
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: aol/cyclops

@Deprecated //moved to cyclops.companion.Functions
public static Function<? super ReactiveSeq<Double>, ? extends ReactiveSeq<Double>> concatDoubles( ReactiveSeq<Double> b){
  return a->fromSpliterator(DoubleStream.concat(a.mapToDouble(i->i),b.mapToDouble(i->i)).spliterator());

代码示例来源:origin: aol/cyclops

public static Function<? super ReactiveSeq<Double>, ? extends ReactiveSeq<Double>> concatDoubles( ReactiveSeq<Double> b){
  return a->ReactiveSeq.fromSpliterator(DoubleStream.concat(a.mapToDouble(i->i),b.mapToDouble(i->i)).spliterator());

代码示例来源:origin: de.sciss/jacop

 * @param store   current store
 * @param list    variables which are being multiplied by weights.
 * @param weights weight for each variable.
 * @param rel     the relation, one of "==", "{@literal <}", "{@literal >}", "{@literal <=}", "{@literal >=}", "{@literal !=}"
 * @param sum     variable containing the sum of weighted variables.
public Linear(Store store, FloatVar[] list, double[] weights, String rel, FloatVar sum) {
  checkInputForNullness(new String[] {"list", "weights", "rel", "sum"}, new Object[][] {list, {weights}, {rel}, {sum}});
  commonInitialization(store, Stream.concat(, Stream.of(sum)).toArray(FloatVar[]::new),
    DoubleStream.concat(, DoubleStream.of(-1)).toArray(), rel, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: radsz/jacop

 * @param store   current store
 * @param list    variables which are being multiplied by weights.
 * @param weights weight for each variable.
 * @param rel     the relation, one of "==", "{@literal <}", "{@literal >}", "{@literal <=}", "{@literal >=}", "{@literal !=}"
 * @param sum     variable containing the sum of weighted variables.
public Linear(Store store, FloatVar[] list, double[] weights, String rel, FloatVar sum) {
  checkInputForNullness(new String[] {"list", "weights", "rel", "sum"}, new Object[][] {list, {weights}, {rel}, {sum}});
  commonInitialization(store, Stream.concat(, Stream.of(sum)).toArray(FloatVar[]::new),
    DoubleStream.concat(, DoubleStream.of(-1)).toArray(), rel, 0);

代码示例来源:origin: com.davidbracewell/mango

  public MDoubleStream union(@NonNull MDoubleStream other) {
   if (other.isReusable() && other.isEmpty()) {
     return this;
   } else if (other instanceof LocalDoubleStream) {
     return new LocalDoubleStream(DoubleStream.concat(stream, Cast.<LocalDoubleStream>as(other).stream));
   return new LocalDoubleStream(DoubleStream.concat(stream, DoubleStream.of(other.toArray())));
}//END OF LocalDoubleStream

代码示例来源:origin: one.util/streamex

 * Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements
 * of the other stream followed by all the elements of this stream. The
 * resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and
 * parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting
 * stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.
 * @param other the other stream
 * @return this stream prepended by the other stream
 * @see DoubleStream#concat(DoubleStream, DoubleStream)
public DoubleStreamEx prepend(DoubleStream other) {
  return new DoubleStreamEx(DoubleStream.concat(other, stream()), context.combine(other));

代码示例来源:origin: com.oath.cyclops/cyclops

@Deprecated //moved to cyclops.companion.Functions
public static Function<? super ReactiveSeq<Double>, ? extends ReactiveSeq<Double>> concatDoubles( ReactiveSeq<Double> b){
  return a->fromSpliterator(DoubleStream.concat(a.mapToDouble(i->i),b.mapToDouble(i->i)).spliterator());

代码示例来源:origin: one.util/streamex

 * Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements
 * of this stream followed by all the elements of the other stream. The
 * resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and
 * parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting
 * stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.
 * @param other the other stream
 * @return this stream appended by the other stream
 * @see DoubleStream#concat(DoubleStream, DoubleStream)
public DoubleStreamEx append(DoubleStream other) {
  return new DoubleStreamEx(DoubleStream.concat(stream(), other), context.combine(other));

代码示例来源:origin: one.util/streamex

 * Returns a new {@code DoubleStreamEx} which is a concatenation of this
 * stream and the stream containing supplied values
 * <p>
 * This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">quasi-intermediate
 * operation</a>.
 * @param values the values to append to the stream
 * @return the new stream
public DoubleStreamEx append(double... values) {
  if (values.length == 0)
    return this;
  return new DoubleStreamEx(DoubleStream.concat(stream(), DoubleStream.of(values)), context);

代码示例来源:origin: one.util/streamex

 * Returns a new {@code DoubleStreamEx} which is a concatenation of the
 * stream containing supplied values and this stream
 * <p>
 * This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">quasi-intermediate
 * operation</a>.
 * @param values the values to prepend to the stream
 * @return the new stream
public DoubleStreamEx prepend(double... values) {
  if (values.length == 0)
    return this;
  return new DoubleStreamEx(DoubleStream.concat(DoubleStream.of(values), stream()), context);

代码示例来源:origin: com.oath.cyclops/cyclops

public static Function<? super ReactiveSeq<Double>, ? extends ReactiveSeq<Double>> concatDoubles( ReactiveSeq<Double> b){
  return a->ReactiveSeq.fromSpliterator(DoubleStream.concat(a.mapToDouble(i->i),b.mapToDouble(i->i)).spliterator());


public static Function<? super ReactiveSeq<Double>, ? extends ReactiveSeq<Double>> concatDoubles( ReactiveSeq<Double> b){
  return a->fromSpliterator(DoubleStream.concat(a.mapToDouble(i->i),b.mapToDouble(i->i)).spliterator());

代码示例来源:origin: com.simiacryptus/mindseye

if (hasPlaceholders) {
 deltaStream = DoubleStream.concat(DoubleStream.of(
   direction.getMap().keySet().stream().filter(x -> x instanceof PlaceholderLayer).distinct().mapToDouble(layer -> {
    Delta<Layer> a = direction.getMap().get(layer);

代码示例来源:origin: com.simiacryptus/mindseye-research

if (hasPlaceholders) {
 deltaStream = DoubleStream.concat(DoubleStream.of(
   direction.getMap().keySet().stream().filter(x -> toLayer(x) instanceof PlaceholderLayer).distinct().mapToDouble(id -> {
    Delta<UUID> a = direction.getMap().get(id);
