
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.thin.base.db/org.jbundle.thin.base.db

 * Called each time a field changed.
 * This method replaces behaviors in the thick model. Just override this method and look for the
 * target field and do the listener associated with a change of value.
 * Note: The thin version (this one) keeps a flag for changes, the thick version surveys the fields.
 * @param field The field that changed.
 * @param iChangeType The type of change (See record for the list).
 * @param iDisplayOtion The display option.
 * @return The error code.
public int doRecordChange(Field field, int iChangeType, boolean bDisplayOption)
  if (field != null)
    if (iChangeType == Constants.SCREEN_MOVE)
      this.firePropertyChange(field.getFieldName(), null, field.getData());
  return Constants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourgeek.tour/com.tourgeek.tour.product.db

public void done()
  { // 'Please wait...' is done displaying
    String strCommand = "addTourDetail";
    Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    properties.put(TourHeader.TOUR_HEADER_FILE, m_recTourHeader.getCounterField().getData());
    properties.put(m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE).getFieldName(), m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE).getData());
    Object objReturn;
    try {
      objReturn = ((Record)m_recBooking).handleRemoteCommand(strCommand, properties);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      objReturn = Boolean.FALSE;
    } catch (DBException e) {
      objReturn = Boolean.FALSE;
    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(objReturn))
      BookingAnswerModel recBookingAnswer = null;  // This causes addTourDetail to resolve the answers automatically
      BookingPaxModel recBookingPax = null;
      Date dateStart = ((DateTimeField)m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE)).getDateTime();  // Use tour departure date.
      ((BookingModel)m_recBooking).addTourDetail(m_recTour, m_recTourHeader, recBookingPax, recBookingAnswer, dateStart, m_recBooking.getField(BookingModel.ASK_FOR_ANSWER));

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourapp.tour/com.tourapp.tour.product.db

public void done()
  { // 'Please wait...' is done displaying
    String strCommand = "addTourDetail";
    Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    properties.put(TourHeader.TOUR_HEADER_FILE, m_recTourHeader.getCounterField().getData());
    properties.put(m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE).getFieldName(), m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE).getData());
    Object objReturn;
    try {
      objReturn = ((Record)m_recBooking).handleRemoteCommand(strCommand, properties);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      objReturn = Boolean.FALSE;
    } catch (DBException e) {
      objReturn = Boolean.FALSE;
    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(objReturn))
      BookingAnswerModel recBookingAnswer = null;  // This causes addTourDetail to resolve the answers automatically
      BookingPaxModel recBookingPax = null;
      Date dateStart = ((DateTimeField)m_recTour.getField(TourModel.DEPARTURE_DATE)).getDateTime();  // Use tour departure date.
      ((BookingModel)m_recBooking).addTourDetail(m_recTour, m_recTourHeader, recBookingPax, recBookingAnswer, dateStart, m_recBooking.getField(BookingModel.ASK_FOR_ANSWER));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Add a popup for the table tied to this field.
 * Key must be the first and primary and only key.
 * @param record Record to display in a popup
 * @param iQueryKeySeq Order to display the record (-1 = Primary field)
 * @param iDisplayFieldSeq Description field for the popup (-1 = second field)
 * @param bIncludeBlankOption Include a blank option in the popup?
 * @return  Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
public ScreenComponent setupTablePopup(ScreenLoc itsLocation, ComponentParent targetScreen, Convert converter, int iDisplayFieldDesc, Rec record, int iQueryKeySeq, int iDisplayFieldSeq, boolean bIncludeBlankOption, boolean bIncludeFormButton)
  String keyAreaName = null;
  if (iQueryKeySeq != -1)
    if (this.getRecord().getKeyArea(iQueryKeySeq) != null)
      keyAreaName = this.getRecord().getKeyArea(iQueryKeySeq).getKeyName();
  String displayFieldName = null;
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq != -1)
    displayFieldName = record.getField(iDisplayFieldSeq).getFieldName();
  return this.setupTablePopup(itsLocation, targetScreen, converter, iDisplayFieldDesc, record, keyAreaName, displayFieldName, bIncludeBlankOption, bIncludeFormButton);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.view.html

if (sField.getConverter().getField() != null)
  if (DBParams.PASSWORD.equalsIgnoreCase(sField.getConverter().getField().getFieldName()))
    iInputCount = 5;    // Always post if password is in the URL

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.view.html

   * Get the current string value in HTML.
   * @param out The html out stream.
   * @exception DBException File exception.
  public void printDisplayControl(PrintWriter out)
    if (this.getScreenField().getConverter() != null)
      String strFieldName = this.getScreenField().getConverter().getField().getFieldName(false, false);
      this.printInputControl(out, null, strFieldName, null, null, null, HtmlConstants.BUTTON, 0);   // Button that does nothing?
    else if (this.getScreenField().getParentScreen() instanceof GridScreen)
    { // These are command buttons such as "Form" or "Detail"
      this.printInputControl(out, null, null, null, null, null, HtmlConstants.BUTTON, 0);   // Button that does nothing?
