex];
      OgmCollectionPersister collectionPersister = (OgmCollectionPersister) getFactory()
          .getMetamodel().collectionPersister( collectionType.getRole() );
      AssociationPersister associationPersister = new AssociationPersister.Builder( collectionPersister.getOwnerEntityPersister().getMappedClass() )
          .hostingEntity( entity )
          .gridDialect( gridDialect )
          .key( id, collectionPersister.getKeyGridType() )
          .associationKeyMetadata( collectionPersister.getAssociationKeyMetadata() )
          .associationTypeContext( collectionPersister.getAssociationTypeContext() )
          .session( session )
      Association association = associationPersister.getAssociationOrNull();
      if ( association != null && !association.isEmpty() ) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.ogm/hibernate-ogm-couchdb

public Association createAssociation(AssociationKey key, AssociationContext associationContext) {
  CouchDBAssociation couchDBAssociation = null;
  if ( isStoredInEntityStructure( key.getMetadata(), associationContext.getAssociationTypeContext() ) ) {
    TuplePointer tuplePointer = getEmbeddingEntityTuplePointer( key, associationContext );
    EntityDocument owningEntity = getEntityFromTuple( tuplePointer.getTuple() );
    if ( owningEntity == null ) {
      owningEntity = (EntityDocument) getDataStore().saveDocument( new EntityDocument( key.getEntityKey() ) );
      tuplePointer.setTuple( new Tuple( new CouchDBTupleSnapshot( owningEntity ), SnapshotType.UPDATE ) );
    couchDBAssociation = CouchDBAssociation.fromEmbeddedAssociation( tuplePointer, key.getMetadata() );
  else {
    AssociationDocument association = new AssociationDocument( Identifier.createAssociationId( key ) );
    couchDBAssociation = CouchDBAssociation.fromAssociationDocument( association );
  Association association = new Association( new CouchDBAssociationSnapshot( couchDBAssociation, key ) );
  // in the case of an association stored in the entity structure, we might end up with rows present in the current snapshot of the entity
  // while we want an empty association here. So, in this case, we clear the snapshot to be sure the association created is empty.
  if ( !association.isEmpty() ) {
  return association;
