
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns true if the Item#WIPEOUT permission is enabled. By default the "Wipe Out Workspace" action is available on job when user has Item#BUILD permission (if user can trigger builds). If this behavior is not acceptable for project you can enable the system property. It will add "WipeOut" permission checkbox into permission control panel to manage "Wipe Out Workspace" action.


代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  R b = getSomeBuildWithWorkspace();
  FilePath ws = b!=null ? b.getWorkspace() : null;
  if (ws!=null && getScm().processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion(this, ws, b.getBuiltOn())) {
    for (WorkspaceListener wl : WorkspaceListener.all()) {
    return new HttpRedirect(".");
  } else {
    // If we get here, that means the SCM blocked the workspace deletion.
    return new ForwardToView(this,"wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  try {
    if (cleanWorkspace()) {
      return new HttpRedirect(".");
    } else {
      return new ForwardToView(this, "wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    ForwardToView resp = new ForwardToView(this, "error.jelly") {
      public void generateResponse(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, Object node) throws IOException, ServletException {
        req.setAttribute("message", Messages._AbstractProject_UnableWipeOut());
        req.setAttribute("pre", false);
        req.setAttribute("exception", e);
        super.generateResponse(req, rsp, node);
    return resp;

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  try {
    if (cleanWorkspace()) {
      return new HttpRedirect(".");
    } else {
      return new ForwardToView(this, "wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    ForwardToView resp = new ForwardToView(this, "error.jelly") {
      public void generateResponse(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, Object node) throws IOException, ServletException {
        req.setAttribute("message", Messages._AbstractProject_UnableWipeOut());
        req.setAttribute("pre", false);
        req.setAttribute("exception", e);
        super.generateResponse(req, rsp, node);
    return resp;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  try {
    if (cleanWorkspace()) {
      return new HttpRedirect(".");
    } else {
      return new ForwardToView(this,"wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");
  } catch (IOException e) {
    ForwardToView resp = new ForwardToView(this, "error.jelly");
    resp.with("message", Messages._AbstractProject_UnableWipeOut());
    resp.with("pre", false);
    resp.with("exception", e);
    return resp;

代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  try {
    if (cleanWorkspace()) {
      return new HttpRedirect(".");
    } else {
      return new ForwardToView(this,"wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");
  } catch (IOException e) {
    ForwardToView resp = new ForwardToView(this, "error.jelly");
    resp.with("message", Messages._AbstractProject_UnableWipeOut());
    resp.with("pre", false);
    resp.with("exception", e);
    return resp;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core

 * Wipes out the workspace.
public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException {
  checkPermission(Functions.isWipeOutPermissionEnabled() ? WIPEOUT : BUILD);
  R b = getSomeBuildWithWorkspace();
  FilePath ws = b!=null ? b.getWorkspace() : null;
  if (ws!=null && getScm().processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion(this, ws, b.getBuiltOn())) {
    for (WorkspaceListener wl : WorkspaceListener.all()) {
    return new HttpRedirect(".");
  } else {
    // If we get here, that means the SCM blocked the workspace deletion.
    return new ForwardToView(this,"wipeOutWorkspaceBlocked.jelly");



