
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the bundle location. Returns the bundle location or region to which this configuration is bound, or null if it is not yet bound to a bundle location or region. If the location starts with ? then the configuration is delivered to all targets and not restricted to a single bundle.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

 * @see
public String getBundleLocation() {
  return configuration.getBundleLocation();

代码示例来源:origin: neva-dev/felix-search-webconsole-plugin

  public boolean apply(Bundle bundle) {
    return StringUtils.equals(configuration.getBundleLocation(), bundle.getLocation());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

private boolean checkBundleLocation(Configuration config, Bundle bundle)
  if ( config == null )
    return false;
  String configBundleLocation = config.getBundleLocation();
  return checkBundleLocation( configBundleLocation, bundle );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.scr

private boolean checkBundleLocation(Configuration config, Bundle bundle)
  if ( config == null )
    return false;
  String configBundleLocation = config.getBundleLocation();
  return checkBundleLocation( configBundleLocation, bundle );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

private final Bundle getBoundBundle(Configuration config)
  if (null == config)
    return null;
  final String location = config.getBundleLocation();
  if (null == location)
    return null;
  final Bundle bundles[] = getBundleContext().getBundles();
  for (int i = 0; bundles != null && i < bundles.length; i++)
    if (bundles[i].getLocation().equals(location))
      return bundles[i];
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: de.dentrassi.osgi/net.luminis.cmc

public static void print(final Configuration configuration) {
  System.out.println("Configuration for service (pid) \"" + configuration.getPid() + "\"");
  System.out.println("(bundle location = " + configuration.getBundleLocation() + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.webconsole

private final Bundle getBoundBundle(Configuration config)
  if (null == config)
    return null;
  final String location = config.getBundleLocation();
  if (null == location)
    return null;
  final Bundle bundles[] = getBundleContext().getBundles();
  for (int i = 0; bundles != null && i < bundles.length; i++)
    if (bundles[i].getLocation().equals(location))
      return bundles[i];
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.ipojo

private Configuration getConfiguration(final ConfigurationAdmin admin, final String pid,
                    final Bundle bundle) {
  if (admin == null) {
    return null;
  try {
    // Even if it is possible, we don't build the filter with bundle.location to detect the case where the
    // configuration exists but can't be managed by iPOJO.
    final Configuration cfg = admin.getConfiguration(pid);
    final String bundleLocation = bundle.getLocation();
    if (cfg.getBundleLocation() == null || bundleLocation.equals(cfg.getBundleLocation())
        || m_context.getBundle().getLocation().equals(cfg.getBundleLocation())) {
      return cfg;
    // Multi-location
    if (cfg.getBundleLocation().startsWith("?")) {
      if (bundle.hasPermission(new ConfigurationPermission(cfg.getBundleLocation(), "target"))) {
        return cfg;
    // configuration belongs to another bundle, cannot be used here
    m_logger.log(Log.ERROR, "Cannot use configuration pid=" + pid + " for bundle "
        + bundleLocation + " because it belongs to bundle " + cfg.getBundleLocation());
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    m_logger.log(Log.WARNING, "Failed reading configuration for pid=" + pid, ioe);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

private Configuration getConfiguration(final ConfigurationAdmin admin, final String pid,
                    final Bundle bundle) {
  if (admin == null) {
    return null;
  try {
    // Even if it is possible, we don't build the filter with bundle.location to detect the case where the
    // configuration exists but can't be managed by iPOJO.
    final Configuration cfg = admin.getConfiguration(pid);
    final String bundleLocation = bundle.getLocation();
    if (cfg.getBundleLocation() == null || bundleLocation.equals(cfg.getBundleLocation())
        || m_context.getBundle().getLocation().equals(cfg.getBundleLocation())) {
      return cfg;
    // Multi-location
    if (cfg.getBundleLocation().startsWith("?")) {
      if (bundle.hasPermission(new ConfigurationPermission(cfg.getBundleLocation(), "target"))) {
        return cfg;
    // configuration belongs to another bundle, cannot be used here
    m_logger.log(Log.ERROR, "Cannot use configuration pid=" + pid + " for bundle "
        + bundleLocation + " because it belongs to bundle " + cfg.getBundleLocation());
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    m_logger.log(Log.WARNING, "Failed reading configuration for pid=" + pid, ioe);
  return null;


protected void doExecute(ConfigurationAdmin admin) throws Exception {
    Configuration[] configs = admin.listConfigurations(query);
    for (Configuration config : configs) {
      System.out.println("Pid:            " + config.getPid());
      if (config.getFactoryPid() != null) {
        System.out.println("FactoryPid:     " + config.getFactoryPid());
      System.out.println("BundleLocation: " + config.getBundleLocation());
      if (config.getProperties() != null) {
        Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
        for (Enumeration e = props.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
          Object key = e.nextElement();
          System.out.println("   " + key + " = " + props.get(key));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell/org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.config

protected void doExecute(ConfigurationAdmin admin) throws Exception {
    Configuration[] configs = admin.listConfigurations(query);
    for (Configuration config : configs) {
      io.out.println("Pid:            " + config.getPid());
      if (config.getFactoryPid() != null) {
        io.out.println("FactoryPid:     " + config.getFactoryPid());
      io.out.println("BundleLocation: " + config.getBundleLocation());
      if (config.getProperties() != null) {
        Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
        for (Enumeration e = props.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
          Object key = e.nextElement();
          io.out.println("   " + key + " = " + props.get(key));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

private void printConfiguration(PrintWriter pw, Configuration config)
  ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "", "PID", config.getPid());
  if (config.getFactoryPid() != null)
    ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", "Factory PID", config.getFactoryPid());
  String loc = (config.getBundleLocation() != null) ? config.getBundleLocation()
    : "Unbound";
  ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", "BundleLocation", loc);
  Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
  if (props != null)
    SortedSet keys = new TreeSet();
    for (Enumeration ke = props.keys(); ke.hasMoreElements();)
    for (Iterator ki = keys.iterator(); ki.hasNext();)
      String key = (String);
      ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", key, props.get(key));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.config/org.apache.karaf.config.command

System.out.println("FactoryPid:     " + config.getFactoryPid());
System.out.println("BundleLocation: " + config.getBundleLocation());
if (config.getProperties() != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.webconsole

private void printConfiguration(PrintWriter pw, Configuration config)
  ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "", "PID", config.getPid());
  if (config.getFactoryPid() != null)
    ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", "Factory PID", config.getFactoryPid());
  String loc = (config.getBundleLocation() != null) ? config.getBundleLocation()
    : "Unbound";
  ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", "BundleLocation", loc);
  Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
  if (props != null)
    SortedSet keys = new TreeSet();
    for (Enumeration ke = props.keys(); ke.hasMoreElements();)
    for (Iterator ki = keys.iterator(); ki.hasNext();)
      String key = (String);
      ConfigurationRender.infoLine(pw, "  ", key, props.get(key));

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.chameleon/chameleon-core

private void readAndApplyConfiguration(File file, ConfigurationAdmin admin) throws Exception {
  synchronized (this) {
    if (admin == null) {
      LOGGER.warn("Cannot apply configuration " + file.getName() + " - no configuration admin");
      configurations.put(file, UnmanagedConfiguration.INSTANCE);
    } else {
      Properties properties = read(file);
      String[] pid = parsePid(file.getName());
      Dictionary<Object, Object> ht = new Properties();
      for (String k : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
        ht.put(k, properties.getProperty(k));
      Configuration config = configurations.get(file);
      if (config == null || config == UnmanagedConfiguration.INSTANCE) {
        config = getConfiguration(pid[0], pid[1], admin);
        if (config.getBundleLocation() != null) {
      }"Updating configuration {} in the configuration admin, configuration: {}",
          config.getPid(), configurations);
      configurations.put(file, config);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.danielpacak.osgi.swingconsole/osgi.swingconsole

 * Returns configuration for the {@link #getSelectedService() selected} service.
 * @return configuration data or {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the selected service is {@code null}
public ConfigurationDTO getConfiguration() {
  String pid = selectedService.getPid();
  Configuration configuration = getConfiguration(pid);
  if (configuration != null && configuration.getProperties() != null) {
    return new ConfigurationDTO().setPid(pid).setBundleLocation(configuration.getBundleLocation())
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix.karaf.features/org.apache.felix.karaf.features.core

protected void doInstallFeature(InstallationState state, Feature feature) throws Exception {
  for (Feature dependency : feature.getDependencies()) {
    Feature f = getFeature(dependency.getName(), dependency.getVersion());
    if (f == null) {
      throw new Exception("No feature named '" + dependency.getName()
          + "' with version '" + dependency.getVersion() + "' available");
    doInstallFeature(state, f);
  for (String config : feature.getConfigurations().keySet()) {
    Dictionary<String,String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>(feature.getConfigurations().get(config));
    String[] pid = parsePid(config);
    Configuration cfg = findExistingConfiguration(configAdmin, pid[0], pid[1]);
    if (cfg == null) {
      cfg = createConfiguration(configAdmin, pid[0], pid[1]);
      String key = (pid[1] == null ? pid[0] : pid[0] + "-" + pid[1]);
      props.put(CONFIG_KEY, key);
      if (cfg.getBundleLocation() != null) {
  Set<Long> bundles = new HashSet<Long>();
  for (String bundleLocation : feature.getBundles()) {
    Bundle b = installBundleIfNeeded(state, bundleLocation);
  state.features.put(feature, bundles);

代码示例来源:origin: osgi/osgi.enroute.examples

public void configurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent event) {
  try {
    ConfigurationEventProperties cep = new ConfigurationEventProperties();
    cep.factoryPid = event.getFactoryPid(); = event.getPid();
    if (ConfigurationEvent.CM_DELETED != event.getType()) {
      Configuration configuration = cm.getConfiguration(event
      cep.location = configuration.getBundleLocation();
      Dictionary<String, Object> properties = configuration
      if (properties == null) { = new HashMap<>();
      } else = toMap(properties);
    ea.postEvent(new Event(TOPIC, dtos.asMap(cep)));
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/felix

ObjectClassDefinition getObjectClassDefinition( Configuration config, String locale )
  // if the configuration is bound, try to get the object class
  // definition from the bundle installed from the given location
  if ( config.getBundleLocation() != null )
    Bundle bundle = getBundle( this.getBundleContext(), config.getBundleLocation() );
    if ( bundle != null )
      String id = config.getFactoryPid();
      if ( null == id )
        id = config.getPid();
      return getObjectClassDefinition( bundle, id, locale );
  // get here if the configuration is not bound or if no
  // bundle with the bound location is installed. We search
  // all bundles for a matching [factory] PID
  // if the configuration is a factory one, use the factory PID
  if ( config.getFactoryPid() != null )
    return this.getObjectClassDefinition( config.getFactoryPid(), locale );
  // otherwise use the configuration PID
  return this.getObjectClassDefinition( config.getPid(), locale );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.webconsole

ObjectClassDefinition getObjectClassDefinition( Configuration config, String locale )
  // if the configuration is bound, try to get the object class
  // definition from the bundle installed from the given location
  if ( config.getBundleLocation() != null )
    Bundle bundle = getBundle( this.getBundleContext(), config.getBundleLocation() );
    if ( bundle != null )
      String id = config.getFactoryPid();
      if ( null == id )
        id = config.getPid();
      return getObjectClassDefinition( bundle, id, locale );
  // get here if the configuration is not bound or if no
  // bundle with the bound location is installed. We search
  // all bundles for a matching [factory] PID
  // if the configuration is a factory one, use the factory PID
  if ( config.getFactoryPid() != null )
    return this.getObjectClassDefinition( config.getFactoryPid(), locale );
  // otherwise use the configuration PID
  return this.getObjectClassDefinition( config.getPid(), locale );
