
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private static void applyDigits(Property property, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
  if ( Digits.class.equals( descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType() ) ) {
    ConstraintDescriptor<Digits> digitsConstraint = (ConstraintDescriptor<Digits>) descriptor;
    int integerDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().integer();
    int fractionalDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().fraction();
    final Iterator<Selectable> itor = property.getColumnIterator();
    if ( itor.hasNext() ) {
      final Selectable selectable =;
      if ( Column.class.isInstance( selectable ) ) {
        Column col = (Column) selectable;
        col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
        col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private void applyComponentColumnSizeValueToJoinColumn(Column column, Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn) {
  Column mappingColumn = joinColumn.getMappingColumn();
  mappingColumn.setLength( column.getLength() );
  mappingColumn.setPrecision( column.getPrecision() );
  mappingColumn.setScale( column.getScale() );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

if ( precision > 0 ) {  //revelent precision
  this.mappingColumn.setPrecision( precision );
  this.mappingColumn.setScale( scale );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

 * Called to apply column definitions from the referenced FK column to this column.
 * @param column the referenced column.
public void overrideFromReferencedColumnIfNecessary(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) {
  if (getMappingColumn() != null) {
    // columnDefinition can also be specified using @JoinColumn, hence we have to check
    // whether it is set or not
    if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( sqlType ) ) {
      sqlType = column.getSqlType();
      getMappingColumn().setSqlType( sqlType );
    // these properties can only be applied on the referenced column - we can just take them over

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

 * Shallow copy, the value is not copied
public Column clone() {
  Column copy = new Column();
  copy.setLength( length );
  copy.setScale( scale );
  copy.setValue( value );
  copy.setTypeIndex( typeIndex );
  copy.setName( getQuotedName() );
  copy.setNullable( nullable );
  copy.setPrecision( precision );
  copy.setUnique( unique );
  copy.setSqlType( sqlType );
  copy.setSqlTypeCode( sqlTypeCode );
  copy.uniqueInteger = uniqueInteger; //usually useless
  copy.setCheckConstraint( checkConstraint );
  copy.setComment( comment );
  copy.setDefaultValue( defaultValue );
  copy.setCustomRead( customRead );
  copy.setCustomWrite( customWrite );
  return copy;

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

Column copy = new Column();
copy.setLength( column.getLength() );
copy.setScale( column.getScale() );
copy.setValue( key );
copy.setName( column.getQuotedName() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

private static void applyDigits(Property property, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
  if ( Digits.class.equals( descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType() ) ) {
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    ConstraintDescriptor<Digits> digitsConstraint = (ConstraintDescriptor<Digits>) descriptor;
    int integerDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().integer();
    int fractionalDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().fraction();
    Column col = (Column) property.getColumnIterator().next();
    col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
    col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

column.setScale( columnSource.getSizeSource().getScale() );
column.setScale( Column.DEFAULT_SCALE );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

Column copy = new Column();
copy.setLength( column.getLength() );
copy.setScale( column.getScale() );
copy.setValue( manyToOne );
copy.setName( column.getQuotedName() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

protected void initMappingColumn(
    String columnName,
    String propertyName,
    int length,
    int precision,
    int scale,
    boolean nullable,
    String sqlType,
    boolean unique,
    boolean applyNamingStrategy) {
  if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( formulaString ) ) {
    this.formula = new Formula();
    this.formula.setFormula( formulaString );
  else {
    this.mappingColumn = new Column();
    redefineColumnName( columnName, propertyName, applyNamingStrategy );
    this.mappingColumn.setLength( length );
    if ( precision > 0 ) {  //revelent precision
      this.mappingColumn.setPrecision( precision );
      this.mappingColumn.setScale( scale );
    this.mappingColumn.setNullable( nullable );
    this.mappingColumn.setSqlType( sqlType );
    this.mappingColumn.setUnique( unique );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

 * Called to apply column definitions from the referenced FK column to this column.
 * @param column the referenced column.
public void overrideFromReferencedColumnIfNecessary(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) {
  if (getMappingColumn() != null) {
    // columnDefinition can also be specified using @JoinColumn, hence we have to check
    // whether it is set or not
    if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( sqlType ) ) {
      sqlType = column.getSqlType();
      getMappingColumn().setSqlType( sqlType );
    // these properties can only be applied on the referenced column - we can just take them over

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-validator-legacy

public void apply(Property property) {
    Column col = (Column) property.getColumnIterator().next();
    col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
    col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

Column copy = new Column();
copy.setLength( column.getLength() );
copy.setScale( column.getScale() );
copy.setValue( key );
copy.setName( column.getQuotedName() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/

private static void applyDigits(Property property, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
  if ( Digits.class.equals( descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType() ) ) {
    ConstraintDescriptor<Digits> digitsConstraint = (ConstraintDescriptor<Digits>) descriptor;
    int integerDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().integer();
    int fractionalDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().fraction();
    Column col = (Column) property.getColumnIterator().next();
    col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
    col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/

private static void applyDigits(Property property, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
  if ( Digits.class.equals( descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType() ) ) {
    ConstraintDescriptor<Digits> digitsConstraint = (ConstraintDescriptor<Digits>) descriptor;
    int integerDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().integer();
    int fractionalDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().fraction();
    Column col = (Column) property.getColumnIterator().next();
    col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
    col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core

private static void applyDigits(PersistentAttributeMapping property, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
  if ( Digits.class.equals( descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType() ) ) {
    final ConstraintDescriptor<Digits> digitsConstraint = (ConstraintDescriptor<Digits>) descriptor;
    final int integerDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().integer();
    final int fractionalDigits = digitsConstraint.getAnnotation().fraction();
    final Column col = getColumn( property );
    col.setPrecision( integerDigits + fractionalDigits );
    col.setScale( fractionalDigits );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

Column copy = new Column();
copy.setLength( column.getLength() );
copy.setScale( column.getScale() );
copy.setValue( manyToOne );
copy.setName( column.getQuotedName() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core

private void applyComponentColumnValuesToJoinColumn(Column column, Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn) {
  Column mappingColumn = joinColumn.getMappingColumn();
  mappingColumn.setLength( column.getLength() );
  mappingColumn.setPrecision( column.getPrecision() );
  mappingColumn.setScale( column.getScale() );
  mappingColumn.setNullable( column.isNullable() );

代码示例来源:origin: jboss.jboss-embeddable-ejb3/hibernate-all

protected void initMappingColumn(
    String columnName, String propertyName, int length, int precision, int scale, boolean nullable,
    String sqlType, boolean unique, boolean applyNamingStrategy
) {
  this.mappingColumn = new Column();
  redefineColumnName( columnName, propertyName, applyNamingStrategy );
  this.mappingColumn.setLength( length );
  if ( precision > 0 ) {  //revelent precision
    this.mappingColumn.setPrecision( precision );
    this.mappingColumn.setScale( scale );
  this.mappingColumn.setNullable( nullable );
  this.mappingColumn.setSqlType( sqlType );
  this.mappingColumn.setUnique( unique );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core

 * Called to apply column definitions from the referenced FK column to this column.
 * @param column the referenced column.
public void overrideFromReferencedColumnIfNecessary(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) {
  if (getMappingColumn() != null) {
    // columnDefinition can also be specified using @JoinColumn, hence we have to check
    // whether it is set or not
    if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( sqlType ) ) {
      sqlType = column.getSqlType();
      getMappingColumn().setSqlType( sqlType );
    // these properties can only be applied on the referenced column - we can just take them over
