
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the current state and makes sure it is transitionable.


代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/spring-webflow

 * Handle the last event that occurred against an active session of this flow.
 * @param context the flow execution control context
public boolean handleEvent(RequestControlContext context) {
  TransitionableState currentState = getCurrentTransitionableState(context);
  try {
    return currentState.handleEvent(context);
  } catch (NoMatchingTransitionException e) {
    // try the flow level transition set for a match
    Transition transition = globalTransitionSet.getTransition(context);
    if (transition != null) {
      return context.execute(transition);
      // return transition.execute(currentState, context);
    } else {
      // no matching global transition => let the original exception
      // propagate
      throw e;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-webflow

 * Handle the last event that occurred against an active session of this flow.
 * @param context the flow execution control context
public boolean handleEvent(RequestControlContext context) {
  TransitionableState currentState = getCurrentTransitionableState(context);
  try {
    return currentState.handleEvent(context);
  } catch (NoMatchingTransitionException e) {
    // try the flow level transition set for a match
    Transition transition = globalTransitionSet.getTransition(context);
    if (transition != null) {
      return context.execute(transition);
      // return transition.execute(currentState, context);
    } else {
      // no matching global transition => let the original exception
      // propagate
      throw e;

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-webflow

 * Inform this flow definition that an event was signaled in the current state of an active flow execution. The
 * signaled event is the last event available in given request context ({@link RequestContext#getLastEvent()}).
 * @param context the flow execution control context
 * @return the selected view
 * @throws FlowExecutionException when an exception occurs processing the event
public ViewSelection onEvent(RequestControlContext context) throws FlowExecutionException {
  TransitionableState currentState = getCurrentTransitionableState(context);
  try {
    return currentState.onEvent(context);
  } catch (NoMatchingTransitionException e) {
    // try the flow level transition set for a match
    Transition transition = globalTransitionSet.getTransition(context);
    if (transition != null) {
      return transition.execute(currentState, context);
    } else {
      // no matching global transition => let the original exception
      // propagate
      throw e;

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.webflow/org.springframework.webflow

 * Handle the last event that occurred against an active session of this flow.
 * @param context the flow execution control context
public boolean handleEvent(RequestControlContext context) {
  TransitionableState currentState = getCurrentTransitionableState(context);
  try {
    return currentState.handleEvent(context);
  } catch (NoMatchingTransitionException e) {
    // try the flow level transition set for a match
    Transition transition = globalTransitionSet.getTransition(context);
    if (transition != null) {
      return context.execute(transition);
      // return transition.execute(currentState, context);
    } else {
      // no matching global transition => let the original exception
      // propagate
      throw e;
