
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Set the client-side key store. Key store contains client's private keys, and the certificates with their corresponding public keys.

Setting a key store instance resets any #sslContext( previously specified.

Note that for improved security of working with password data and avoid storing passwords in Java string objects, the #keyStore(,char[]) version of the method can be utilized. Also note that a custom key store is only required if you want to enable a custom setup of a 2-way SSL connections (client certificate authentication).


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jaxrs_2.1_spec

public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jaxrs_2.0_spec

public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.aries.spec/

public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/meecrowave

public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.meecrowave/meecrowave-specs-api

public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());


 * Set the client-side key store. Key store contains client's private keys, and the certificates with their
 * corresponding public keys.
 * <p>
 * Setting a key store instance resets any {@link #sslContext( SSL context instance}
 * value previously specified.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note that for improved security of working with password data and avoid storing passwords in Java string
 * objects, the {@link #keyStore(, char[])} version of the method can be utilized.
 * Also note that a custom key store is only required if you want to enable a custom setup of a 2-way SSL
 * connections (client certificate authentication).
 * </p>
 * @param keyStore client-side key store. Must not be {@code null}.
 * @param password client key password. Must not be {@code null}.
 * @return an updated client builder instance.
 * @throws NullPointerException in case any of the supplied parameters is {@code null}.
 * @see #sslContext
 * @see #keyStore(, char[])
 * @see #trustStore
public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-web-api

 * Set the client-side key store. Key store contains client's private keys, and the certificates with their
 * corresponding public keys.
 * <p>
 * Setting a key store instance resets any {@link #sslContext( SSL context instance}
 * value previously specified.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note that for improved security of working with password data and avoid storing passwords in Java string
 * objects, the {@link #keyStore(, char[])} version of the method can be utilized.
 * Also note that a custom key store is only required if you want to enable a custom setup of a 2-way SSL
 * connections (client certificate authentication).
 * </p>
 * @param keyStore client-side key store. Must not be {@code null}.
 * @param password client key password. Must not be {@code null}.
 * @return an updated client builder instance.
 * @throws NullPointerException in case any of the supplied parameters is {@code null}.
 * @see #sslContext
 * @see #keyStore(, char[])
 * @see #trustStore
public ClientBuilder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore, final String password) {
  return keyStore(keyStore, password.toCharArray());

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jmnarloch/spring-jax-rs-client-proxy

 * Registers the key store to be used.
 * @param keyStore the key store
 * @param password the password
 * @return the builder instance
public ClientBuilderConfigurer keyStore(KeyStore keyStore, char[] password) {
  builder().keyStore(keyStore, password);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jmnarloch/spring-jax-rs-client-proxy

 * Registers the key store to be used.
 * @param keyStore the key store
 * @param password the password
 * @return the builder instance
public ClientBuilderConfigurer keyStore(KeyStore keyStore, String password) {
  builder().keyStore(keyStore, password);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: symphonyoss/symphony-java-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystore.  This ignores the need for a truststore.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).build();

代码示例来源:origin: org.symphonyoss.symphony/symphony-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystore.  This ignores the need for a truststore.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).build();

代码示例来源:origin: symphonyoss/symphony-java-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystore.  This ignores the need for a truststore.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param clientConfig       Client configuration to use when initializing client
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).withConfig(clientConfig).build();

代码示例来源:origin: org.symphonyoss.symphony/symphony-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystore.  This ignores the need for a truststore.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param clientConfig       Client configuration to use when initializing client
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).withConfig(clientConfig).build();

代码示例来源:origin: org.symphonyoss.symphony/symphony-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystores.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param trustStore         Truststore file
 * @param trustStorePass     Truststore password
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, String trustStore, String trustStorePass) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  KeyStore tks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  loadKeyStore(tks, trustStore, trustStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).trustStore(tks).build();

代码示例来源:origin: org.symphonyoss.symphony/symphony-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystores.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param trustStore         Truststore
 * @param trustStorePass     Truststore password
 * @param clientConfig       - HttpClient configuration to use when constructing the client
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(KeyStore clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, KeyStore trustStore, String trustStorePass, ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception {
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).trustStore(trustStore).withConfig(clientConfig).build();

代码示例来源:origin: symphonyoss/symphony-java-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystores.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param trustStore         Truststore
 * @param trustStorePass     Truststore password
 * @param clientConfig       - HttpClient configuration to use when constructing the client
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(KeyStore clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, KeyStore trustStore, String trustStorePass, ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception {
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).trustStore(trustStore).withConfig(clientConfig).build();

代码示例来源:origin: symphonyoss/symphony-java-client

 * Create custom client with specific keystores.
 * @param clientKeyStore     Client (BOT) keystore file
 * @param clientKeyStorePass Client (BOT) keystore password
 * @param trustStore         Truststore file
 * @param trustStorePass     Truststore password
 * @return Custom HttpClient
 * @throws Exception Generally IOExceptions thrown from instantiation.
public static Client getClient(String clientKeyStore, String clientKeyStorePass, String trustStore, String trustStorePass) throws Exception {
  KeyStore cks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
  KeyStore tks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
  loadKeyStore(cks, clientKeyStore, clientKeyStorePass);
  loadKeyStore(tks, trustStore, trustStorePass);
  return ClientBuilder.newBuilder().keyStore(cks, clientKeyStorePass.toCharArray()).trustStore(tks).build();

代码示例来源:origin: hopshadoop/hopsworks

public static <T> ClientWrapper<T> httpsInstance(KeyStore keystore, KeyStore truststore,
 String password, HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier, Class<T> resultClass) {
 Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().trustStore(truststore).keyStore(keystore, password.toCharArray()).
 return new ClientWrapper(client, resultClass);

代码示例来源:origin: org.symphonyoss.symphony.apps/symphony-app-authentication-api

 * Initializes HTTP Client given the application ID.
 * @param appId Application identifier
 * @return HTTP client
private Client initHttpClient(String appId) {
 KeystoreProvider keystoreProvider = keystoreProviderFactory.getComponent();
 KeystoreSettings appKeystore = keystoreProvider.getApplicationKeystore(appId);
 final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);, DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT);
 return clientBuilder.withConfig(clientConfig)
   .keyStore(appKeystore.getData(), appKeystore.getPassword())

代码示例来源:origin: apache/cxf

public void testGetBook() throws Exception {
  ClientBuilder builder = ClientBuilder.newBuilder();
  try (InputStream keystore = ClassLoaderUtils.getResourceAsStream("keys/Truststore.jks", this.getClass())) {
    KeyStore trustStore = loadStore(keystore, "password");
  builder.hostnameVerifier(new AllowAllHostnameVerifier());
  try (InputStream keystore = ClassLoaderUtils.getResourceAsStream("keys/Morpit.jks", this.getClass())) {
    KeyStore keyStore = loadStore(keystore, "password");
    builder.keyStore(keyStore, "password");
  Client client =;
  client.register(new LoggingFeature());
  WebTarget target ="https://localhost:" + PORT + "/bookstore/securebooks/123");
  Book b = target.request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).get(Book.class);
  assertEquals(123, b.getId());
