
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Method getName returns the name of this Flow object.


代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public FlowStats( Flow flow, ClientState clientState )
 super( flow.getName(), clientState );
 this.flow = flow;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String getName()
 return flow.getName();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String getEdgeName( BaseFlow.FlowHolder object )
 return object.flow.getName().replaceAll( "\"", "\'" ).replaceAll( "\n", "\\\\n" ); // fix for newlines in graphviz

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public static String getNameOrID( Flow flow )
 if( flow == null )
  return null;
 if( flow.getName() != null )
  return flow.getName();
 return flow.getID().substring( 0, 6 );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private String makeName( Flow[] flows )
 String[] names = new String[ flows.length ];
 for( int i = 0; i < flows.length; i++ )
  names[ i ] = flows[ i ].getName();
 return Util.join( names, "+" );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public List<Flow> findFlows( String regex )
 List<Flow> flows = new ArrayList<Flow>();
 for( Flow flow : getFlows() )
  if( flow.getName().matches( regex ) )
   flows.add( flow );
 return flows;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void setFlow( Flow<Config> flow )
 this.flow = flow;
 this.flowID = flow.getID();
 this.flowName = flow.getName();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void stop()
 if( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )
  logInfo( "stopping flow: " + flow.getName() );
 stop = true;
 if( flow != null )

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method addFlow adds a new {@link cascading.flow.Flow} instance that is intended to participate in a {@link Cascade}.
 * @param flow of Flow
 * @return CascadeDef
public CascadeDef addFlow( Flow flow )
 if( flow == null )
  return this;
 if( flows.containsKey( flow.getName() ) )
  throw new CascadeException( "all flow names must be unique, found duplicate: " + flow.getName() );
 Collection<Tap> sinks = flow.getSinksCollection();
 for( Tap sink : sinks )
  String fullIdentifier = sink.getFullIdentifier( flow.getConfig() );
  for( Flow existingFlow : flows.values() )
   Collection<Tap> existingSinks = existingFlow.getSinksCollection();
   for( Tap existingSink : existingSinks )
    if( fullIdentifier.equals( existingSink.getFullIdentifier( existingFlow.getConfig() ) ) )
     throw new CascadeException( "the flow: " + flow.getName() + ", has a sink identifier: " + fullIdentifier + ", in common with the flow: " + existingFlow.getName() );
 flows.put( flow.getName(), flow );
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: LiveRamp/cascading_ext

formatter.format("\n").format(StringUtils.repeat("=", 90)).format("\n");
formatter.format("Counters for ").format(flow.getName() == null ? "unnamed flow" : "flow " + flow.getName()).format("\n")
  .format("  with input ").format(prettyTaps(flow.getSources())).format("\n")
  .format("  and output ").format(prettyTaps(flow.getSinks())).format("\n");

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void initializeNewJobsMap()
 synchronized( jobsMap )
  // keep topo order
  TopologicalOrderIterator<Flow, Integer> topoIterator = flowGraph.getTopologicalIterator();
  while( topoIterator.hasNext() )
   Flow flow =;
   cascadeStats.addFlowStats( flow.getFlowStats() );
   CascadeJob job = new CascadeJob( flow );
   jobsMap.put( flow.getName(), job );
   List<CascadeJob> predecessors = new ArrayList<CascadeJob>();
   for( Flow predecessor : Graphs.predecessorListOf( flowGraph, flow ) )
    predecessors.add( (CascadeJob) jobsMap.get( predecessor.getName() ) );
   job.init( predecessors );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void onStarting( Flow flow )
 Map<String, Tap> sources = flow.getSources();
 for( Map.Entry<String, Tap> entry : sources.entrySet() )
  String key = entry.getKey();
  Tap value = entry.getValue();
  Set<Hfs> taps = Util.createIdentitySet();
  accumulate( taps, value );
  for( Hfs tap : taps )
   if( !testExists( flow, tap ) )
    throw new FlowException( "cannot start flow: " + flow.getName() + ", _SUCCESS file missing in tap: '" + key + "', at: " + value.getIdentifier() );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-common

public void onStarting( Flow flow )
 Map<String, Tap> sources = flow.getSources();
 for( Map.Entry<String, Tap> entry : sources.entrySet() )
  String key = entry.getKey();
  Tap value = entry.getValue();
  Set<Hfs> taps = Util.createIdentitySet();
  accumulate( taps, value );
  for( Hfs tap : taps )
   if( !testExists( flow, tap ) )
    throw new FlowException( "cannot start flow: " + flow.getName() + ", _SUCCESS file missing in tap: '" + key + "', at: " + value.getIdentifier() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void makeGraph( IdentifierGraph identifierGraph )
 Set<String> identifiers = identifierGraph.vertexSet();
 int count = 0;
 for( String source : identifiers )
  if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
   LOG.debug( "handling flow source: {}", source );
  List<String> sinks = Graphs.successorListOf( identifierGraph, source );
  for( String sink : sinks )
   if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
    LOG.debug( "handling flow path: {} -> {}", source, sink );
   Flow flow = identifierGraph.getEdge( source, sink ).flow;
   addVertex( flow );
   Set<BaseFlow.FlowHolder> previous = identifierGraph.incomingEdgesOf( source );
   for( BaseFlow.FlowHolder previousFlow : previous )
    addVertex( previousFlow.flow );
    if( getEdge( previousFlow.flow, flow ) != null )
    if( !addEdge( previousFlow.flow, flow, count++ ) )
     throw new CascadeException( "unable to add path between: " + previousFlow.flow.getName() + " and: " + flow.getName() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

logInfo( "starting flow: " + flow.getName() );
  logInfo( "skipping flow: " + flow.getName() );
 logInfo( "completed flow: " + flow.getName() );
logWarn( "flow failed: " + flow.getName(), exception );
CascadeException cascadeException = new CascadeException( "flow failed: " + flow.getName(), exception );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void addEdgeFor( Flow flow, Tap source, Tap sink )
  addEdge( getVertex( flow, source ), getVertex( flow, sink ), ( (BaseFlow) flow ).getHolder() );
 catch( IllegalArgumentException exception )
  throw new CascadeException( "no loops allowed in cascade, flow: " + flow.getName() + ", source: " + source + ", sink: " + sink );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/lingual-core

LOG.debug( "starting flow: {}", flow.getName() );
LOG.debug( "completed flow: {}", flow.getName() );
