
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Normalizes a path, removing double and single dot path steps.

This method normalizes a path to a standard format. The input may contain separators in either Unix or Windows format. The output will contain separators in the format of the system.

A trailing slash will be retained. A double slash will be merged to a single slash (but UNC names are handled). A single dot path segment will be removed. A double dot will cause that path segment and the one before to be removed. If the double dot has no parent path segment to work with, null is returned.

The output will be the same on both Unix and Windows except for the separator character.

/foo//               -->   /foo/ 
/foo/./              -->   /foo/ 
/foo/../bar          -->   /bar 
/foo/../bar/         -->   /bar/ 
/foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz 
//foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar 
/../                 -->   null 
../foo               -->   null 
foo/bar/..           -->   foo/ 
foo/../../bar        -->   null 
foo/../bar           -->   bar 
//server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar 
//server/../bar      -->   null 
C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar 
C:\..\bar            -->   null 
~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar/ 
~/../bar             -->   null

(Note the file separator returned will be correct for Windows/Unix)

/foo//               -->   /foo/ 
/foo/./              -->   /foo/ 
/foo/../bar          -->   /bar 
/foo/../bar/         -->   /bar/ 
/foo/../bar/../baz   -->   /baz 
//foo//./bar         -->   /foo/bar 
/../                 -->   null 
../foo               -->   null 
foo/bar/..           -->   foo/ 
foo/../../bar        -->   null 
foo/../bar           -->   bar 
//server/foo/../bar  -->   //server/bar 
//server/../bar      -->   null 
C:\foo\..\bar        -->   C:\bar 
C:\..\bar            -->   null 
~/foo/../bar/        -->   ~/bar/ 
~/../bar             -->   null



代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public static boolean isNormalizedDirectoryPathInsideNormalizedParentDirectory(String parent, String subdirectory) {
  final String normalizedParentPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(parent + File.separator);
  final String normalizedSubDirPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(subdirectory + File.separator);
  return StringUtils.isNotBlank(normalizedParentPath) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(normalizedSubDirPath) && normalizedSubDirPath.startsWith(normalizedParentPath);
public static boolean isNormalizedPathOutsideWorkingDir(String path) {

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonarqube

 * Normalize path and replace file separators by forward slash
public static String sanitize(@Nullable String path) {
 return FilenameUtils.normalize(path, true);

代码示例来源:origin: pmd/pmd

private Path getAbsoluteOutputPath(String filename) {
  return root.resolve(FilenameUtils.normalize(filename));

代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

 * Checks whether two filenames are equal, optionally normalizing and providing
 * control over the case-sensitivity.
 * @param filename1  the first filename to query, may be null
 * @param filename2  the second filename to query, may be null
 * @param normalized  whether to normalize the filenames
 * @param caseSensitivity  what case sensitivity rule to use, null means case-sensitive
 * @return true if the filenames are equal, null equals null
 * @since 1.3
public static boolean equals(
    String filename1, String filename2,
    final boolean normalized, IOCase caseSensitivity) {
  if (filename1 == null || filename2 == null) {
    return filename1 == null && filename2 == null;
  if (normalized) {
    filename1 = normalize(filename1);
    filename2 = normalize(filename2);
    if (filename1 == null || filename2 == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException(
        "Error normalizing one or both of the file names");
  if (caseSensitivity == null) {
    caseSensitivity = IOCase.SENSITIVE;
  return caseSensitivity.checkEquals(filename1, filename2);

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public static boolean isNormalizedPathOutsideWorkingDir(String path) {
    final String normalize = FilenameUtils.normalize(path);
    final String prefix = FilenameUtils.getPrefix(normalize);
    return (normalize != null && StringUtils.isBlank(prefix));

代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

return normalize(fullFilenameToAdd);
  return normalize(fullFilenameToAdd);
  return normalize(basePath + fullFilenameToAdd);
} else {
  return normalize(basePath + '/' + fullFilenameToAdd);

代码示例来源:origin: pmd/pmd

private String getRuleClassSourceFilepath(String ruleClass) throws IOException {
    final String relativeSourceFilename = ruleClass.replaceAll("\\.", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator))
        + ".java";
    final List<Path> foundPathResult = new LinkedList<>();

    Files.walkFileTree(root, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
      public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
        String path = file.toString();
        if (path.contains("src") && path.endsWith(relativeSourceFilename)) {
          return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
        return super.visitFile(file, attrs);

    if (!foundPathResult.isEmpty()) {
      Path foundPath = foundPathResult.get(0);
      foundPath = root.relativize(foundPath);
      return FilenameUtils.normalize(foundPath.toString(), true);

    return FilenameUtils.normalize(relativeSourceFilename, true);

代码示例来源:origin: pmd/pmd

public static List<String> findAdditionalRulesets(Path basePath) {
    try {
      List<String> additionalRulesets = new ArrayList<>();
      Pattern rulesetPattern = Pattern.compile("^.+" + Pattern.quote(File.separator) + "pmd-\\w+"
          + Pattern.quote(FilenameUtils.normalize("/src/main/resources/rulesets/"))
          + "\\w+" + Pattern.quote(File.separator) + "\\w+.xml$");
      Files.walkFileTree(basePath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
          if (rulesetPattern.matcher(file.toString()).matches()) {

          return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
      return additionalRulesets;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: pmd/pmd

public static String getRuleSetClasspath(RuleSet ruleset) {
  final String RESOURCES_PATH = "/resources/";
  String filename = FilenameUtils.normalize(StringUtils.chomp(ruleset.getFileName()), true);
  int startIndex = filename.lastIndexOf(RESOURCES_PATH);
  if (startIndex > -1) {
    return filename.substring(startIndex + RESOURCES_PATH.length());
  } else {
    return filename;

代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

String normPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(path, false);
if (normPath == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(path);

代码示例来源:origin: BroadleafCommerce/BroadleafCommerce

public boolean removeResource(String name) {
  String resourceName = buildResourceName(name);
  String filePathToRemove = FilenameUtils.normalize(getBaseDirectory(false) + File.separator + resourceName);
  File fileToRemove = new File(filePathToRemove);
  return fileToRemove.delete();

代码示例来源:origin: BroadleafCommerce/BroadleafCommerce

protected ClassPathResource lookupResourceOnClassPath(String name) {
  if (fileServiceClasspathDirectory != null && !"".equals(fileServiceClasspathDirectory)) {
    try {
      String resourceName = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.normalize(fileServiceClasspathDirectory + '/' + name));
      ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(resourceName);
      if (resource.exists()) {
        return resource;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Error getting resource from classpath", e);
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: docker-java/docker-java

   * Returns the matching ignore pattern for the given file or null if it should NOT be ignored. Exception rules like "!Dockerfile"
   * will be respected.
  private String effectiveMatchingIgnorePattern(File file) {
    // normalize path to replace '/' to '\' on Windows
    String relativeFilename = FilenameUtils.normalize(FilePathUtil.relativize(baseDirectory, file));
    List<String> matchingPattern = matchingIgnorePatterns(relativeFilename);
    if (matchingPattern.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    String lastMatchingPattern = matchingPattern.get(matchingPattern.size() - 1);
    return !lastMatchingPattern.startsWith("!") ? lastMatchingPattern : null;

代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

public void testNormalizeUnixWin() throws Exception {
  // Normalize (Unix Separator)
  assertEquals("/a/c/", FilenameUtils.normalize("/a/b/../c/", true));
  assertEquals("/a/c/", FilenameUtils.normalize("\\a\\b\\..\\c\\", true));
  // Normalize (Windows Separator)
  assertEquals("\\a\\c\\", FilenameUtils.normalize("/a/b/../c/", false));
  assertEquals("\\a\\c\\", FilenameUtils.normalize("\\a\\b\\..\\c\\", false));

代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

public void testNormalize_with_nullbytes() throws Exception {
  try {
    assertEquals("a" + SEP + "b" + SEP + "c.txt", FilenameUtils.normalize("a\\b/c\u0000.txt"));
  } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
  try {
    assertEquals("a" + SEP + "b" + SEP + "c.txt", FilenameUtils.normalize("\u0000a\\b/c.txt"));
  } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignore) {

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonarqube

private boolean evaluateExclusionsFilters(ModuleExclusionFilters moduleExclusionFilters, Path realAbsoluteFile, Path projectRelativePath, Path moduleRelativePath,
 InputFile.Type type) {
 if (!Arrays.equals(moduleExclusionFilters.getExclusionsConfig(type), projectExclusionFilters.getExclusionsConfig(type))) {
  // Module specific configuration
  return moduleExclusionFilters.isExcluded(realAbsoluteFile, moduleRelativePath, type);
 boolean includedByProjectConfiguration = projectExclusionFilters.isExcluded(realAbsoluteFile, projectRelativePath, type);
 if (includedByProjectConfiguration) {
  return true;
 } else if (moduleExclusionFilters.isExcluded(realAbsoluteFile, moduleRelativePath, type)) {
   FilenameUtils.normalize(projectRelativePath.toString(), true), () -> warnExclusionsAlreadyLogged, () -> warnExclusionsAlreadyLogged = true);
  return true;
 return false;

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonarqube

private boolean evaluateInclusionsFilters(ModuleExclusionFilters moduleExclusionFilters, Path realAbsoluteFile, Path projectRelativePath, Path moduleRelativePath,
 InputFile.Type type) {
 if (!Arrays.equals(moduleExclusionFilters.getInclusionsConfig(type), projectExclusionFilters.getInclusionsConfig(type))) {
  // Module specific configuration
  return moduleExclusionFilters.isIncluded(realAbsoluteFile, moduleRelativePath, type);
 boolean includedByProjectConfiguration = projectExclusionFilters.isIncluded(realAbsoluteFile, projectRelativePath, type);
 if (includedByProjectConfiguration) {
  return true;
 } else if (moduleExclusionFilters.isIncluded(realAbsoluteFile, moduleRelativePath, type)) {
   FilenameUtils.normalize(projectRelativePath.toString(), true), () -> warnInclusionsAlreadyLogged, () -> warnInclusionsAlreadyLogged = true);
  return true;
 return false;

代码示例来源:origin: BroadleafCommerce/BroadleafCommerce

public File getResource(String url, FileApplicationType applicationType) {
  String fileName = buildResourceName(url);
  String baseDirectory = getBaseDirectory(true);
  ExtensionResultHolder<String> holder = new ExtensionResultHolder<String>();
  if (extensionManager != null){
    ExtensionResultStatusType result = extensionManager.getProxy().processPathForSite(baseDirectory, fileName, holder);
    if (!ExtensionResultStatusType.NOT_HANDLED.equals(result)) {
      return new File(holder.getResult());
  String filePath = FilenameUtils.normalize(getBaseDirectory(false) + File.separator + fileName);
  return new File(filePath);

代码示例来源:origin: BroadleafCommerce/BroadleafCommerce

protected File getLocalResource(String resourceName, boolean skipSite) {
  if (skipSite) {
    String baseDirectory = getBaseDirectory(skipSite);
    // convert the separators to the system this is currently run on
    String systemResourcePath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToSystem(resourceName);
    String filePath = FilenameUtils.normalize(baseDirectory + File.separator + systemResourcePath);
    return new File(filePath);
  } else {
    String baseDirectory = getBaseDirectory(true);
    ExtensionResultHolder<String> holder = new ExtensionResultHolder<String>();
    if (extensionManager != null) {
      ExtensionResultStatusType result = extensionManager.getProxy().processPathForSite(baseDirectory, resourceName, holder);
      if (!ExtensionResultStatusType.NOT_HANDLED.equals(result)) {
        return new File(holder.getResult());
    return getLocalResource(resourceName, true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/zookeeper

private static void setupJaasConfigEntries(String hostServerPrincipal,
    String hostLearnerPrincipal, String hostNamedLearnerPrincipal) {
  String keytabFilePath = FilenameUtils.normalize(KerberosTestUtils.getKeytabFile(), true);
  String jaasEntries = new String(""
      + "QuorumServer {\n"
      + " required\n"
      + "       useKeyTab=true\n"
      + "       keyTab=\"" + keytabFilePath + "\"\n"
      + "       storeKey=true\n"
      + "       useTicketCache=false\n"
      + "       debug=false\n"
      + "       principal=\"" + KerberosTestUtils.replaceHostPattern(hostServerPrincipal) + "\";\n" + "};\n"
      + "QuorumLearner {\n"
      + " required\n"
      + "       useKeyTab=true\n"
      + "       keyTab=\"" + keytabFilePath + "\"\n"
      + "       storeKey=true\n"
      + "       useTicketCache=false\n"
      + "       debug=false\n"
      + "       principal=\"" + KerberosTestUtils.replaceHostPattern(hostLearnerPrincipal) + "\";\n" + "};\n"
      + "QuorumLearnerMyHost {\n"
      + " required\n"
      + "       useKeyTab=true\n"
      + "       keyTab=\"" + keytabFilePath + "\"\n"
      + "       storeKey=true\n"
      + "       useTicketCache=false\n"
      + "       debug=false\n"
      + "       principal=\"" + hostNamedLearnerPrincipal + "\";\n" + "};\n");



